Good afternoon,
The sun is finally shining! Hopefully we will soon see a change in the weather pattern to a drier and warmer month. This past Friday Ag Council met for breakfast and discussed the 2018 County Corn, Soybean, and Wheat Estimates. Hardin County was fourth in Ohio in corn production this past year! The West Central District that includes Hardin County was the breadbasket for Ohio, producing the highest yielding crops in the state. Let’s hope that continues into this growing season. I have attached these reports to this email that show total acres planted, harvested, as well as bushels produced along with the yields. The weather has caused some farmers to consider changing corn planting maturities or methods. See the attached Corn Planting News Release for recommendations about how you might make adjustments for this year’s planting season. Gardeners have also been affected by all of these rains this spring and are looking for an opportunity to plant. The Hardin County OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteers are having their annual plant sale on Saturday, May 11 from 9:00-11:00 am at the Friendship Gardens of Hardin County. This is a new location at 960 W. Kohler Street, Kenton that is behind the HARCO Workshop near the Simon Kenton School. Follow the signs for parking at the garden for this sale as it will not be at the fairgrounds this year. See the attached news release and flyer for more information.
I have also included the Ohio Crop Weather reports for April 22 and 29. The latest report shows the topsoil being 74% surplus moisture and subsoil being 68% surplus moisture. 26% of the winter wheat has jointed in Ohio, with 41% rated fair. 50% of the oats are planted with 24% emerged. These reports also include detailed temperature and precipitation numbers from around the state. I will receive an updated report later this afternoon from USDA. When the fields do become fit for work, fertilizer application will be taking place if not already done. Don’t forget that Ohio law requires fertilizer records be kept. I have attached a copy of a fertilizer record sheet that you can use for this purpose. If you have a commercial applicator spread fertilizer, they will have records for you. For those of you who have a fertilizer applicator card that expires on May 31, 2019, you will need renew this before it expires if you have not already done so. I am having another fertilizer recertification meeting at the Extension office on May 30 at 7:00 pm to provide one last opportunity to renew. You can register for this one-hour recertification class at
If you know of a young person interested in forestry and wildlife, attached is information on Camp Canopy (formerly Ohio Forestry Camp) being held June 9-14, 2019. This is a great camp for students 8-12th grade, who are interested in forestry and wildlife, to attend. Hardin SWCD is offering $200 toward the cost of the camp for one additional camper. There are also scholarships still available through the Ohio Forestry and Wildlife Association to assist a camper(s). Additional details and applications can be found at If anyone is interested, it is important for them to submit an application as soon as possible. Other upcoming local events include Farm Bureau meeting Tuesday (5/7) starting at 6:30 pm at Layman Farms, Men’s Garden Club meeting Monday (5/13) starting at 6:30 pm at the Extension office, and Soil and Water Conservation District meeting Thursday (5/16) starting at 7:30 am at the SWCD office. Check out the articles below for information about ag crops.
Assessing the Value of Variable Seeding Rates in Corn Production – Alexander Lindsey, Peter Thomison, Emerson Nafziger
Finding the best seeding rate is important for efficient corn production, but the “optimum” seeding rate – the one that maximizes profitability – can vary within and among fields with small differences in soils and weather. While adoption of variable rate technology is increasing, there are still questions related to how this technology will affect seeding rates, profitability, and be impacted by yield level compared to using a uniform (or fixed) seeding rate with modern hybrids. In order to help estimate the profitability of variable rate corn seeding, we used results of seeding rate trials in Ohio (93 trials) and Illinois (32 trials) to see how variable the response to seeding rates was, and to see if factors like yield level might help us do a better job of setting plant populations. Read more at
Effect of Soybean Relative Maturity on Grain Yield – Laura Lindsey, Wayde Looker
Fall 2018 was extremely wet, and as a result, small grain and cover crops throughout the state were planted late. Some farmers are interested in planting soybeans with an earlier relative maturity to facilitate timely harvest and establish a small grain or cover crop. But, what is the yield trade-off? In 2017 and 2018, we conducted trials in Wood County and Clark County, Ohio to examine the effect of soybean relative maturity on grain yield. Read more at
Corn Management Practices for Later Planting Dates – Changes to Consider – Peter Thomison, Steve Culman
As prospects for a timely start to spring planting diminish, growers need to reassess their planting strategies and consider adjustments. Since delayed planting reduces the yield potential of corn, the foremost attention should be given to management practices that will expedite crop establishment. The following are some suggestions and guidelines to consider in dealing with a late planting season. Although the penalty for late planting is important, care should be taken to avoid tillage and planting operations when soil is wet. Yield reductions resulting from “mudding the seed in” are usually much greater than those resulting from a slight planting delay. Yields may be reduced somewhat this year due to delayed planting, but effects of soil compaction can reduce yield for several years to come. Keep in mind that we typically do not see significant yield reductions due to late planting until mid-May or even later in some years. In 2017, favorable growing conditions allowed many growers to achieve exceptionally grain high yields in corn planted as late as early June. Go to to read more.
It’s All About the Weed Seedbank – Part 1: Where Has All the Marestail Gone? – Mark Loux
For the second year in a row, we are scrounging to find enough marestail at the OARDC Western Ag Station to conduct the research we had planned on this weed. After years of having plenty of marestail, we have had to look around for off-site fields where there is still a high enough population. Which, since we are scientists after all, or at least make our best attempts, left us thinking about reasons for the lack of marestail, and our overall marestail situation, and seedbanks. Go to to finish reading this article about marestail.
Dealing with Winter Injured Forage Stands – Mark Sulc
I’ve been hearing more reports from around the state of winter injured forage stands, especially in alfalfa. The saturated soil during much of the winter took its toll, with winter heaving being quite severe in many areas of the state. So, what should be done in these injured stands? The first step is to assess how extensive and serious is the damage. Review the CORN issue of the week of April 2, If the damage is extensive and throughout the entire field, it usually is best to destroy the stand, rotate out, and plant an emergency forage. In these cases, corn silage is the number one choice for an annual forage in terms of yield and nutritive value. But corn silage won’t be an option in some situations. Forage might be needed before corn silage can be ready, or the equipment and storage infrastructure is not available. Click on to read more about dealing with damaged forage stands.
Mark A. Badertscher
Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator
OSU Extension Hardin County
1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326
419-674-2297 Office