August 23, 2019


Conditions the past couple weeks were generally favorable for fieldwork.  Growers kept busy applying herbicides and fungicides, hauling manure, harvesting hay, tilling fields, and planting cover crops.  See the attached August 19 Ohio Crop Weather Report for additional information.  Parts of Hardin County received much needed rains to help the corn, soybean, and hay crops.  I have included a news release about the dry weather stress and how it affects the corn crop which was written by Hancock County OSU Extension Educator Ed Lentz.  The OSU The Ag Safety and Health program has a grain dust research study to quantify the amount of dust present inside on-farm storage bins during load-out periods, and specifically when workers are using sweep augers and actively cleaning the bin.  They are seeking farms that will allow dust samples to be collected from their bins during the load out periods.  The farm will receive a dust analysis report approximately 1 week later.  In the report, the results will show the amount of Total Dust and Respirable Dust present in the environment.  The program will provide an N-95 respirator for all workers – upon request at the scene.  See the attached document if you are interested in participating in this OSU Grain Dust study.  Also, OSU Ag Engineers want information from a wide range of folks, including those who do not have residue managers on a planter.  They have a survey they would like farmers to complete regarding planter residue management.  You can participate in this survey at


August 19 Ohio Crop Weather Report

Dry Weather Stress Corn News Release

OSU Grain Dust Study





Planter Residue Survey QR Code

The Farm Science Review is coming up September 17-19 at Molly Caren Agricultural Center in London.  Each year over 100,000 people gather for this annual farm show with over 700 exhibitors and over 100 acres of exhibits.  Engage with a diverse group of experts in the agricultural industry, explore over 4000 product lines and services to help enrich your future in agriculture.  If you are interested in attending this year’s FSR, we have tickets available at the Extension office for $7 each through Monday, September 16.  Each ticket we sell keeps $1 in Hardin County to benefit Hardin County AgNR Extension programs.  If you are interested in visiting sheep farms and learning more about this livestock industry in Ohio, OSU Extension is organizing the annual Hardin County Sheep Management Tour for September 14-15 in cooperation with the Hardin County Sheep Improvement Association.  This year our group is touring farms and industry visits in Ashland and Wayne Counties.  See the attached letter for more information.

Sheep Tour Invitation Letter





Have you seen any evidence of bagworms in your trees or shrubs?  I have been receiving calls about this insect pest and have provided an article about them attached to this email.  There’s not a lot you can do about them this time of year short of hand removing them, so read the article to learn more about your options.  Are you a gardener interested in becoming and OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteer?  Logan County and Champaign County Extension are offering a daytime MGV training course this fall in West Liberty where you could get trained and then volunteer in Hardin County.  See the attached flyer for details.  Do you have unused pesticides that you need to dispose of safely?  There will be a Clean Sweep pesticide disposal program do properly dispose of them in Miami County as indicated below on August 29.  Household or non-farm pesticides will not be accepted.  For more details and information about a later location in Wayne County, go to


Bagworms News Release

Master Gardener Training Flyer

August 29 Miami County Miami County Fairgrounds (North end), 650 N County Rd. 25 A, Troy, Ohio 45373 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

Pesticide Disposal Day


Other events in our region include an Upland Wildlife Habitat Management Workshop in Auglaize County August 27; Cattlemen’s Fall Roundup in Shelby County September 3; Cover Crops and Soil Health workshop in Logan County September 5.  Check the attached flyers for more information about these events.  Local events coming up include a Fairboard meeting Wednesday, August 28 starting at 7:00 pm in the Community Building at the fairgrounds and the Hardin County Fair September 3-8.  This week’s attached farm stress fact sheet is about “How to Cultivate a Productive Mindset.”  I hope you are staying positive and productive.  See the ag crops articles below for further reading.

