Good afternoon,
There’s been a whirlwind of Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension programs happening in the area so I thought I better get out another email to let you know what is coming up in the near future so you don’t miss an opportunity. Allen County OSU Extension has a new AgNR Educator by the name of Nic Baumer and he has an Allen County Ag Outlook and Agronomy Day coming up tomorrow at the Allen County Fairgrounds starting at 9:00 am. See the attached flyer for more details if you plan to make the trip to Lima. This coming Thursday, February 9 is the next Conservation Tillage Club breakfast with Dr. Pierce Paul speaking on Corn Diseases. I asked him to address tar spot and ear rots since we have had issues locally with tar spot the past two years and vomitoxin the past few years. I have attached a flyer with more information about this breakfast series at the Plaza Inn Restaurant which will wrap up on February 23 with the topic of Farm Bill Programs.
Allen County Ag Outlook and Agronomy Day Flyer
Conservation Tillage Club Flyer
Next Friday, February 10 will be another busy day as we have a Cover Crop Management Seminar planned at the Plaza Inn Restaurant in Mt. Victory from 9:00 am-12:00 pm with a complimentary lunch. See the attached article and flyer for registration information. Then starting at 1:00 pm the same day, we have an Agricultural Fertilizer Certification Class for anyone who needs to get their fertilizer certification for the first time. This will be held at the Extension office in Kenton. If you would like to register, see the attached news release and flyer. We have extended the registration period for both of these events.
Cover Crops Management Seminar News Release
Fertilizer Certification News Release
Fertilizer Certification Flyer
We are offering a combined self-paced online and face-to-face Master Gardener Volunteer Training Course starting February 13 here at the Extension office in Kenton for anyone who might be interested in becoming an OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteer. See the attached brochure to learn more about this Hardin County group of volunteers. We can still enroll people in this course if you know someone interested in gardening who would like to help out with horticulture programs in the community. It is also the beginning of the winter livestock banquet season with the February 18 Horse Banquet being the first of six livestock banquets planned in the county. This banquet will be at the Kenton Moose Family Center. See the attached news release for information about this event and how you can reserve a ticket.
If you are interested in reading more OSU Extension newsletters, go to to find the Northwest Ohio ANR Newsletter 2023 along with several other good sources of information. Ohio Custom Rates and Machinery Costs can be found at and upcoming Farm Office Live webinars can be found at As before, I have provided additional Ag Crops articles below.
Sampling Corn Grain for Vomitoxin – Pierce Paul
Moldy grain and vomitoxin levels vary considerably within the grain lot. This is largely because the number of ears infected with Gibberella zeae, the fungus that causes Gibberella ear rot and produces vomitoxin in the grain, and number of infected kernels on a given ear within a field are highly variable. In addition, ears, and kernels with a similar appearance in terms of surface moldiness may have vastly different levels of internal fungal colonization, and consequently, different levels of vomitoxin contamination. Find additional information about sampling for vomitoxin in corn at
Cover Crop Management Seminar – Mark Badertscher
Cody Beacom and Jim Hoorman are the headline speakers for a Cover Crop Management three-hour morning program presented by the Ohio No-Till Council, Hardin County OSU Extension, and The Nature Conservancy. The event will be held at the Plaza Inn Restaurant, 491 S Main Street, Mt. Victory, starting at 9:00 am on Friday, February 10. Coffee and cake will be provided by Wingfield Crop Insurance Service starting at 8:30 am. Cody Beacom, Bird Agronomics, will explain the basics of cover crops, from the selection of the best mix for summer or fall seeding to managing in the spring, whether using a burndown herbicide, “planting green”, or using a roller crimper. Find out more about this upcoming seminar at
Virtual Corn College and Soybean School – Laura Lindsey, Amanda Douridas, Taylor Dill
Due to popular demand, the AgCrops Team will host the 3rd annual virtual Corn College and Soybean School on February 10, 2023 from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM featuring your OSU Extension state specialists and soil fertility guest speaker, Dr. Kurt Steinke, from Michigan State University. CCA CEUs will be available during the live presentations. To register, please go to: Please register by February 9 at noon. There is a $10 registration fee for this event, which goes directly to support OSU AgCrops Team activities. Read more at
Northwest Ohio Agronomy Day – Alan Leininger
Henry County will be hosting the 2023 Northwest Ohio Agronomy Crops Day on February 8th, 2023. This year’s event will feature Dr. Pierce Paul, Professor and Associate Chair in the Department of Plant Pathology at the Ohio State University. He will be presenting on the topic of Development and Management of Ear Rots, Mycotoxins, and Tar Spot. Also featured is Dr. Laura Lindsay, Associate Professor in the Department of Horticulture & Crop Science at Ohio State University. She will be presenting the topic of Soybean Planting Date and Management Interactions. Aaron Wilson, Assistant Professor, Ag Weather and Climate Field Specialist for Ohio State University Extension & State Climatologist of Ohio will present an Agricultural Weather & Climate Update. Finish this article at
Hot Topics in Grain Crops Series – Ed Lentz
The Ohio State University Extension – Hancock County office will be offering its Hot Topics in Grain Crops Series over three evenings in February and March at the Hancock County Agricultural Service Center, 7868 CR 140, Findlay, OH 45840. Each meeting will cover one specific crop – wheat, corn, and soybean. Local research results and a discussion on upcoming production issues will be presented at the meeting. There will also be a Question-and-Answer period to address any issue concerning that crop which was not part of the presentation. The programs will be led by Dr. Edwin Lentz, who has a doctorate in Crop Management and Physiology and has been providing agronomic expertise to Ohio farmers for over 30 years. Programs are free but please register by calling the Hancock County Extension office, 419-422-3851 or email at least one day before the program. See more at
Mark A. Badertscher
Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator
OSU Extension Hardin County
1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326