June 26, 2023

Good afternoon,

As I write this edition of the Hardin County Agriculture and Natural Resources Update, we received a brief shower in Kenton. It seems like the rain has been hit and miss and the crops are growing slowly because of the lack of rain and cool temperatures. Fortunately, we have not had too many 90 degree days to put additional stress on the crops in the field. The most recent Ohio Crop Weather report for June 20 that I have attached shows that 96.4% of the state has been abnormally dry or worse. 97% of corn has emerged statewide, but most of it in Hardin County is V9 growth stage or less. 95% of soybean plants are emerged statewide, but many fields that I have looked at in Hardin County are at V10 growth stage or less. Wheat is in Feekes 11, still in the dough stages but that could change soon with the dry weather. Most of the field crops in the state are rated in the “Good” category. Refer to the attached May 2023 Rainfall Summary for more local rainfall and crop information. For the period of May 1-May 31, Extension rainfall reporters recorded an average of 2.47 inches of rain in Hardin County. Last year, the average rainfall for the same time was 5.41 inches. Rainfall for May was 1.62 inches less than the ten-year average rainfall for the month.

Ohio Crop Weather

May 2023 Rainfall Summary

I have attached a couple related articles that you might find interesting including one looking back on Hardin County Crop Yields from 2022 compared with surrounding counties. I have also included one that takes a look at Dry Weather Crop Impacts. There is a West Central Ohio Hay Day coming up July 6 near Urbana, so I have included a flyer with information about how you can register to attend. Also, if you are cleaning out the grain bins this summer, I encourage you to participate in OSU’s “Farmers’ Exposure to Dust and Noise Hazards at On-Farm Grain Facilities” study. See the attached flyer for more information about how you can get involved with this research. Speaking of research, I have been trapping for True Armyworm, Black Cutworm, European Corn Borer, and Corn Earworm for the past couple of months around the county. Currently I am putting up traps for Western Bean Cutworm, and later will add Fall Armyworm. You can read about our statewide OSU Extension crop insect monitoring and recommendations in the CORN Newsletter (corn.osu.edu). Most insect pest activity has been low, with the exception of Black Cutworm moth flight in a couple fields that I have been monitoring.

Crop Yields News Release

Dry Weather Crop Impacts News Release

Hay Day Flyer

Grain Bin Dust/Noise Research

If you are a gardener, I would like to invite you to attend tonight’s “An Evening Garden Affair” being held at the Friendship Gardens located in Kenton on 960 W Kohler Street. It begins with a garden tour and snacks at 6:30 pm, followed by a 7:00 pm program in the Simon Kenton School gym by Hancock County OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteer John King presenting on “Small Space Vegetable Gardening.” I have included a news article and flyer with this email with more details about this event. In addition, there is a series of Summer Garden Programs being offered at the Friendship Gardens of Hardin County for which I have included a news release and flyer. You are welcome to attend these events as well that are being held by the Hardin County OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteers the next few months. Topics include “Hugelkulture,” “Worm Composting,” and “Growing Cabbage, Broccoli and Kohlrabi.” As always, I have included some timely articles from the CORN Newsletter below that you may like to read with a cup of iced tea on these summer afternoons, hopefully during a rain event.

An Evening Garden Affair News Release

An Evening Garden Affair Flyer

Summer Garden Programs News Release

Summer Programs in the Friendship Garden Flyer




What happened with crop yields during 1988 and 2012? A recap – Osler Ortez, Laura Lindsey, Greg LaBarge

After a couple of weeks of dry conditions in the state, “the skies opened up” during the last week or so. Showers and storms moved across the state during this period. Prior to these rainfall events, we heard comments “This is starting to look like 1988”, but thankfully, we think that we did not get there. The recent rains and cooler temperatures have alleviated (at least to some degree) the drought concerns in areas of the state. We still need steady rains throughout the growing season, and we hope we get them. For now, the next 7-day forecast has rains for most regions. Read more at https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2023-19/what-happened-crop-yields-during-1988-and-2012-recap.


Battle for the Belt: Episode 15 – Taylor Dill, Laura Lindsey, Osler Ortez, Pierce Paul, Joe Davlin, Matt Davis

Episode 15 of Battle for the Belt is now available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTgin3qPtoU. In Episode 15, we have a conversation with Dr. Pierce Paul, Cereal Plant Pathology Specialist about corn disease concerns and scouting, along with a field update from the Northwest and Western research stations and an Allen County farmer who planted soybeans first. See the summary article at https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2023-19/battle-belt-episode-15.


Lep Monitoring Network Update #7 – Trap Counts for CEW and ECB (IA & NY) – Stephanie Pflaum, Rebecca DiScipio, Amy Raudenbush, Suranga Basnagala , Mark Badertscher, Trevor Corboy, Jamie Hampton, Mary Jo Hassen, Clifton Martin, Curtis Young, Andy Michel, Kelley Tilmon

The Ohio Lep Network is continuing to monitor moth pests across Ohio. As we have begun our seventh week of monitoring, we are happy to begin reports for corn earworm (CEW) monitoring as well as continuing to monitor for European corn borer (ECB) IA and NY populations. As mentioned in our most recent Lep Network newsletter, monitoring for black cutworm (BCW) and true armyworm (AMW) for this season has come to a close. For more resources on these pests and many others, check out our website: https://aginsects.osu.edu. Finish reading the insect trapping article at https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2023-19/lep-monitoring-network-update-7-%E2%80%93-trap-counts-cew-and-ecb-ia-ny.


Dicamba Deadline Reminder – Alyssa Essman

Crop progress is highly variable this year. Some early planted crops have emerged and have had decent growth following recent rains. Dry weather has delayed the emergence of some later planted crops. This means there will also be variability in growth stages, which can have implications for POST application timings. The deadline to apply dicamba over-the-top (OTT) in Ohio is coming soon. For OTT applications of the dicamba products labeled for this use, the cutoff is up to and through June 30th, or the labeled growth stage. There are cutoff dates and/or soybean growth stages for the different products. Find out more details at https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2023-19/dicamba-deadline-reminder.


Keep an Eye on the Horizon for Dry Weather Insect Pests – Kelley Tilmon, Andy Michel

While nobody knows what the future holds regarding weather, recent dry conditions have made people think about the potential for drought this summer.  In field crops, certain insect pests tend to be worse under dry conditions – either because hot and/or dry weather favors their biology, reduces the impact of natural enemies that help control them [particularly insect-killing fungi], weakens the plants’ resistance to the insects or increases the physiological damage potential, or some combination of these factors.  While you can’t control the weather, stepping up scouting efforts in drought conditions can help you control unexpected damage from these dry-weather insects. Finish reading this article at https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2023-19/keep-eye-horizon-dry-weather-insect-pests.


Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326



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