Since the last Hardin County Agriculture and Natural Resources Update, ARC/PLC decisions were due to the Farm Service Agency on March 15 as was explained in the attached news release. Also, the attached article on the Beef Banquet appeared in the local news media. Yesterday, we wrapped up the pesticide and fertilizer recertification with a make-up and specialty class held at the Extension office. Coming up next week are two Soil Health Workshops, both a beginner (April 4) and an advanced (April 6) being held at the Hardin County Extension office from 9:00-4:00 pm. See the attached news release and flyer for more information. If you are interested in participating in either or both of these workshops being held Monday and Wednesday, make sure you call the Extension office.
Soil Health Workshop News Release
Soil Health Workshop Series Flyer
The Hardin County OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteers are hosting their Spring Garden Seminar “April Showers Bring Garden Flowers” Thursday, April 7 at Mid-Ohio Energy Cooperative in Kenton from 9:00-4:00 pm. You can read about the program in the attached news release and brochure. The Goat Banquet is scheduled for Saturday, April 9 with doors opening at 5:00 pm at the Kenton Christian Missionary Alliance Church. For more information on this event, you may want to read the attached article and flyer. With the changing weather, producers may be interested in evaluating their wheat stands. So, this week I submitted an article about this topic to local news media and have also included it with this email.
Spring Garden Seminar News Release
Wheat Stand Evaluation News Release
The big news that was reported by the Ohio Department of Agriculture this week was the fact that Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) was detected in a backyard poultry flock in Franklin County. This is a very serious issue to the poultry industry so I have attached both a fact sheet on HPAI from the Ohio Department of Agriculture along with a brochure put together by OSU Veterinary Extension on biosecurity and how to protect your poultry from this disease. Please take the time to read this information if you have poultry. Finally, I have included ag crops articles for you to read that I believe are timely and appropriate for Hardin County.
Soil Health Workshop Series in Kenton – Mark Badertscher
A series of Soil Health Workshops will be held on April 4th (Beginner) and April 6th (Advanced) at the Hardin County OSU Extension Office in Kenton. Jim Hoorman will be the main presenter. Hoorman has worked for OSU Extension for several years as a county extension educator in Putnam County and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in the Soil Health Division for Ohio and Michigan. To read more, click on https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2022-07/soil-health-workshop-series-kenton
Wheat Herbicides, Cressleaf Groundsel, Enlist – Weed Management Odds and Ends – Mark Loux
Based on the current price of wheat, some wheat fields with less than ideal stands are being taken to yield instead of terminated. A uniform wheat stand usually provides most of the weed control that’s needed. Weeds will likely be more evident and in need of control where stands are thin or erratic. We have been told wheat herbicides are scarce, so growers might want to check with suppliers soon. Reminder that any product containing dicamba has to be applied prior to jointing. Read more at https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2022-07/wheat-herbicides-cressleaf-groundsel-enlist-weed-management-odds
Time to Assess Forage Legume Stands – Mark Sulc
With the onset of recent warm temperatures, forage stands are beginning to green up. Wet soil conditions and widely fluctuating temperatures have presented tough conditions for forage stands this winter. This is especially true of taprooted legumes like alfalfa and red clover. Many forage stands suffered significant fall armyworm feeding damage late last summer and into the fall, so those stands should be carefully evaluated this spring as they greenup. It is time to start walking forage stands (especially in southern and central Ohio) to assess their condition so decisions and adjustments for the 2022 growing season can be planned if necessary. Continue with article at https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2022-07/time-assess-forage-legume-stands
Alternative Spring Burndown/Postemergence Strategies When Herbicides are in Short Supply – Mark Loux
There is a lot of speculation about herbicide shortages for the 2022 growing season, and some products are apparently getting more expensive and/or scarce now. This will affect herbicide buying and weed management decisions for the 2022 season. The two main active ingredients that we’re hearing about right now are glyphosate (Roundup, others) and glufosinate (Liberty, others), for which prices have increased substantially. There will likely be limited supplies of other pesticide active ingredients as well, but in the short term, a shortage of these two active ingredients poses some major challenges for corn and soybean production. The purpose of this article is to discuss ways to minimize the impact of herbicide shortages, primarily glyphosate, on corn and soybean production. As you search for alternatives to these two herbicides and others, the weed control guides and technical guides produced by University Extension and industry are an important tool for planning weed management programs and herbicide purchases. Find more at https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2022-05/alternative-spring-burndownpostemergence-strategies-when
Topdressing Wheat with Liquid Swine Manure – Glen Arnold
Wheat fields are firming up across Ohio and topdressing with nitrogen fertilizer will soon start. Given the current fertilizer prices more livestock producers may be considering applying liquid swine manure as a top-dress for wheat. The key to applying the correct amount of manure to fertilize wheat is to know the manure’s nitrogen content. Most manure tests reveal total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen and organic nitrogen amounts. The ammonia nitrogen portion is readily available for plant growth. The organic nitrogen portion takes considerably longer to mineralize and generally will not be available when wheat uptakes the majority of its nitrogen before mid-June. Finish reading at https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2022-06/topdressing-wheat-liquid-swine-manure
Mark A. Badertscher
Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator
OSU Extension Hardin County
1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326