March 31, 2020


There’s been a lot of changes going on and sometimes it is difficult to keep up with them each day.  Today would have been our scheduled Make-up/Specialty Pesticide and Fertilizer Recertification class.  If you did not complete pesticide or fertilizer recertification before the events were shutdown, the deadline is now 90 days after the state of emergency Executive Order ends or December 1, 2020, whichever comes first.  OSU Extension will be rescheduling recertification events that were cancelled.  If you have not received your new applicator card, know that ODA is working diligently with a reduced staff on site to get cards out.  Your pink copy of the recertification form is your temporary certification until you get your card. Remember that category 15 is fertilizer.  All exams for new licenses have been postponed until further notice.  The current situation has also now affected the tax filing deadline as well as the tax payment deadline.  See the attached document for further information.

COVID Tax Implications For Farmers Update

OSU Extension has made the switch to providing many events online.  An example of this programming in Agriculture and Natural Resources is the Ag Madness program.  Educational events have been provided daily at 9:00 am, 12:00 pm, and 3:00 pm since March 25.  You can visit to get a listing and find the links for 64 different events online.  There is a different subject each day so take a look at the attached news release and flyer for more details.  If you missed a program that interests you, they are being recorded for later viewing.  If you missed the Backyard Poultry Production workshop we had in Kenton last year, you can join in tonight virtually with Dr. Tim McDermott.  See the attached flyer if you are interested in this workshop being offered by Morrow County Extension.

Ag Madness News Release

Ag Madness Flyer

Backyard Poultry Production Virtual Flyer

It’s no secret that agriculture is big business in Hardin County.  The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service 2017 Census of Agriculture ranked Hardin County 5th in total market value of agricultural products sold in the state of Ohio.  The results of this most recent ag census determined that Hardin County has 726 farms averaging 361 acres in size with total land in farms at 261,744 acres.  The livestock inventory in Hardin County as of December 31, 2017 included 68,974 hogs and pigs, 18,156 cattle and calves, 702 broilers and other meat-type chickens, 170 pullets, and the number of layers were undisclosed.  There were 643 sheep and lambs, 542 horses and ponies, 249 goats, and 64 turkeys in the county reported to the USDA.  There are 1165 total producers in Hardin County, with 826 being male and 339 being female.  683 producers are between the age of 35-64, 394 are 65 and older, while 88 are under the age of 35.  Want more information?  See the attached article I wrote about this topic.

Ag Census News Release

Keep up to date by visiting our Hardin County OSU Extension Facebook page and clicking on “Like”.  As you can imagine, there aren’t any county ag events scheduled because of the public health concern.  However, I am hosting a Hardin County Ag Issues Virtual Coffee Hour this Friday, April 3 at 8:00 am.  If you would like to join in this Zoom Meeting, you can click on at that time.  You can also join us on the phone by calling 1 646 876 9923 and using the meeting ID: 212 259 941 when it asks you for it.  We will be discussing local agriculture and some of the resources that OSU Extension is making available during this time.  This week’s attached farm management fact sheet from Michigan State University explains Net Worth.  In closing, I have provided some news articles from today’s CORN Newsletter below.

Net Worth Fact Sheet











H2Ohio Signup Deadline Returned to Tuesday, March 31st – Glen Arnold

Due to the COVID-19 and expected resulting budget issues, the Ohio Department of Agriculture has reinstated the original Tuesday, March 31st deadline for H2Ohio sign-up. The original deadline had been tentatively extended to June 2nd because of the COVID-19 but this extension no longer exists. Farmers and livestock producers in the 14 county Maumee River Watershed should immediately contact their local Soil and Water Conservation Districts. The SWCD districts will need your farm name, acres, and what practices you are interested in. They will likely be overwhelmed so have a good idea of what you want to sign-up for when you call. They can then work with you in the weeks that follow to get a contract signed. For a complete list of the funded practices and for a listing of SWCD offices, go to









Nitrogen Rate Recommendations for Wheat 2020 – Ed Lentz, Laura Lindsey, Steve Culman

