What are farmers’ health insurance options?

Farmers’ health insurance options will be the topic when CFAES’s Shoshanah Inwood and Stephanie Petrauskas of Springfield’s Rocking Horse Community Health Center speak at the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association’s annual conference. The conference runs Thursday, Feb. 15, through Saturday, Feb. 17, in Dayton. Continue reading What are farmers’ health insurance options?

Love that sustains

Perennial grain’s promise for food, forage, soil

CFAES scientist Steve Culman, pictured, will give a workshop on “Dual Use Perennial Grain Crops: Grain for Humans and Forage for Livestock” from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 17, at the annual conference of the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association. Here are some details about his research from a story slated for our next CFAES Impact newsletter. Continue reading Perennial grain’s promise for food, forage, soil

Why do (organic) on-farm research? Discuss

“Better on-farm research for better organic farming” is the theme of a panel discussion set for the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association’s (OEFFA) annual conference. The conference is Feb. 15-17 in Dayton.

Continue reading Why do (organic) on-farm research? Discuss