July 1, 2013

Good afternoon,

Well, ask for rain and we got it!  Maybe too much in some areas.  The rain reports are coming in and it will be interesting to see what the month of June provided in the way of rain around the county as many of the rains were spotty.  The corn and soybean crops are making good progress and now we will need some days without rain for the wheat to dry down before harvest.  I don’t know how many of you subscribe to the C.O.R.N. newsletter, but it is a valuable resource to find out OSU Extension recommendations regarding crops.  This morning I officially participated in my first C.O.R.N. call to report Hardin County crop conditions and hear about problems and issues around the state.  Articles will be submitted by 5:00 pm today for the weekly release of the newsletter.  If you are not familiar with the newsletter, below are some details about what you get if you subscribe. 

I have also included several field days that are coming up this month.  I attended the Wheat Field Day in June and found it to be very informative.  There are field specialists and “experts” at these functions, so plan to attend one that interests you and bring along your questions.  I spent a couple of days in June soil sampling for the statewide soybean yield-limiting factor study that is going on involving six Hardin County farms.  Thanks to agronomy field specialist Steve Prochaska for helping me get started with proper sampling techniques and use of the GPS unit for proper field mapping areas for the study.  Once it dries up, we will be going out again to take soybean leaf samples for tissue analysis and also to do our first round of scouting for weeds, insects, and disease.  We hope that the research will help us determine what factors are limiting yields in soybean fields in Hardin County.  I now have four farmers who have volunteered for our Western Bean Cutworm traps, but unfortunately the pheromone scents are still on backorder before I can place these traps around the county to monitor this corn pest.

This past week I visited the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) in Wooster for the annual OSU Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator conference.  Here I had the opportunity to meet with several other Extension Educators to get updated on state programs, attended training meetings, and took tours of current research being done to improve agriculture in Ohio.


Have a good week,



What you will find in the CORN Newsletter

In season pest observations and predictions

Weed control options

Insect and disease control information

Production technology

Crop development issues

Timely Integrated Pest Management guidelines


Why C.O.R.N.?


The goal of C.O.R.N. is to provide Ohio’s crop industry with the quickest, most accurate information to deal with changing crop conditions. C.O.R.N. is produced through a weekly telephone conference and sent via e-mail and fax to hundreds of Ohio farmers and input industry personnel. C.O.R.N. content is the basis for newsletters, and other mass media efforts in Extension. In one way or another, almost every crop producer in Ohio has been exposed to information from this newsletter.


Our users say things like:


“Excellent, easy to read and understand.”


“I feel C.O.R.N. helps to keep me timely in confirming those things my scouts and I have located and in reminding us to keep certain management and scouting aspects in perspective. Please continue it.”


“Overall very good information throughout the growing season. Very valuable in the ever changing spring situations.”


How can you start taking advantage of C.O.R.N. in your operation?


Electronic Mail (E-Mail)


Corn is sent via e-mail every Monday from April through September and once a month from October through March. Those with Internet access can subscribe directly to the listserv for this newsletter.


Subscribe Online


World Wide Web (WWW)


The newsletter including back issues can be found on the web at the following URL address: 




Many County Extension Offices fax the newsletter to clients. If you have a fax contact your Extension Office to see if they provide this service.


Handheld Devices:

We are now working on getting the C.O.R.N. newsletter to you in a format that can be downloaded and viewed on handheld personal digital assistants. In this manner, you can have the most up to date information concerning agronomic crop production in your hands all of the time! To find out how to set this up, click here for our handheld setup page.


OSU Weed Science Field Tour – July 10 – 9:00 am – 12:00 pm – OARDC – Western Agricultural Research Station, 7721 South Charleston Pike, South Charleston, Ohio 45368

Review of weed control plots and issues with Dr Mark Loux at Western Agricultural Research Station. Pre-registration required.  To find out more information and to pre-register, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/calendar/copy2_of_2012-western-ars-agronomy-field-day


Hardin County Ag Council – July 12 – 7:00 am – 8:30 am – Henry’s Restaurant in Kenton.  This month’s Ag Council meeting is a week later than normal due to the July 4th holiday.  Join the group for an informative breakfast meeting to find out what is going on with Hardin County agriculture, agribusiness, and other county news.


Agronomy Field Day– – July 17 – 9 am to 3:15 pm – OARDC – Western Agricultural Research Station, 7721 South Charleston Pike, South Charleston, Ohio 45368

• “Drought tolerance, planting date and planting depth issues,” Peter Thomison and Alex Lindsey, Horticulture & Crop Science, OARDC and OSU Extension

• “Scouting for that ‘disease of the year’,” Pierce Paul and Anne Dorrance, Plant Pathology, OARDC and OSU Extension

• “Soybean canopy development across planting dates,” Laura Lindsey, Horticulture & Crop Science, OARDC and OSU Extension

• “Weed management issues for 2013,” Mark Loux, Horticulture & Crop Science, OARDC and OSU Extension

• “There are more bugs this year, or are they insects?,” Andy Michel, Entomology, OARDC and OSU Extension

• There will be a morning wagon tour of the farm. Immediately following lunch, you are invited to attend in-depth discussions with the specialist of your choice.