Wheat has already reached green-up across the state so spring N may be applied anytime fields are fit. Keep in mind that research has shown N can be applied up to Feekes GS 6 (one visible node) without a reduction in yield. However, wheat is growing slowly because of the cool temperatures, particularly in northern Ohio. Nitrogen applied early has the potential to be lost since wheat will use little N prior to jointing (Feekes GS 6). Urea-ammonium nitrate (UAN) or 28% has the greatest potential for loss and ammonium sulfate the least. Urea will have little potential for loss as long as it does not volatize. No stabilizer will protect the nitrate component of UAN, which is roughly 25% of the total N in UAN at application time. Read more at









Poison Hemlock Control – Mark Loux, Curtis Young

Poison hemlock remains one of the more persistent and prevalent poisonous weeds that we deal with in Ohio.  It’s most typically a biennial plant (sometimes perennial), emerging from seed in year one and developing into a low-growing rosette by late fall.  The rosette overwinters and then resumes growth in the spring of year two.  Stem elongation initiates sooner in spring than many other biennials, and this is followed by continued growth and development into the often very tall plant with substantial overall size.  Flowering and seed production occur in summer. Read more about controlling poison hemlock at









Black Cutworm and Its Allies – Curtis Young

Cutworms are the larval stage of several moths in the insect Order Lepidoptera: Family Noctuidae (the Owlet Moths) which includes cutworms and armyworms.  Several species of cutworm occur in Ohio.  Typically they have 1-2 generations per year depending on the species and adult flights occur at different times through the growing season.  All have 4 stages in their life cycles: eggs, larvae (caterpillars = cutworms), pupae and adults.  Again, depending on the species, some overwinter as partially grown caterpillars, others as prepupae in the soil, and others do not overwinter in Ohio and must migrate into the state every year.  Recognizing these caterpillars for who they are will again be important this year because of the amount of early weed growth on many agricultural fields which is very attractive to adults for egg laying or good cover for overwintered larvae. Finish reading about black cutworm at









Broadcasting Red Clover into Wheat – Rory Lewandowski, Jason Hartschuh, Mark Sulc

Looking at both the calendar and weather forecasts, frost-seeding is no longer a viable option to add red clover into a wheat stand. We can’t count on good freeze/thaw cycles to create those honeycomb conditions in the soil that create good seed to soil contact.  The option left is to broadcast clover seed over the wheat stand.  Successful establishment still depends upon getting good seed/soil contact.  Growers need to evaluate soil, weather and stand conditions to determine if a straight broadcast operation is worth their time, effort and expense.  Continue reading this article at



Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326



March 20, 2020

Good evening,

It’s been a crazy time for all of us.  Governor DeWine recently issued a state of emergency and implemented a variety of strategies to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 disease.  In order to do our part in reducing risk to our employees or clientele, we have implemented a teleworking plan.  OSU Extension closed its office by the end of Tuesday, March 17, 2020.  In alignment with all OSU offices, we have postponed all face-to-face programming through April 30th in response to the recent social distancing directives.  Until further notice, all OSU Extension staff are working remotely and are available from 8am-4:30 pm Monday-Friday to receive phone calls and emails.  Events that were planned through Hardin County AgNR Extension included the Master Gardener Volunteers Spring Garden Seminar scheduled for March 19 that was cancelled and our Make-up/Specialty Pesticide and Fertilizer Recertification scheduled for March 31 that has now been postponed until further notice.  The April 3 Ag Council meeting that was supposed to be combined with Farm Bureau Ag Policy Development has now been postponed until further notice.  Moving forward, one thing that is still scheduled is the eFields On-Farm Research Webinar planned for Wednesday, March 25 at 9:00 am.  See the attached flyer for information about how you can connect with your computer and learn about Ohio field scale research conducted in 2019.

eFields Webinar Flyer

Other county ag events have suffered the same fate.  Both the Ag Society Consignment Sale and the Pork Producers Pork Banquet that were both scheduled for March 14 and had to be cancelled.  The Goat Banquet that was planned for March 28 has also been postponed until further notice.  The Dairy Service Unit spring cheese sale has been cancelled until further notice.  Keep in mind the published dates and read the attached news release about Hardin County AgNR Programs Update and OSU Extension working remotely for more information and about how to contact our office staff for information or questions you may have.  I have attached an article written by Wood County Extension Educator Alan Sundermeier addressing Agronomy Concerns for 2020 including such topics as planting where corn or soybeans were planted, prevent plant with cover crops fields, and prevent plant with bare soil fields.  I have also attached an OSU Extension fact sheet titled “Questions Regarding the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) on Farms with Employees” in both English and Spanish in case you may have workers on your farm who only speak Spanish.   I have also included an information sheet titled “Department of Treasury & IRS Providing an Automatic Extension for Tax Payments (Not Filing Returns) Tax Implications for Farmers” put together by OSU Extension.

