5 things to know about CFAES’ new sustainable agriculture major

At CFAES, our mission is: We sustain life. Soon, our students will gain a new path for learning to do just that.

CFAES’ four-year degree program in sustainable agriculture—centered on a balance of food production, environmental quality, economic viability, and social responsibility—will start fall semester 2021. Here are five things to know about it …

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CFAES launching sustainable ag major

CFAES is launching a four-year degree program in sustainable agriculture. The new major, which will lead to a bachelor of science in agriculture, starts fall semester 2021.

“Our graduates will have practical skills, be problem solvers, and systems thinkers—the qualities needed for success in many careers and that will help them make the changes in the world we’re all hoping for,” said Casey Hoy, holder of CFAES’ W.K. Kellogg Foundation Endowed Chair in Agricultural Ecosystems Management. Hoy led the team that created the major.

Continue reading CFAES launching sustainable ag major

How to help your lettuce keep its cool

Leafy greens generally don’t like it hot. What can you do? Tim McDermott, educator with the Franklin County office of OSU Extension, CFAES’ outreach arm, and Michelle Nowak of Columbus’s Franklinton Farms will share ideas during the upcoming annual conference of the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association.

Continue reading How to help your lettuce keep its cool

How to grow Kernza in Ohio (and why)

Discover the new crop called Kernza when CFAES researcher Steve Culman presents “Organic Perennial Grain Crops for Grain and Forage” during the upcoming annual conference of the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association.

Continue reading How to grow Kernza in Ohio (and why)

Grants for on-farm sustainable ag research

CFAES’ Agroecosystems Management Program (AMP) requests research proposals for on-farm research by teams of Ohio State researchers and Ohio farmers. Grants are available annually through the Paul C. and Edna H. Warner Endowment Fund for Sustainable Agriculture. The proposal deadline is March 1. Read more.

OEFFA conference coming soon

Registration is open for the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association’s 42nd annual conference, Ohio’s largest such event focused on sustainable agriculture, set for Feb. 10–15 online.

The conference sponsors include three CFAES programs, and among the 60-plus scheduled speakers are 10 from CFAES and Ohio State.

Learn more and register. The deadline to register is Feb. 8.

Join CFAES in celebrating World Soil Day

We invite you to join us this Friday, Dec. 4, for a celebration of World Soil Day. Our free public virtual program will feature:

  • a keynote by Andrew Margenot of the University of Illinois;
  • a keynote by CFAES’ esteemed Rattan Lal; and
  • details on CFAES student research into soils, climate, farming, and food security.

Learn more and register now to attend.

CFAES reads for Oct. 14, 2020

Gore, 2020 laureate Lal pitch national policy during World Food Prize talk on soil health and hunger

Des Moines (Iowa) Business Record, Oct. 13; featuring Rattan Lal, School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR)

Ohio State soil scientist honored for increasing global food production

Ohio State News, Oct. 5; featuring Rattan Lal, SENR

Cargill to advance regenerative practices on 10 million acres

No-Till Farmer, Sept. 17; partnership with CFAES cited

COVID-19 and resilient food systems

CFAES’ 14th annual Stinner Summit will focus on COVID-19. What has it shown about the fragility of our food system? How can the system be made more resilient?

The event, whose theme is “Adapting Ohio Agroecosystems for Resilience to the Pandemic and Other Natural Disasters,” will be held online from 1–4 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 16.

Participation is free and open to all. Learn more and register to join us.