Upland Wildlife Workshop Flyer

Cattlemen’s Fall Roundup Flyer

Cover Crops and Soil Health Workshop Flyer

How To Cultivate A Productive Mindset Fact Sheet








Corn Earworm in Field Corn; Watch for Molds – Kelley Tilmon, Pierce Paul, Andy Michel

There have been recent reports of high corn earworm populations in certain grain corn fields.  Corn earworm is a pest with many hosts including corn, tomatoes and certain legumes.  In Ohio it is typically considered a pest of sweet corn rather than field corn, but this past week substantial populations have been found in certain field corn sites.  Corn earworm moths are most attracted to fields in the early green silk stage as a place to lay their eggs.  These eggs hatch into the caterpillars that cause ear-feeding damage, open the ear to molds, and attract birds.  With a wide range of planting dates this year, different fields may be at greater risk at different times. Read more at






Frogeye Leaf Spot – Is It Worth Spraying in 2019? – Anne Dorrance

Several reports over the last two weeks of heavy frogeye leaf spot pressure in some fields as well as low to moderate pressure in others.  This disease will continue to increase and infect new foliage as it develops on these late planted soybeans. Based on our previous research, only once (2018) in 14 years of studies did applications at the soybean growth stage R5 contribute to preserved yield.  At the R5, the leaf at the terminal is fully developed and the pods at any one of the top four nodes is fully expanded, but the seeds are just beginning to expand. Soybeans that have frogeye and have just begun to flower, are at full flower, or have just reached the R3 growth stage, these decisions are going to be challenging.  In full disclosure, we don’t have data or examples to rely on here.  This late planting and late development is all new territory for all of us.  But there are some sound principles to rely on.  Find out more at






Estimating Yield Losses in Stressed Corn Fields – Peter Thomison

Many corn fields are still silking (and some are just past the mid-vegetative stages)….so, it may seem a little early to discuss estimating grain yields. However, according to the most recent  NASS crop report, for the week ending Aug. 8, 2019,  25% of the corn crop has reached the dough stage (compared to 63% for the 5 year average). Corn growers with drought damaged fields and late plantings may want to estimate grain yields prior to harvest in order to help with marketing and harvest plans. Two procedures that are widely used for estimating corn grain yields prior to harvest are the YIELD COMPONENT METHOD (also referred to as the “slide rule” or corn yield calculator) and the EAR WEIGHT METHOD. Each method will often produce yield estimates that are within 20 bu/ac of actual yield. Such estimates can be helpful for general planning purposes. Finish reading this article at to learn how to calculate corn yield estimates in the field.






Poultry Litter Applications – Glen Arnold

Stockpiles of poultry litter can be seen in farm fields across Ohio. While common each year in wheat stubble fields, there are also stockpiles showing up in prevented planting fields. Poultry litter is an excellent source of plant nutrients and readily available in most parts of the state. Poultry litter can be from laying hens, pullets, broilers, finished turkeys, turkey hens, or poults. Most of the poultry litter in the state comes from laying hens and turkey finishers. Typical nutrient ranges in poultry litter can be from 45 to 57 pounds of nitrogen, 45 to 70 pounds of P2O5, and 45 to 55 pounds of K2O per ton. The typical application rate is two tons per acre which fits nicely with the P2O5 needs of a two-year corn/soybean rotation. Like all manures, the moisture content of the poultry litter greatly influences the amount of nutrients per ton. Handlers of poultry litter have manure analysis sheets indicating the nutrient content. Go to to find out more about poultry litter and its regulations.