AgNR Programs News Release

Remote Extension News Release

Agronomy Concerns News Release



COVID Tax Implications For Farmers

Some Ohio farmers were mailed an OSU survey about extreme weather, trade tensions, declining prices, lack of access to health care and urban sprawl.  To get a better handle on how Ohio farm families are adapting to these challenges, researchers at The Ohio State University are asking farmers to share their experiences through a new statewide survey.  The survey asks farmers not only about their farm businesses, but also about how farming trends are affecting the well-being of their households and communities.  If you received this survey, please take the time to complete it.  For further information contact the project co-leads: Dr. Douglas Jackson-Smith (; 330-202-3540) or Dr. Shoshanah Inwood (; 330-263-3790).  Also, if anyone knows of any hay or straw for sale, please let me know as I have some livestock producers looking to buy.  You can contact me by email or the phone number listed below.  I have included some articles below for you to read while you are spending days and evenings at home.  Finally, I have also attached a Farm Management Fact Sheet from Michigan State University called “Creating a Spending Plan” that may be helpful to some.  Stay safe and healthy for this coming crop season.

Creating A Spending Plan










Winter Wheat Stand Evaluation – Laura Lindsey

Between planting in the fall and Feekes 4 growth stage (beginning of erect growth) in the spring, winter wheat is vulnerable to environmental stress such as saturated soils and freeze-thaw cycles that cause soil heaving. All of which may lead to substantial stand reduction, and consequently, low grain yield. However, a stand that looks thin in the spring does not always correspond to lower grain yield. Rather than relying on a visual assessment, we suggest counting the number of wheat stems or using the mobile phone app (Canopeo) to estimate wheat grain yield.  Read more at








Phosphorus Placement Effects on Yield and Water Quality in a Corn-Soybean Rotation – Greg LaBarge

Phosphorus placement has been discussed as a 4R Best Management Practice that results in lower nutrient losses than when P is surface applied and left on the surface. The concept is that by mixing granular fertilizer with the soil, we expose the nutrient to more soil surface area for attachment. A replicated trial was established at the Northwest Agricultural Research Station-OARDC located near Custer, OH to measure water quality and crop yield with four fertilizer placement options. Continue to read this article at









Topdressing Wheat with Liquid Swine Manure – Glen Arnold

Wheat fields will begin to firm up in Ohio and the topdressing with nitrogen fertilizer will soon start. There is usually a window of time, typically around the last week of March or the first week of April, when wheat fields are firm enough to support manure application equipment. By this date, wheat fields have broken dormancy and are actively pulling moisture and nutrients from the soil.  Finish reading this article at









“What’s your number?” The SCN Coalition is still in progress – Anne Dorrance

There is a lot of information already out and if you haven’t taken the time, check out  the website, for training and infographics about soybean cyst nematode, you can bookmark this for as you prepare your fields– while on autosteer.  Only on autosteer.  Our Ohio site, with updated information is also ready  Take your time to see where this pest has been detected, where some of the hot spots are and what we need to be aware of for management.  This pest cannot be eradicated or removed from a field once it is there, but there is no reason why it should take a lot of our soybean yield, we just need to manage it and that starts with knowing your number. Click on to continue reading this article.









H2Ohio Signup to be Extended – Glen Arnold

The deadline to enter into a contract with the H2Ohio program for farmers in the 14-county, Maumee River watershed is being extended. The original deadline was March 31st but due to COVID-19, more farmers and Soil and Water Conservation District personnel are conducting information exchanges through phone calls and e-mails. The H2Ohio deadline is expected to be extended to June 2nd, tentatively. Contact your local Soil and Water Conservation District for more details.




Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326


March 6, 2020

Recent confirmation of the coronavirus in the state of Ohio has led to public health concerns related to disease transmission.  As a result, The Ohio State University has been proactively implementing protocols for insuring the safety and health for our students and clientele.   After consultation with the college and university leadership, many OSU Extension events have been cancelled or postponed.   If you were planning to attend a meeting or event hosted by OSU Extension through the end of March, please check with the organizer to see if it will still be held. 
We understand this may cause an inconvenience to you and your business.  Please feel free to reach out to us at your local Extension office for individual assistance in advancing your farm or agricultural business. It is with greatest respect to you that we share this information and look forward to interacting with you in the future.


Good evening,

Monday, March 9 is our annual Hardin County Pesticide and Fertilizer Recertification training being held at the Plaza Inn Restaurant in Mt. Victory starting at 9:00 am.  We will go until noon with pesticide recertification, have lunch, and then do our fertilizer recertification after lunch.  If your pesticide or fertilizer license expires on March 31, 2020 you can still attend on Monday as a walk-in or wait until the March 31 Make-up/Specialty Pesticide and Fertilizer Recertification training being held at the Extension office.  See the attached news article and flyer for more information.  Tuesday evening is the Dairy Service Unit annual meeting.  Dr. Mark Sulc, our Extension State Forage Specialist is coming to Kenton to discuss seeding and harvesting of forages.  There is a meal at 6:30 pm followed by the guest speaker at 7:00 pm.  After that, the Dairy Service Unit is having their business meeting.  If you would like to hear Dr. Sulc’s forage presentation and ask him questions while he is in the county, you are welcome to attend this meeting.  See the attached news release for details.

Pesticide Recertification News Release

Hardin PAT-FACT Flyer

Dairy Forages News Release

Last week was the H2Ohio meeting held at Ohio Northern University in Ada.  The Mcintosh ballroom was filled with producers wanting to learn more about this new state program to help reduce phosphorus loading and improve water quality.  I have attached a set of fact sheets that show each conservation/nutrient management practice and the amount of incentive payment per acre to this email.  All of Hardin County is included in this program, no matter which watershed your fields drain into.  Read it over and make sure you get to the Soil and Water Conservation District office before March 31 to sign up for the next four years.  Another deadline coming up is the March 15 ARC/PLC Farm Bill sign-up for 2019 and 2020.  If you haven’t already made your appointment with the FSA office, time is running short.  I have attached a couple fact sheets of important dates and an overview of these program electives.  Hardin County yields were released on February 20, with corn coming in at 138.1 bu/acre, soybean at 47.9 bu/acre, and wheat at 52.6 bu/acre.  You can plug these county yields into the OSU decision tools at  to see if it affects your program election.  Tuesday and Wednesday of this week was the annual Conservation Tillage Conference (CTC) at Ohio Northern University in Ada and we had over 775 people attend each day, so a lot has been happening in Hardin County with agriculture.

H2Ohio Practices and Incentives Fact Sheets

ARC/PLC Important Dates Fact Sheet

ARC/PLC Overview Fact Sheet

Upcoming programs that you may be interested in include ‘Women for the Land: Lunch & Learn’ on March 11 at the Extension office with OSU Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Educator Jami Dellifield speaking on “Supporting ourselves and our families during stressful times.”  See the attached flyer if you or someone you know might be interested in attending.  March 19 is the OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteers spring garden seminar at Mid-Ohio Energy Cooperative in Kenton.  This day long seminar is called ‘This is How Your Garden Grows’ and is open to any gardener who would like to attend to learn from four expert speakers.  See the attached news release and flyer for registration information.  Other regional and state programs include the 2020 Ohio Agritourism Conference Saturday, March 21 in Mt. Sterling; a Pesticide Applicator Exam Preparation Course being held in Wapakoneta on March 23, and the annual OSU Junior Swine Day being held in both Columbus and Wooster on March 28.  Take a look at the flyers and brochure if you are interested.

