Good afternoon,
There sure has been a lot of events going on in Hardin County agriculture the past couple of weeks. We had our final Conservation Tillage Club breakfast program this past Tuesday with Steve Baker, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) State Soil Scientist speaking about Soil Health. Baker is a well-known expert on soil health, speaking to audiences about the importance of building soil quality to maximize fertility and improve crop production. The Hardin County OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteers were recognized by the Hardin County Chamber and Business Alliance this past Thursday for the 2016 Community Service Award. The Dairy Banquet was held this past Saturday, recognizing Meadow Cromer as the 2017 Dairy Princess along with a presentation from Hope Hazelton about her dairy internship on four Australian farms this past summer. This morning the Director of the Ohio Department of Agriculture, David Daniels was in Mt. Victory to speak to the Farmers Breakfast about the nutrient management issues in Lake Erie.
Tonight will be the final Ohio Beef Cattle School at the Extension office here in Kenton. Dr. Justin Sexten, Supply Development Director for Certified Angus Beef, will be discussing “Meeting consumer demand: Perspective from the feed yard to the consumer.” He will challenge the audience to consider questions such as: How do feeder, packer, grocer and restaurateur demands influence the decisions the cow/calf manager makes?; Does an end-user focused cow herd work on the farm?; What opportunities exist to capture value added processes? Feel free to join us tonight at 7:00 pm for this webinar program. I have attached a copy of the flyer for more details of the Ohio Beef Cattle School.
There will be a 3 hour Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training at The Inn at ONU on Monday, March 6 from 6:00-9:00 pm for anyone who has yet to get certified for fertilizer. Remember that the deadline is coming up September 30, 2017 and this is at a convenient location. See the attached news release and flyer for more information about how to pre-register for this state required training. Have you made your plans to attend this year’s Conservation Tillage Conference in Ada? This year’s conference will be this coming Tuesday and Wednesday, March 7-8 at Ohio Northern University. Last year over 900 participants attended the event which featured about 60 speakers and several vendors. See the attached news release, Ohio No-Till News article from mid-February, and flyer to prepare for this year’s event.
Fertilizer Training News Release
3 Hour Fertilizer Training Ada Flyer
Conservation Tillage Conference News Release
The Hardin County Pork Producers will hold their annual Pork Banquet on Saturday, March 11 at St. John’s Evangelical Church, starting at 6:30 pm. The fun-filled evening will include selection of the Queen and Scholarship Recipients as well as amazing food and door prizes. Ticket prices are $8, and half price for 2016 Hardin County Junior Fair Swine Exhibitors, as well as Fair Workers from the Food Pavilion, and children under the age of 12. The banquet is open to all interested persons but advance tickets are required. Tickets can be purchased through March 6 from the following county Pork Producers Directors: Grant Mizek, Kevin (Dewey) Skidmore, Steve Searson, Doug & Christine Heilman, Tim Holbrook, Mark Watkins, Rob Wilson, Matthew Holbrook, Lavern & Nancy Weaver, Rob Underwood, Nathan Weaver, Tyler & Tiffany Sparks, Rusty Bingham, Wes VanScoy, and Jody Dye. Tickets can also be obtained from the Extension office at 1021 West Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton.
Other local ag events this week include Tractor Safety and Machinery Operation for Youth – Session 4 on Wednesday (3/1) from 6:00-9:00 pm at the Extension office, New & Small Farm College – Session 7 on Thursday (3/2) from 6:00-9:00 pm at OSU Lima Campus, Hardin County Lamb Banquet on Saturday (3/4), starting at 6:30 pm at St. John’s Church in Kenton, and the Hardin County Fairboard, starting at 7:30 pm at the fair office on the same day. If you are interested in finding out about how our OSU Extension Nitrogen Timing plots data worked out, feel free to join us for Ag Council on Friday, (3/3) starting at 7:00 am for breakfast in the banquet room at Henry’s Restaurant in Kenton. Normally February usually is a time that some producers are thinking about frost seeding. I have attached an article about frost seeding clover with a drill that caught my attention recently so I wanted to pass it on to you. Even though it may seem very nice outside, it still is February so I have also included some agronomy articles for you to read if interested.
Frost Seeding Clover with a Drill Article
Steps to keep Palmer amaranth out of your operation – Mark Loux
As of the end of 2016, Palmer amaranth had been found in 18 Ohio counties, and the majority of it is resistant to both glyphosate and ALS-inhibiting herbicides (site 2) based on OSU greenhouse screening. Not all of these “finds” represent problem infestations, and in some cases the potential for a few plants to become an established patch was remedied by timely removal and subsequent monitoring. There are however a number of fields where Palmer became well established and effective control has since required extremely comprehensive herbicide programs combined with removal be hand. Go to to finish reading this article.
Don’t Get in a Hurry to Apply Nitrogen to Wheat – Ed Lentz, Laura Lindsey
Normally we would be concerned about producers applying nitrogen to wheat on frozen ground this time of year. The recent wave of abnormally warm temperatures has removed any frost that was in the ground and suggests that green-up may come sooner than recent years. Even if wheat comes out of winter earlier, the crop still does not require large amounts of N until stem elongation/jointing (Feekes Growth Stage 6), which is generally the middle or the end of April depending on the location in the state and spring temperatures. Ohio research has shown no yield benefit from applications made prior to this time period. Soil organic matter and/or N applied at planting generally provide sufficient N for early growth until stem elongation. For more information on top dressing wheat, go to
What’s Limiting Soybean Yield in Ohio? – Laura Lindsey
2013, 2014, and 2015, with funding from Ohio Soybean Council and help from county extension educators, we measured soybean yield limiting factors on 199 farms across the state. Data collected included management practices (i.e., crop rotation, variety, row width, etc), soil fertility status, soybean cyst nematode (SCN) egg counts, and soybean yield. These were the top yield-reducers in our research: planting date, soil fertility, soybean cyst nematode. To read about how you can reduce these soybean yield limiting factors, go to
2017 On-Farm Fertilizer Trials for Corn, Soybean, and Wheat – Steve Culman, Greg LaBarge, Harold D. Watters, CPAg/CCA, Ed Lentz, Anthony Fulford
Ohio State is looking for farmer cooperators and crop consultants to help conduct on-farm field trials for the 2017 field season. The 2017 field season will likely be our last year of field trials before Ohio fertilizer recommendations are updated and/or revised. We are looking specifically at N, P, K and S in corn, soybean and wheat. We are collecting data from a large number of farms across the state to determine fertilization rates that maximize farmer profitability. These trials should be considered an opportunity to learn more about your farm’s fertility needs, but also contribute to a state-wide effort for better nutrient management and water quality outcomes. To find out how you can participate in on-farm research, go to
Xtend soybean/dicamba information – Mark Loux
The latest blog post on the OSU weed management website,, has information on XtendiMax and Engenia. This includes primary labels and soybean supplemental labels for both products, along with an ODA fact sheet summarizing key aspects and differences between the labels. We have also posted an OSU Powerpoint that summarizes some of the key stewardship information from labels. BASF and Monsanto have started to provide approved tank-mix components on their websites – and Reminder that anything that will be mixed with Engenia or XtendiMax – herbicides, adjuvants, etc – must be listed on these websites prior to use. The same goes for nozzles, and approvals for these are starting to appear on the websites as well
Mark A. Badertscher
Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator
OSU Extension Hardin County
1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326
419-674-2297 Office