December 22, 2016


I hope you are looking forward to the upcoming holidays and the anticipation that the new year brings.  There are certainly several Extension programs planned for this coming new year and I wanted to let you know about them so that you can take advantage of what is available.  Before I do, I want to remind you that with the new year, the Veterinary Feed Directive will take effect.  If you are a livestock producer and use medication in feed or water, chances are this will affect you.  It will also affect youth producers as well, so make sure you take a look at the VFD brochure that I have attached to this email.

VFD Brochure

As mentioned in the previous edition of the Hardin County Agriculture and Natural Resources Update, January 2 is the registration deadline for our New and Small Farm College that Hardin County is hosting with Auglaize County Extension on Thursday evenings  in January, February and March at the OSU Lima campus.  I have also attached a copy of this brochure that explains this 8 week short course for anyone who is looking to begin farming or lives on small acreage and is considering options for use of their land.  The Conservation Tillage Club breakfast meetings are also set to begin on January 10, starting at 7:30 am at the Plaza Inn Restaurant in Mt. Victory.  Topics this year include Precision Agriculture & the 4Rs, New Weed Control Options, Grain Marketing Outlook, and Soil Health.  Other dates for this popular breakfast program series are January 24, February 7 and 21.  See the attached news release for more information.

NSF College Hardin/Auglaize Brochure

Tillage Club Breakfast News Release

Other area events include the West Ohio Agronomy Day being held in Fort Loramie on January 9 & Sidney (evening portion) on January 17 (see article below), Welcome to the Jungle: Weed Management 101 being held in Celina on January 11 (see attached flyer), and the Marion County Lambing Clinic being held in New Bloomington on January 21 (see attached flyer).  Upcoming local events include Fairboard on Wednesday, December 28 starting at 6:00 pm at the Plaza Inn Restaurant, Hardin County Jr. Fair Steer Tagging/Weigh-in on Saturday, December 31 from 10:00 am – 12:00 noon at the fairgrounds, and Farm Bureau on Tuesday, January 3 starting at 7:00 pm at Ag Credit.  I have also attached some agronomy related articles for you to look at over the holidays.  Enjoy!

Weed Management 101

Marion County Lambing Clinic 2016









2016 Ohio Corn Performance Test: Regional Overviews – Rich Minyo, Allen Geyer, Peter Thomison, David Lohnes

In 2016, 212 corn hybrids representing 26 commercial brands were evaluated in the Ohio Corn Performance Test (OCPT). Four tests were established in the Southwestern/West Central/Central (SW/WC/C) region and three tests were established in the Northwestern (NW) and North Central/Northeastern (NC/NE) regions (for a total of ten test sites statewide). Hybrid entries in the regional tests were planted in either an early or a full season maturity trial. These test sites provided a range of growing conditions and production environments.  For more information, go to









West Ohio Agronomy Day Set – Debbie Brown

The 2017 West Ohio Agronomy Day will be held on Monday, January 9th at St. Michael’s Hall in Fort Loramie. A light breakfast will be available starting at 8 a.m. with a marketing update from Sunrise Cooperative at 8:30 a.m. At 9 a.m. the Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification (Core and Categories 1, 2, and 6) and the two-hour Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training for those who already hold a Pesticide Applicator’s License (commercial or private) will begin. In addition, Certified Crop Adviser CEUs have been approved and Commercial Pesticide Applicator Credits are available in 2A and 2C.  Go to to read more about the topics and speakers for both January 9 in Fort Loramie and January 17 in Sidney.







Central Ohio Precision Ag Symposium – John Barker

The Central Ohio Precision Ag Symposium will be held on Thursday, January 12, 2017 at All Occasions Catering, 6986 Waldo-Delaware Rd., Waldo Ohio from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. This symposium will feature the most current technologies available in precision agriculture. These topics will be shared by some of the leading University precision ag experts such as 2013 Precision Ag Educator of the Year Winner – Dr. John Fulton from The Ohio State University. Dr. Fulton has also been recognized as one of Precision Ag Magazine’s 2016 Top 10 (#4) People in Precision Agriculture. Dr. Scott Shearer, Chair, Department of Food and Biological Engineering at the Ohio State University, and Dr. Erdal Ozkan, Department of Food and Biological Engineering at the Ohio State University will also be presenting. To continue reading this article, go to







Taking a second look at “food grade” corn: Q & A – Peter Thomison, Allen Geyer, Bruce Clevenger

What is “food grade” corn? Food grade corn, also referred to as hard endosperm corn, is yellow or white dent corn with specific endosperm (starch) characteristics. Hard endosperm corn contains high amounts of hard or (horny) endosperm relative to the amount of floury endosperm. Hard endosperm is a characteristic that is important to dry milling and alkaline cookers. The goal of the dry mill process is to keep the horny endosperm in large pieces and to remove the germ and pericarp to yield a low-fat low-fiber product. If the kernels are significantly soft or broken, there is less opportunity for millers to produce large grits. Product composition and color, as well as process stability, can also be affected by hardness and breakage. Other “food” corns directly consumed or widely used in food products include sweet corn and popcorn. However, these are not dent corns.  Go to to learn more about food grade corn.