Farm Science Review Agronomy College is September 10th – Harold Watters

For agronomists, Certified Crop Advisers, custom applicators and farmers. Tuesday, Sept. 10 • 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. at the Molly Caren Agricultural Center LONDON, OHIO – home of the Farm Science Review. See the flyer for details on how to get to the site of the program. Check in begins at 8:30 A.M. The full-day event features time with OSU Extension staff in the field in the agronomy plots on the east side of the grounds. Breakout session topics will address the challenges of the 2019 growing season and the opportunities moving into 2020 and beyond. Featured speakers include Fred Whitford of Purdue University; Pierce Paul, Tony Dobbels, Kelley Tilmon, Anne Dorrance and Alex Lindsey of The Ohio State University. This is the 4th year for this event in cooperation between the OSU Agronomic Crops Team and the Custom Application committee of the Ohio AgriBusiness Association. This year we will emphasize scouting in several talks – why and how to scout, crop growth stages, insect & disease identification, and getting to a recommendation. Price is $120 per participant. Please register online at Questions? Contact Janice Welsheimer at 614-326-7520 ext. 3 or, or Harold Watters at 937-604-2415 or




Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326


August 13, 2019

Good afternoon,

We finally received a nice rain shower but could use more rain to help with corn pollination and soybean growth.  During the month of July, Extension rainfall reporters recorded an average of 3.96 inches of rain in Hardin County.  Last year, the average rainfall for July was 3.76 inches.  Although adequate rain has been received this year during July, some townships have had much more while others have received considerably less.  This has caused crops in some areas to need more rain at a crucial time during the growing season.  Read more about Hardin County township rainfall and its effect on crops in the attached July 2019 Rainfall Summary.  Statewide, 71% of the corn is silking and 69% of the soybeans are blooming according to the August 12 Ohio Crop Weather Report.  I have attached this report along with the previous week’s report for August 5.

July 2019 Rainfall Summary

August 12 Ohio Crop Weather Report

August 5 Ohio Crop Weather Report

The Ohio August 1 Crop Forecast has Ohio’s projected corn yield at 160 bushels per acre and soybean crop at 48 bushels per acre.  Wheat yield was estimated at 61 bushels per acre.  This attached report does mention that Ohio growers will harvest 710,000 fewer acres of corn and 810,000 fewer acres of soybeans in 2019 as compared to 2018.  That is in line with a report that came out last night with Hardin County having 91,389 prevented planting acres out there, which ranks it second only to Wood County in Ohio with 120,480 acres not planted.  Other area counties in the top ten for prevented planting were Hancock with 74,169 and Wyandot with 53,860 acres not planted.

August 1 Crop Forecast Report







Don’t forget that there is an “Essentials in Financial Risk Management” workshop with dinner coming up August 20 at Mid-Ohio Energy in Kenton at 6:00 pm.  See the attached flyer for details about how to register for this event sponsored by Nationwide Insurance, Hardin and Wyandot County Farm Bureaus, Ag Credit, and OSU.  I have also included a Michigan State University Extension Fact Sheet on Stress to this email which includes strategies of dealing with this condition.  Another event coming up locally is the Monarch Butterflies workshop being hosted by the OSU Extension Hardin County Master Gardener Volunteers on Saturday, August 17 starting at 9:00 am at the Friendship Gardens of Hardin County located in Kenton.  See the attached news release and flyer for more details about this program.  Other local events include the Soil and Water Conservation District meeting Thursday (8/15) starting at 1:00 pm at the fairgrounds shelter house and the SWCD annual meeting and customer appreciation event Thursday (8/15) starting at 5:00 pm at the fairgrounds shelter house.  The Hardin County Fair work day is scheduled for Saturday (8/17) starting at 8:30 am at the fairgrounds.  The Cattle Producers picnic is August 24 starting at 6:00 pm in the Community Building at the fairgrounds.  I hope you have the time to read the ag crops articles that I have included below.

