July 3, 2018


This past week was eventful with our Evening Garden Affair and Ag Law program.  If you didn’t get a chance to go to the Evening Garden Affair, I have attached a copy of the third article written by OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Carol McKinley that discussed the benefits of gardening.  If you were unable to attend the Ag Law program with Peggy Kirk Hall, I have attached a copy of her presentation ‘5 Property Laws Farmers Need to Know.’  Corn continues to grow with the hot weather and adequate moisture, while the soybean fields that looked water weary are starting to improve.  Wheat harvest was in full swing this weekend in Hardin County with yields reported lower than expected.  See the attached Ohio Crop Weather Reports for June 25 and July 2 for more details about crop production progress.  The question that has some people thinking is whether they should double crop soybean into their wheat stubble.  This year we have plenty of moisture, so double cropping soybean is a viable option depending on the weather the rest of the season.  Read the attached article written by OSU Extension State Soybean and Small Grains specialist Dr. Laura Lindsey for more guidance with this topic.

Evening Garden Affair News Release Part 3

5 Property Laws Farmers Need to Know Hardin County

Ohio Crop Weather Report July 2

Ohio Crop Weather Report June 25

Double Crop Soybean News Release

There continues to be a wide variety of field days coming up in western Ohio and elsewhere around the state.  In addition to the Manure Science Review being held in Hardin County at the Watkins Farm near Forest on July 25 (see attached flyer for registration information), the Ohio Agribusiness Association is sponsoring a 4R Technology Review Field Day at the Kellogg Farm near Forest on July 17.  I have attached an agenda that you can read more about this local field day to make plans to attend.  There have been some calls to the Extension office about growing hops.  In the past, there have not been very many opportunities to learn about hops production locally.  July 24 there is a Hops Production and Management Field Day planned in Mechanicsburg, located in Champaign County.  I have also included the Spring Bulletin for Ohio Hops producers if you would like to learn more about this alternative crop.

Manure Science Review Flyer

OHIO 4R Tech Review Day – Agenda

Hops Bulletin-Spring 2018

Hop Production Field Day Flyer

Feel free to join us for our Ag Council Breakfast on Friday, July 6.  We will begin at 7:00 am in the Henry’s Restaurant banquet room in Kenton with breakfast, and then a round table discussion of agricultural issues, followed by sharing of information about the financial impact of Hardin County Agriculture.  The Men’s Garden Club is meeting Monday, July 9 at the home of Chuck Rife near Wharton at 6:30 pm.  Tuesday, July 10 the Sheep Improvement Association is meeting starting at 7:30 pm at the Extension office.  Make sure you read the agronomy articles below and I hope you and your family have a happy 4th of July.


Reminders about dicamba – Mark Loux

This is the time of year when we received our first call about dicamba problems in soybeans in 2017.  We can probably expect any problems to become evident soon, based on the timing of postemergence applications and timeline for development of symptoms.  Off-target issues have already developed in states farther west and south, and we would expect at least some to occur here, unless we’re really lucky. The symptoms of dicamba injury show in new soybean growth within approximately 7 to 21 days after exposure, and most of our soybeans receive postemergence applications from early June on.  It’s been a challenging year to properly steward postemergence applications.  To read more, go to https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2018-19/reminders-about-dicamba.

Impact of ponding and saturated soils on corn – Peter Thomison, Alexander Lindsey

Persistent rains during the past two weeks have resulted in ponding and saturated soils in many Ohio corn fields and led to questions concerning what impact these conditions will have on corn performance. The extent to which ponding injures corn is determined by several factors including: (1) plant stage of development when ponding occurs, (2) duration of ponding and (3) air/soil temperatures. Corn is affected most by flooding at the early stages of growth (see https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2018-15/young-corn-wet-feet-what-can-we-expect). Once corn has reached the late vegetative stages, saturated soil conditions will usually not cause significant damage.  To finish reading this article, click on https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2018-19/impact-ponding-and-saturated-soils-corn

Brown Spot IS NOT an economically important disease – Anne Dorrance

As farmers and consultants have been out checking their soybean stands, they are finding spots on the leaves.  The most common spotting on the unifoliates and first leaves is caused by Septoria glycines.  This is a fungus that overwinters on the previous soybean crop residue and in modern cultivars it is limited to the lower canopy.  We’ve done extensive studies on this disease over the past decade and I have yet to attribute an economic value in managing this. Go to https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2018-18/it%E2%80%99s-probably-not-frogeye-leafspot-and-no-brown-spot-not to read more about Brown Spot in soybean.

Western Ohio Precision Ag Field Day Planned – Sam Custer, Amanda Bennett

Western Ohio Precision Ag Field Day is planned for July 16, 2018 beginning at 8 a.m. at 9060 Versailles, Southeastern Road, Versailles. This event will feature field demonstrations on nutrient placement, management, and utilizing field data to make decisions. Credits will be available for fertilizer applicator re-certification, certified crop consultants, and certified livestock managers. Several agribusinesses will be participating in the trade show. Those currently include Integrated Ag Services, Apple Farm Service, Green Field Ag, Precision Agri-Service, Fennig Equipment, Crop Production Services, Southwest Automation, Ohio Ag Equipment, Koenig Equipment, Bumper Crop Imagery, Otte Ag, Rogers Grain, Ohio Soybean Council, Graves-Fearon Agency, Ebberts Field Seed, and Heritage Cooperative. To read more about this upcoming field day, go to https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2018-17/western-ohio-precision-ag-field-day-planned.

Western Bean Cutworm Montoring – Amy Raudenbush, John Schoenhals, Mark Badertscher, Lee Beers, Amanda Bennett, Bruce Clevenger, Sam Custer, Tom Dehass, Mike Gastier, Jason Hartschuh, Ed Lentz, Rory Lewandowski, Cecilia Lokai-Minnich, David Marrison, Eric Richer, Garth Ruff, Jeff Stachler, Curtis Young, Chris Zoller, Andy Michel, Kelley Tilmon

Another season of Western bean cutworm (WBC) trapping has officially begun! Bucket traps placed along the edge of a corn field with a lure were set between June 17th through 23rd and our first trap count is for WBC adults captured for week ending June 30th. Last week, 18 counties monitored 66 traps across Ohio for WBC adults. Overall, 76 WBC adults were captured and average moth per trap was 1.2.  Go to https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2018-20/western-bean-cutworm-montoring to read more about Western Bean Cutworm monitoring.

Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office


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