Pre-registration required, payable at the door $20. Register by email or phone to: Harold Watters (watters.35@osu.edu), 937 599-4227  or Joe Davlin (davlin.1@osu.edu), 937 462-8016.  See the attached flier for further information.

 2013 Agronomy Field Day

Nutrient Application Field Day  – July 18 – 8:30 am – 2:30 pm – Wood County, Ohio – a quarter mile west of the intersection of I-75 and Hwy 582 – about 6 miles north of Bowling Green.

Phosphorus fertilizer is essential to Ohio crop production when applied at correct rates, timing and placement.  But, if nutrient applications are not managed, farm field phosphorus can be lost into water resources and promote Hazardous Algal Blooms (HAB). Major water quality problems have occurred in Lake Erie, Grand Lake St. Marys and other Ohio water resources in recent years.  Within these aquatic ecosystems, harmful organisms – Hazardous Algae Blooms (HAB) – have been prevalent in recent years.

To protect Ohio water resources, phosphorus fertilizer must be put in the right place.  “Right place likely holds the greatest opportunity for improvement (in water quality as it related to farm field P loss),” The Right Place to Put Phosphorus ; Dr. Tom Bruulsema, Northeast Director of IPNI; http://www.ipni.net

Thus to examine the impact of tillage on phosphorus loss and other crop production factors that influence crop yields, the following field day to be held July 18, 2013 from 8:30 AM, to 2:30 PM in Wood County, Ohio – a quarter mile west of the intersection of I-75 and Hwy 582 – about 6 miles north of Bowling Green.

8:30        Registration

9:00        Welcome

9:30        Phosphorus (P) Basics

10:10     Cropping System Rotation #1

11:10     Cropping System Rotation #2 

Noon     Lunch – Compliments of Northern Ohio John Deere Dealers:  Findlay Implement, Shearer Equipment and Kenn-Field Group

12:45     Cropping System Rotation #3

1:45        Phosphorus State of the Union


The three cropping systems that will be utilized in a rotation are:

1.Phosphorus movement in Full width till systems and related equipment solutions

2.Phosphorus movement in No-till systems and related equipment solutions

3.Phosphorus movement in Strip-till systems and related equipment solutions


Within each cropping system, the following will be discussed:

The discussion content will focus on the potential mechanisms of phosphorus movement within a tillage system.  For example: In a full width tillage system (including conventional tillage and conversation tillage systems) there will be a field demonstration of the ability of various tillage tools to effectively incorporate phosphorus in to the soil profile. Topics covered with the specific tillage demonstration will include particulate P movement via erosion associated with that tillage system, relationship of P soil test levels to P loss, phosphorus solubility within the tillage system, and impacts of tillage on phosphorus stratification, relationship of P stratification to soil test P and soluble P loss.

The field day will be held in Wood County, Ohio – a quarter mile west of the intersection of I-75 and Hwy 582 which is about 6 miles north of Bowling Green.  The program is free but an email RSVP is required to nopat@live.com .  Please include your name and a phone number where you can be reached in the email.    Four and a half hours of CCA credits have been applied for including 1 hour of soil and water and 3.5 hours in nutrient management.   Contact Steve Prochaska at  740-223-4041 or Prochaska.1@osu.edu with any questions.


Hardin County Lamb Picnic – July 21 – 6:00 p.m. at Wilcox Woods shelter house.  The Hardin County Sheep Improvement Association directors will provide the meat and drinks for the picnic, and ask that you please bring a covered dish and your own table service.  To get to the Wilcox Woods, take State Route 309 West of Kenton to County Road 106, turn left onto County Road 106 and follow it for about five miles.  Entrance to the picnic area will be on the left side of the road.  Watch for the shelter house.  In case of wet grounds, an alternate parking area may be designated.  To help the association plan, please call our office at 419-674-2297 by July 19 indicating how many adults and how many children plan to come to the picnic.


Field Crops Day – July 25 – 8:00 am – 12:00 pm – OARDC – Northwestern Agricultural Research Branch, NW Ag Research Station, 4240 Range Line Road Custar, OH 43511

Rows of corn, soybeans and wheat are easily distinguishable in the fields of OARDC’s Northwest Station in Wood County. This area is known as the ‘Great Black Swamp’ region ­ once an ancient lake bed. OARDC purchased 247 acres of this land in 1951, and since then scientists have focused on the area’s unique soils. The soil here is a challenge to area crop producers. Visit with select Extension Specialist and view research activities at the research station.  See the attached flier for more information about the Field Crops Day.

2013 Field Crops Day

• “Fungicide in Corn: Let’s Pencil it Out,”

Pierce Paul, Plant Pathology

OARDC and OSU Extension

• “Phosphorus and Water Quality-Researching the Ag Link,”

Greg LaBarge, Field Spec, Agronomic Systems

OARDC and OSU Extension, Marion County

• “Soybean Planting Date and Seeding Rate from 10 Years of On-Farm Trials,” Laura Lindsey, Horticulture & Crop Science

OARDC and OSU Extension

• “Re-examining Corn Seeding Rates: How Much is too Much,”

Peter Thomison, Horticulture and Crop Science OARDC and OSU Extension


The Ohio State University

Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office




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