Essentials of Financial Risk Management Flyer

Stress Fact Sheet

Monarch Butterflies Workshop News Release

Saturday Mornings in the Friendship Gardens Flyer











Delayed Corn Planting the Disease Risk in Corn – Pierce Paul

In Ohio, several foliar diseases are of greater concern in late-planted corn for a number of reasons, including: 1 – for diseases like gray leaf spot (GLS), northern corn leaf blight (NCLB), and eye spot that are caused by pathogens that overwinter in corn stubble, delayed planting allows more time for inoculum (spores) to buildup, especially in no-till, corn-on-corn fields and 2 – for diseases like common and southern rust that are caused by pathogens that do not overwinter in Ohio, planting late allows more time for spore for blow up from southern states. So, with late planting, not only are more spores likely to be available to infect the crop, they are also more likely to infect the crop at an earlier growth stage and under conditions that are more favorable for disease development.  Make sure you scout for these diseases if the hybrid is susceptible and conditions become favorable as described at








Are Crops Catching Up? – Laura Lindsey, Peter Thomison

Corn. Crop development varies tremendously across Ohio because of planting dates that range from late April to early July. According to field agronomists in some areas of the state, it looks like late-planted crops are “rushing through development” …Unlike soybean, corn development is directly related to temperature, i.e. heat unit accumulation. Above average July temperatures (especially nighttime temperatures) have promoted rapid corn growth and development. After corn reaches the V10 stage (and most of our June plantings are near or beyond this stage), leaf collar emergence occurs at approximately one leaf every 50 GDDs. Late planted corn fields (especially those that have adequate soil moisture and good soil fertility and weed control) may appear to be “catching up” with neighboring fields planted earlier. The rapid growth of late planted corn is associated with greater vegetative growth and faster canopy closure, which will help optimize yields. However, it does not mean that the rate of development of later plantings is greater than earlier plantings. Finish reading this article about corn and soybean crop growth at









Drought and Heat Stress – Peter Thomison

One of the corn production scenarios agronomists least like is an exceptionally wet spring followed by a hotter and drier than normal July and August. The spring of 2019 was one the wettest on records throughout much of the state and now, as the dry weather that started in July persists, such a scenario seems to be a possibility in many Ohio corn fields. A combination of warm temperatures and inadequate rainfall is beginning to stress corn fields across Ohio. What’s exacerbating this problem are the marginal roots evident in some corn fields. Several factors, including poor planting conditions, surface/sidewall compaction and/or excessively wet soil conditions in June have inhibited good root development in many fields. Read more about drought and heat stress at











2019 Ohio Wheat Performance Test – Laura Lindsey, Matthew Hankinson

Yield results from the 2019 Ohio Wheat Performance Test are online at: Disease information will be available soon. The purpose of the Ohio Wheat Performance Test is to evaluate wheat varieties, blends, brands, and breeding lines for yield, grain quality, and other important performance characteristics. This information gives wheat producers comparative information for selecting the varieties best suited for their production system and market. Varieties differ in yield potential, winter hardiness, maturity, standability, disease and insect resistance, and other agronomic characteristics. Selection should be based on performance from multiple test sites and years. For more information about the 2019 Ohio Wheat Performance Test, go to











“Working Lands” Forage Field Days Planned – Garth Ruff

The Ohio Department of Agriculture Working Lands Buffer Program allows for forage to be grown and harvested from field edge buffers in the Western Lake Erie Basin. Join OSU Extension, Ohio Forage and Grassland Council, and your local Soil and Water Conservations Districts to learn about the Working Lands Program. Topics to be covered at these field days include: Soil Fertility ~ Seed Bed Preparation ~ Forage Species Selection ~ Seeding Methods ~ and More!

Field Days will be held at various locations throughout the Western Basin watershed including Hancock County: August 22 at 4:00 pm – 19178 Twp Rd 65 Jenera. Gary Wilson 419-348-3500.  Find out more at




Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office

August 2, 2019


Corn has been tasseling in several fields and I saw the first soybeans flowering in the county this past week.  Although crops that were planted look a lot better than before, they are still behind on the calendar.  We had some nice rains which helped with this matter, only to be followed by a week of dry conditions.  Most of the second cutting hay is now in the barn, and it appears that most prevented planting fields have been sprayed or recently been tilled and planted with cover crops.  I have attached both the July 22 and July 29 Ohio Crop Weather reports if you would like to read more about the recent crop and weather activity.