All-Ohio Chapter Soil & Water Conservation Society Annual Conference – Alan Sundermeier

“Important Issues in Soil Health” will be the theme of the SWCS conference on Friday, January 20, 2017 from 9 am – 3 pm at the Der Dutchmen Restaurant in Plain City, Ohio. Topics include: Soil Infiltration Research, Management Systems Impact on Reactive Phosphorus, Soil Conservation Programs Overview, Evaluating Glyphosate & Reactive Phosphorus, Soil Health Profitability, Soil Health website. The public is invited. Register by January 12 at




Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office


December 12, 2016


The weather has taken a change in course lately since the last Hardin County Agriculture and Natural Resources Update.  Looking back on the growing season from April 15 through October 15, the average rainfall was 21.21 inches. This is 2.43 inches below the ten-year average growing season precipitation, and 3.49 less inches of rain than last year’s growing season.  A wide range of 13.21 inches in rainfall accumulation from high to low across the county is an indication of the variability in rainfall throughout Hardin County in 2016.  Read the attached Season Rainfall Summary as a reminder of the role weather played in this year’s crops.  This rainfall certainly affected our corn crop this year and was a topic of discussion during the Nitrogen presentation I did in Mercer County this past week.  This week I will be attending training in Columbus at our annual pesticide update so that I can bring new information back to share with the farmers in Hardin County.

Season Rainfall Summary 2016

Now that the crops have been harvested, you may be interested in brushing up on your farm management skills.  If so, Darke County Extension is hosting a Farm Management School starting January 5 if you are willing to make the trip to Greenville for five Thursday evening programs.  See the attached flyer for more information.  If you or someone you know is thinking about getting started in farming or is wondering what they can do with the small acreage they live on, the New & Small Farm College might be just what you are looking for.  Hardin County Extension is teaming up with Auglaize County Extension to offer this 8 week short course starting January 19 at OSU Lima Campus.  The course will also include a small farm tour with input from the students.  See the attached news release and brochure to learn more about this unique opportunity.  Registration is due by January 2 so make sure you check it out now.

Farm Management School Flyer 2017

New & Small Farm College News Release

NSF College Hardin/Auglaize Flyer

Have you heard about the Veterinary Feed Directive?  The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has made changes to the way some over-the-counter drugs may be purchased and used by livestock producers.  This mainly effects drugs used in feed and water.  Starting January 1, both adult and youth producers will be required to have a VFD (similar to a prescription) issued by their veterinarian to use these drugs with their livestock.  In order to get a VFD, producers must have an established Veterinary-Client-Patient Relationship.  See the attached news article for more information about this new directive that will soon be in place.  Upcoming local events include a Soil and Water Conservation District meeting Thursday, December 15 starting at 7:30 am at the SWCD office.  I have included some agronomy articles below to read on these cold, snowy days ahead.

Veterinary Feed Directive News Release




Purple Wheat


ARE YOU SEEING PURPLE WHEAT? – Laura Lindsey, Alexander Lindsey, Ed Lentz, Pierce Paul, Steve Culman, Eric Richer

Some farmers in northwest Ohio have noted purple-reddish leaves on their wheat crop (see picture). If your wheat plants turned purple, here are a couple of things to note. Environmental: Was the shift in color fairly sudden and widespread in the field? If so, the purple leaves may be weather related. With the abnormally warmer temperatures we experienced this fall, the shift to colder temperatures may have been sudden enough to slow the wheat growth and cause the leaves to turn purple.  To read more about purple wheat and its causes, go to









The results of the 2016 Ohio Soybean Performance Trials are now available online at: The online results includes sortable tables, soybean physical characteristics (plant height and seed size), and seed quality (protein, oil, and fiber).









KERNEL RED STREAK – Peter Thomison

With this kernel anomaly, red streaks form on sides of kernels and extend over the crown. Streaked kernels are more common at ear tips, especially if the husks are loose and kernels exposed. Kernel red streak is sometimes attributed to ear molds or mycotoxins. However, the red streaking is actually caused by a toxin secreted during feeding by the wheat curl mite Eriophyes tulipae, the vector of the wheat streak mosaic virus. There is no evidence that consumption of corn exhibiting kernel red streak is harmful. The streaking develops in the pericarp but does not affect the feed or nutritional value of corn. The severity of symptom expression varies among hybrids. Kernel red streak is most common on yellow dent and least common on white corn. The reddish discoloration may affect certain uses of food grade corn (may be regarded a cosmetic blemish), and may thereby reduce premiums.










Farmers have long explored options to provide energy savings associated with their agricultural operations. Ohio State University and the Ohio Soybean Council have partnered to provide research-based data driven tools to help Ohio farmers assess and navigate various energy infrastructure investment options for their farm. Specifically, the project team is interested in learning more about your experience and interest in extending natural gas lines to service your farm. Very little is known about the economic feasibility and regulatory process of investing in critical natural gas infrastructure to service farms in rural communities throughout Ohio.  To find out how you can participate in this survey, go to










West Ohio Agronomy Day will be held on Monday, January 9th at St. Michael’s Hall in Fort Loramie, (Shelby County) from 8:30a-4p. This is our annual Recertification Program for Private Pesticide Applicators and will also include the two-hour Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training for those who already have a Pesticide Applicator License. In addition, there will be Continuing Education Units (CEUs) available for Certified Crop Advisors. University presenters confirmed to date are Dr. Fred Whitford from Purdue University (“Safety is in Your Hands”) and Dr. Kelly Tilmon from OSU (Corn and Soybean Insect Update). In addition, ANR Educators from the area and Agronomy Field Specialists will be teaching various components. Mark your calendars now to attend this “Food, Fun, Fellowship, Lots of Information, and a Free Publication” event!! Watch for more news later! To read about the evening portion, go to




Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office