March 20, 2020

Good evening,

It’s been a crazy time for all of us.  Governor DeWine recently issued a state of emergency and implemented a variety of strategies to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 disease.  In order to do our part in reducing risk to our employees or clientele, we have implemented a teleworking plan.  OSU Extension closed its office by the end of Tuesday, March 17, 2020.  In alignment with all OSU offices, we have postponed all face-to-face programming through April 30th in response to the recent social distancing directives.  Until further notice, all OSU Extension staff are working remotely and are available from 8am-4:30 pm Monday-Friday to receive phone calls and emails.  Events that were planned through Hardin County AgNR Extension included the Master Gardener Volunteers Spring Garden Seminar scheduled for March 19 that was cancelled and our Make-up/Specialty Pesticide and Fertilizer Recertification scheduled for March 31 that has now been postponed until further notice.  The April 3 Ag Council meeting that was supposed to be combined with Farm Bureau Ag Policy Development has now been postponed until further notice.  Moving forward, one thing that is still scheduled is the eFields On-Farm Research Webinar planned for Wednesday, March 25 at 9:00 am.  See the attached flyer for information about how you can connect with your computer and learn about Ohio field scale research conducted in 2019.

eFields Webinar Flyer

Other county ag events have suffered the same fate.  Both the Ag Society Consignment Sale and the Pork Producers Pork Banquet that were both scheduled for March 14 and had to be cancelled.  The Goat Banquet that was planned for March 28 has also been postponed until further notice.  The Dairy Service Unit spring cheese sale has been cancelled until further notice.  Keep in mind the published dates and read the attached news release about Hardin County AgNR Programs Update and OSU Extension working remotely for more information and about how to contact our office staff for information or questions you may have.  I have attached an article written by Wood County Extension Educator Alan Sundermeier addressing Agronomy Concerns for 2020 including such topics as planting where corn or soybeans were planted, prevent plant with cover crops fields, and prevent plant with bare soil fields.  I have also attached an OSU Extension fact sheet titled “Questions Regarding the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) on Farms with Employees” in both English and Spanish in case you may have workers on your farm who only speak Spanish.   I have also included an information sheet titled “Department of Treasury & IRS Providing an Automatic Extension for Tax Payments (Not Filing Returns) Tax Implications for Farmers” put together by OSU Extension.

AgNR Programs News Release

Remote Extension News Release

Agronomy Concerns News Release



COVID Tax Implications For Farmers

Some Ohio farmers were mailed an OSU survey about extreme weather, trade tensions, declining prices, lack of access to health care and urban sprawl.  To get a better handle on how Ohio farm families are adapting to these challenges, researchers at The Ohio State University are asking farmers to share their experiences through a new statewide survey.  The survey asks farmers not only about their farm businesses, but also about how farming trends are affecting the well-being of their households and communities.  If you received this survey, please take the time to complete it.  For further information contact the project co-leads: Dr. Douglas Jackson-Smith (; 330-202-3540) or Dr. Shoshanah Inwood (; 330-263-3790).  Also, if anyone knows of any hay or straw for sale, please let me know as I have some livestock producers looking to buy.  You can contact me by email or the phone number listed below.  I have included some articles below for you to read while you are spending days and evenings at home.  Finally, I have also attached a Farm Management Fact Sheet from Michigan State University called “Creating a Spending Plan” that may be helpful to some.  Stay safe and healthy for this coming crop season.

Creating A Spending Plan










Winter Wheat Stand Evaluation – Laura Lindsey

Between planting in the fall and Feekes 4 growth stage (beginning of erect growth) in the spring, winter wheat is vulnerable to environmental stress such as saturated soils and freeze-thaw cycles that cause soil heaving. All of which may lead to substantial stand reduction, and consequently, low grain yield. However, a stand that looks thin in the spring does not always correspond to lower grain yield. Rather than relying on a visual assessment, we suggest counting the number of wheat stems or using the mobile phone app (Canopeo) to estimate wheat grain yield.  Read more at








Phosphorus Placement Effects on Yield and Water Quality in a Corn-Soybean Rotation – Greg LaBarge

Phosphorus placement has been discussed as a 4R Best Management Practice that results in lower nutrient losses than when P is surface applied and left on the surface. The concept is that by mixing granular fertilizer with the soil, we expose the nutrient to more soil surface area for attachment. A replicated trial was established at the Northwest Agricultural Research Station-OARDC located near Custer, OH to measure water quality and crop yield with four fertilizer placement options. Continue to read this article at









Topdressing Wheat with Liquid Swine Manure – Glen Arnold

Wheat fields will begin to firm up in Ohio and the topdressing with nitrogen fertilizer will soon start. There is usually a window of time, typically around the last week of March or the first week of April, when wheat fields are firm enough to support manure application equipment. By this date, wheat fields have broken dormancy and are actively pulling moisture and nutrients from the soil.  Finish reading this article at









“What’s your number?” The SCN Coalition is still in progress – Anne Dorrance

There is a lot of information already out and if you haven’t taken the time, check out  the website, for training and infographics about soybean cyst nematode, you can bookmark this for as you prepare your fields– while on autosteer.  Only on autosteer.  Our Ohio site, with updated information is also ready  Take your time to see where this pest has been detected, where some of the hot spots are and what we need to be aware of for management.  This pest cannot be eradicated or removed from a field once it is there, but there is no reason why it should take a lot of our soybean yield, we just need to manage it and that starts with knowing your number. Click on to continue reading this article.









H2Ohio Signup to be Extended – Glen Arnold

The deadline to enter into a contract with the H2Ohio program for farmers in the 14-county, Maumee River watershed is being extended. The original deadline was March 31st but due to COVID-19, more farmers and Soil and Water Conservation District personnel are conducting information exchanges through phone calls and e-mails. The H2Ohio deadline is expected to be extended to June 2nd, tentatively. Contact your local Soil and Water Conservation District for more details.




Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326


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