July 22 Ohio Crop Weather Report

July 29 Ohio Crop Weather Report

Ohio agricultural producers who lost property due to recent natural disasters may be eligible for U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) physical loss loans.  The Farm Service Agency (FSA) offers these low-interest loans to agricultural producers in 21 Ohio counties, the primary damaged area, who incurred losses due excessive rain, flash flooding, flooding, hail, high winds, lightning and tornadoes that occurred between Nov. 1, 2018 and June 13, 2019.  Applications are due March 2, 2020 and more information can be found at   Examples of property commonly affected include essential farm buildings, fixtures to real estate, equipment, livestock, perennial crops, fruit and nut bearing trees, and harvested or stored crops and hay.

On July 25 the U.S. Department of Agriculture released details about the 2019 Market Facilitation Program (MFP).  This is a continuation of the 2018 program designed to help offset market affects from retaliatory tariffs on U.S. agricultural products.

Key differences in 2019 compared to 2018

  1. Payments are based on planted acres not per bushel
  2. Each county has a different payment rate See the attached document (The first payment is 50% of this amount)
  3. Payment is split into three parts not two. 50% in the first round, 25% in the second and 25% in the third.  Only the first round is guaranteed at this point.
  4. In 2018- adjusted gross income limit was set at $900,000.  In 2019- AGI higher than $900,000 is eligible as long as 75% of the income comes from the farming operation. Producer hampered by this restriction in 2018 can retroactively file for 2018 when they sign up in 2019.

MFP Payment Rates

Here are the important takeaways so far-

  1. Sign-up began Monday July 29th and runs through December 6th.  (Producers need to fill out form CCC-913 from the FSA office)
  2. Crops and livestock eligible include:
    1. Non-specialty- alfalfa hay, barley, canola, corn, crambe, dried beans, dry peas, extra-long staple cotton, flaxseed, lentils, long grain and medium grain rice, millet, mustard seed, oats, peanuts, rapeseed, rye, safflower, sesame seed, small and large chickpeas, sorghum, soybeans, sunflower seed, temperate japonica rice, triticale, upland cotton and wheat. (the sum of acres of these crops not exceeding 2018 acreage multiplied by 50% of attached county rates)
    2. Specialty crops- almonds, cranberries, cultivated ginseng, fresh grapes, fresh sweet cherries, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, pistachios, and walnuts (multiplied by national or state payment rates per acre)
    3. Livestock- dairy and hogs. (Milk- $0.20/ hundredweight of milk registered through the Dairy Margin Coverage Program x 50%, Hogs- $11 per head of an inventory selected by the producer between April 1 and May 15, 2019 x 50%)
    4. Approved cover crops on prevented planting acres will receive $15 per acre as long as long as they were planted before August 1, 2019 x 50%.

All payments for the first portion are 50% of the total payment rate and expected to be made in August.

More information is available at or read the attached Ag Challenges News Release for more frequently asked questions.

Ag Challenges News Release

Upcoming local events include “Essentials in Financial Risk Management” seminar on August 20, starting at 6:00 pm at Mid-Ohio Energy Cooperative in Kenton.  The workshop includes dinner and requires pre-registration.  See the attached flyer for more information about this event sponsored by the Hardin and Wyandot County Farm Bureaus, Nationwide Insurance, Ag Credit, and OSU.  Champaign County Extension is sponsoring a Precision Ag Day: Sprayer Technology on August 27 in Urbana starting at 8:00 am.  See the attached flyer for more information and how to register.  Have you watched the Cover Crops for Prevented Planting video yet?  If not, I have attached a copy of the latest Ohio No-Till News that has an article about how to access it.  There is a Pork Producers meeting scheduled for Tuesday, August 6 starting at 6:30 pm at Ag Credit.  The Hardin County Fairboard has a scheduled meeting on Wednesday, August 7 starting at 7:00 pm at the fair office.  The farming community is going through a lot of stress with this year’s growing season.  I have attached a document to this email about “How Stress Affects You” for you read.  Other than that, see the articles below for ag crops information.