Women for the Land: Lunch and Learn Flyer

Spring Garden Seminar News Release

This is How Your Garden Grows Brochure

2020 Agritourism Conference Flyer

Pesticide Applicator Exam Preparation Course Flyer

2020 Junior Swine Day Brochure

Other local events happening soon include the Hardin County Beef Banquet starting at 6:00 pm at the Community Building at the fairgrounds on Saturday, March 7; the Hardin County Lamb Banquet starting at 6:30 pm at St. John’s Evangelical Church in Kenton Saturday, March 7; Pork Producers meeting starting at 6:30 pm at Ag Credit on Tuesday, March 10; the Hardin County Agriculture Society Consignment Sale starting at 9:00 am at the fairgrounds on Saturday, March 14; the Hardin County Pork Banquet starting at 6:30 pm at St. John’s Evangelical Church in Kenton Saturday, March 14; and Soil and Water Conservation District meeting starting at 7:30 am at the SWCD office Thursday, March 19.  See below for ag crops articles that you may be interested in reading.










2019 Challenges Linger – Alan Sundermeier

As farmers are preparing for the 2020 cropping season, the challenges of 2019 may still linger. There are basically 3 scenarios which will influence 2020 cropping practices. Corn or soybeans were planted. Yes, there were some acres of corn planted last year in NW Ohio. Storage of low test weight and higher moisture corn is creating mold and damaged grain. Above normal winter temperatures and humid air have interfered with proper aeration of storage bins. Farmers need to monitor grain bins and be prepared to unload before spring temperatures rise. Also, fall tillage was not done due to wet soil conditions. This may change tillage plans this spring. No-till soybeans into corn stalks are a better alternative. Read more at









Rhizobia Inoculant Following the 2019 Season – Laura Lindsey, Stephanie Karhoff

Following wet weather conditions and fallow fields, some producers are wondering if they need to inoculate their soybean seed with Rhizobia. Soybean plants have a symbiotic relationship with bacteria in which the bacteria fix nitrogen from the atmosphere into a plant-available form of nitrogen. In soybean, nitrogen fixation is associated with Bradyrhizobium japonicum (commonly referred to as just Rhizobia). Generally, fields with a history of soybean production have an adequate population density of Bradyrhizobium japonicum. In our research trials, we have measured a yield increase of approximately 1.5 to 2.0 bu/acre when soybean seed is inoculated and the field has a history of soybean production. However, statistically, this is only at the 70% confidence level (e.g., I’m 70% confident there is a 1.5 to 2.0 bu/acre yield increase when soybean seed is inoculated when the field has a history of soybean production.)  Continue reading this article at









Cover Crop Termination – Mark Loux

Alyssa Essman was the lead author on this article. The 2019 growing season came and went and left many fields in a state of disarray heading into 2020. Many growers that were unable to plant decided to use cover crops, to reduce soil erosion and provide some weed suppression during the extended fallow period. Terminating these cover crops using the right methods at the right time will be critical to ensure timely planting and prevent the cover crops from competing with cash crops. The three main methods of cover crop termination are natural (species that winter kill), chemical, and mechanical. Cover crops may also be bailed, grazed, or harvested as silage. Most species require some sort of management decision for termination. Cover crop species, growth stage, weather, and cover cropping goals should all be considered when planning termination method and timing. These decisions require a balance between growing the cover long enough to maximize benefits and terminating in time to prevent potential penalties to the following cash crop.  Finish reading at









Omitting residual herbicides in soybeans – really – we have to have this argument again? – Mark Loux

According to our network of sources, the effectiveness of new soybean trait systems has some growers once again thinking about omitting preemergence residual herbicides from their weed management programs.  Some people apparently need to learn the same lessons over and over again.  Having gone through this once in the early 2000’s when Roundup Ready soybeans had taken over and we all sprayed only glyphosate all day every day, we think we’re pretty sure where it leads.  We’re sensitive to concerns about the cost of production, but the cost-benefit analysis for residual herbicides is way in the positive column.  Go to to read more of this article.









Transition to Organic Grains Workshop – Eric Richer

Is your farming operation looking for alternatives to commodity corn and soybeans? Have you been wondering how to add value to your operation?  On Tuesday, April 7th from 9 am to 2 pm at the Robert Fulton Agriculture Center, 8770 State Route 108, Wauseon, OH, OSU Extension will be hosting a discussion of the opportunities and challenges associated with growing a value-added, organic grain crop.  This discussion will be open to current, transitioning, or interested organic farmers, farmland owners, venders and grain buyers.  The workshop will address three primary hurdles for transitioning to organic grains: market options, weed control and organic documentation.  Click on to find out more about this upcoming event.




Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326
