October 16, 2015

Good afternoon,

It’s been a while since I’ve sent out a Hardin County Agriculture and Natural Resources Update, so there is much information to share with you since the last edition.  First of all, I’ve been gone on an International Sheep Tour to the United Kingdom and Ireland from September 26-October 10.  It was a study tour with 23 sheep producers, industry representatives, and Extension Educators.  We spent a large amount of time touring various farms and industry visits while on this trip put together by Roger High and Emily Buck from OSU Extension and the Ohio Sheep Improvement Association.  For more information about this tour, see the attached article.  If you have an interest in joining our Hardin County Sheep Improvement Association on their annual Sheep Management Tour which will be held October 31-November 1, I have also attached a letter about this upcoming trip.

International Sheep Tour News Release

Sheep Tour Invitation Letter

The Dairy Service Unit is currently in the middle of their Fall Cheese Sale.  Orders are due October 26 and pick-up dates are November 6 and 7 at Dan and Molly Wagner’s Farm.  There are several varieties of cheese and trail bologna to choose from, so make sure you print out the attached order form and send it in soon if you would like to support this commodity group’s semi-annual fund raiser.  See the attached news article and order form for more information.

Fall Cheese Sale News Release

Cheese Sale Flyer

Today is the deadline for submitting Agriculture Hall of Fame nominations.  Did you see the article in the paper or hear about it on the radio?  The 2015 Hardin County Agriculture Hall of Fame Banquet is scheduled for Tuesday, December 1.  I have attached a copy of the news release and nomination form in case you missed it.  Although we promote this event year around, it is good to think about that family member or person you know that has made a signification contribution to Hardin County agriculture for the future.  There are many worthy individuals out there, however the committee needs help identifying these people.

Ag Hall of Fame Purpose and Nomination form 2015

Ag Hall of Fame Nominations News Release

The county fair seems like a distant memory now, but we did have the annual Hardin County Carcass Show of Champions at Mt. Victory Meats on September 15 and you might be interested in know that in most cases, the reserve champion market animals from the show ring placed above the champion market animals in the show ring when judged for carcass merit the week following the fair.  See the attached news release and results for more information regarding this event and how the livestock did on the rail.  Thanks to the Pork Producers, Cattle Producers, Sheep Improvement Association, Hardin County Ag Society, and Mt. Victory Meats for making this program possible.

Carcass Show Results News Release

2015 Carcass Show Data

Harvest has been moving right along with the favorable weather.  I was able to complete the soybean research field work and county weed survey before leaving on the trip mentioned earlier.  Upon my return to Hardin County this week, we were able to harvest both our Alger and Dola Corn Response to Nitrogen plots.  Samples and data are being prepared to be sent to the lab for analysis.  Hopefully we should have information available soon for sharing regarding the plots.  However with the growing season and variability in fields we have had this year, one tends to wonder how reliable the data will be.  Although August was a drier month in regards to the earlier months this growing season, the total amount of rain received through August was 4.42 inches above the ten‐year average for Hardin County.  For more information, see that attached rainfall summary for August.

August 2015 summary

Upcoming events for this coming week include the Soil and Water Conservation District Forestry Field Day on Sunday, October 18 at Dwight Prater’s woods which is located at 10134 County Road 14, Dunkirk.  There will be horse drawn wagon rides through the woods to learn about forestry management, homemade ham and beans, and activities for the kids.  The rain date for the event is Sunday, October 25.  I have also included some agronomy articles for you to read if you need a break from harvest.










Precautions for Harvesting Forages After a Frost  – Mark Sulc

Several forage species can be extremely toxic soon after a frost because they contain compounds called cyanogenic glucosides that are converted quickly to prussic acid (i.e. hydrogen cyanide) in freeze-damaged plant tissues. Others species have an increased risk of causing bloat when grazed after a frost, those are discussed at the end of this article. Species that can develop toxic levels of prussic acid after frost include annual grasses in the sorghum family, Johnsongrass, shattercane, chokecherry, black cherry, indiangrass, and elderberry. To continue reading this article, go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-34/precautions-for-harvesting-forages-after-a-frost.







Higher western bean cutworm feeding may lead to mycotoxins – Andy Michel, Pierce Paul

Although western bean cutworm (WBC) flight counts have been relatively stable compared to last year, several growers and extension educators have sent in pictures of western bean cutworm infestations and damage in corn. Obviously it is much too late to do much at this point, as the larvae are either still protected, or more likely, have dropped to the ground to overwinter.  However, the holes and damage that remain could lead to secondary infestations from mold and fungi, and some of these infestations may also be a source for mycotoxins, including fumonisins and deoxynivalenol, AKA vomitoxin.  Go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-34/higher-western-bean-cutworm-feeding-may-lead-to-mycotoxins to finish reading this article.







Sampling for Soybean Cyst Nematode – It’s time!  – Anne Dorrance, Terry Niblack, Horacio Lopez-Nicora

This year’s early harvest provides the perfect opportunity to take a look at the SCN populations in your fields.  We know that the state is now “polluted” with SCN, fortunately most of those fields are at very low levels – which is where they should be kept.  However, there are some surprising locations where individual fields are getting or have gotten into trouble with very high populations. So it is time to sample!  We recommend sampling in the fall – because in most cases this is what the population will be in the spring.  With the warmer weather this year and hopefully no frozen ground should give ample time to collect and process the samples in plenty of time for spring planting.  Go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-34/sampling-for-soybean-cyst-nematode-2013-it2019s-time for more information about sampling for Soybean Cyst Nematode.







Dry Weather Makes Field Fires a Safety Concern for Farmers – Dee Jepsen

This season, farmers are at high risk of having a field fire during corn harvest. The conditions present during harvest season include dry plant material and grain dust that are highly combustible.  Hot equipment or engine sparks are great ignition sources.  It is not uncommon for exhaust pipes or catalytic converters to exceed 1,000°F. Add a little wind and there is a perfect opportunity for a field fire. Being prepared to handle field fires is important for all workers and transport drivers.  Combines, tractors, grain trucks, and pick-ups should all be equipped with a trustworthy fire extinguisher as the first lines of defense.  Combines should carry an ABC 10-pound fire extinguisher in the cab and a larger 20-pound unit at the ground level. Tractors and trucks are recommended to have a 5-pound minimum extinguisher available. To read more about fire extinguishers in the field, go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-32/dry-weather-makes-field-fires-a-safety-concern-for-farmers.







Application of Manure to Newly Planted Wheat Fields – Glen Arnold

Several livestock producers have inquired about applying liquid dairy or swine manure to newly planted wheat fields using a drag hose. The thought process is that the fields are firm (dry), there is very little rain in the nearby forecast, and the wheat crop could take advantage of the manure nutrients, especially the nitrogen portion, to promote growth and fall tillering. The manure nutrients would essentially replace the commercial fertilizer normally applied in advance of planting wheat. The application of fall-applied livestock manure to growing crop can reduce nutrient losses compared to fall-applied manure without a growing crop.  To read more about applying manure to newly planted wheat fields, go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-32/application-of-manure-to-newly-planted-wheat-fields.





Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office