Essentials of Financial Risk Management Flyer

Precision Ag Day:  Sprayer Technology Flyer

Ohio No-Till News

How Stress Affects You












Expect cornfields pollinating well into August – Peter Thomison

According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service for the week ending July 28, 2019, 32% of the state’s corn was silking compared to 75% for the 5-year average. Given the wide range in corn planting dates this year, most corn will not achieve tasselling and silking until we are well into August. The pollination period, the flowering stage in corn, is the most critical period in the development of a corn plant from the standpoint of grain yield determination. Stress conditions (such as hail damage and drought) have the greatest impact on yield potential during the reproductive stage. Read more at






No pigweed left behind – late-season scouting for Palmer amaranth and waterhemp – Mark Loux

If you don’t already have to deal with waterhemp or Palmer amaranth, you don’t want it.  Ask anyone who does.  Neither one of these weeds is easy to manage, and both can cause substantial increases in the cost of herbicide programs, which have to be constantly changed to account for the multiple resistance that will develop over time (not “can”, “will”).  The trend across the country is for Palmer and waterhemp to develop resistance to any new herbicide sites of action that are used in POST treatments within about three cycles of use.  Preventing new infestations of these weeds should be of high priority for Ohio growers.  When not adequately controlled, Palmer amaranth can take over a field faster than any other annual weed we deal with, and waterhemp is a close second. Continue reading more about Palmer amaranth and waterhemp at








What Non-Uniform Crop Stages Means for Stink Bug Management in Soybean – Kelley Tilmon, Andy Michel

With all the planting difficulties in 2019 there are soybeans in a much greater variety of growth stages than usual this summer.  What does this mean for stink bug management?  First, it means that different fields will be in the danger zone at different times.  Stink bugs feed on developing pods and seeds, with the potential for damage beginning in R3 and R4-R5 being prime damage time, with damage potential still lingering in early R6.  This year peak damage potential may be spread over a larger window of time.  Second, the latest soybeans to mature will be at extra risk at the end of the season.  Stink bug adults are quite mobile and able to move into new fields.  As earlier fields mature they will naturally be attracted to fields that are still green.  If only a few fields are still green at the tail end of the season the immigration will be magnified.   The same is true for bean leaf beetle and pod feeding.  To read more, go to











Mid-season diseases and management – Anne Dorrance

The rains last week around Wayne County (5+ inches) provided for saturated soil conditions. Cultivars with low resistance to Phytophthora sojae are now developing Phytophthora stem rot.  These fields were planted the first week of June and the stands were good but are now beginning to thin out.  This has been the pattern, it takes 1 to 2 weeks for above ground symptoms to develop on cultivars with resistance packages that are no longer effective.  Phytophthora sojae has one host, soybean, and can adapt to some of the types of resistance that is bred into soybeans to manage this pathogen.  Scout fields of soybeans 1 to 2 weeks after a rain to look for symptoms.  If you find a plant or two, probably don’t worry but if you easily find dozens of plants and the canopy is thinning due to loss in stand – look at the resistance package of the soybean.  It is time for something new. Finish reading this article at









Late Summer Establishment of Perennial Forages – Rory Lewandowski, Mark Sulc

We are quickly approaching the second good opportunity of the year for establishing perennial forage stands, which is in the month of August. Most of us were not able to establish forages this spring, and many existing stands were damaged by the winter followed by the heavy rainfall this year. It is time to make preparations and be ready to plant perennial forage stands in the next few weeks. Typically, the main risk with late summer forage seedings is sufficient moisture for seed germination and plant establishment. However, many parts of Ohio have adequate soil moisture from recent rains, and the outlook for the first half of August is for normal precipitation levels. Prepare now and be ready to take advantage of planting ahead of storm fronts as they occur in late July and early August. Finish reading this article at





Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office