October 26, 2016

Good afternoon,

Yesterday we were able to harvest our Alger Corn Response to Nitrogen plot.  This plot is one of several statewide testing different nitrogen rates to provide data for updating the Tri-state Fertilizer Recommendations.  This particular plot is in highly organic muck soil.  Nitrogen rates applied were 100, 150, 200, 250 and a 0 lbs N per acre check strip that were side dressed with 28% UAN.  These treatments were replicated three times across the field.  Yields were between 182.8 and 196.1 bushels per acre with moisture from 15.5% to 18.4%.  A big thanks goes out to Howard and Jim Lyle for cooperating with this fertility trial.  Once all the data is summarized, it will be made available with other on-farm research reports at agcrops.osu.edu.

Around the county it appears that most of the soybeans have been harvested with several corn fields yet to be shelled.  This past week I submitted an article about preventing harvest accidents.  Harvest time is a busy and stressful time, so check out the attached article for tips on making the rest of this year’s harvest safe.  As the farm economy becomes tighter and the environmental pressure becomes greater on farmers, understanding your soil fertility and nutrient needs becomes ever so important. The Darke Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) will again be hosting the Soil Fertility & Nutrient Management Workshop Series beginning in November.  If you are interested in participating in the course, see the attached flyer for registration.

Harvest Safety Article News Release

SFN Management Workshop Flyer

Monday we will begin the process of planning our winter Conservation Tillage Club breakfast meetings.  Are there any topics that you would like to learn about this winter?  If so, reply back to this email with your ideas.  The planning committee from Hardin, Logan, and Union Counties will consider them as we begin organizing the series.  Upcoming events this week include a Farm Bureau meeting on Tuesday, November 1 starting at 7:00 pm at Ag Credit.  I have included some agronomy related articles below that you may be interested in reading.









Tips for Harvesting Lodged Corn – Peter Thomison

While never a recommended practice, this is definitely not the year to “store” corn in the field and delay harvest. Reports of lodging and downed corn are increasing across the state. Stalk rots are largely responsible for the problem which have been promoted by stressful production environments and susceptible hybrids. Affected corn stalks are characterized by internal plant tissue that has disintegrated and often appears “hollowed out”. These symptoms are also often present in the crown of the plant. Severe lodging slows the harvest operation causing delays that expose the crop to less favorable weather conditions, as well as wildlife damage. To finish reading this article, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2016-33/tips-harvesting-lodged-corn.







Poor seed quality reported from a few fields: Separating insect injury from the fungi – Anne Dorrance, Andy Michel

Poor seed quality from Phomopsis/Diaporthe, purplish colored seed, and seed coat mottling were reported over the past few weeks from a few fields.  These are more critical for our food grade and seed producers but to date should not affect feed quality.  These fungi have not been reported to this extent in Ohio for some time.  Go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2016-34/poor-seed-quality-reported-few-fields-separating-insect-injury to read comments on the problems from fungi found on soybeans this fall.







Corn Ear Rots: Identification, Quantification and Testing for Mycotoxins – Pierce Paul

A few weeks ago, we published a newsletter article addressing concerns related to Diplodia ear rot of corn. We have since received samples with at least three other ear rots, Trichoderma, Fusarium, and Gibberella. Of these, Trichoderma ear rot seems to be the most prevalent and severe. Ear rots differ from each other in terms of the damage they cause (their symptoms), the toxins they produce, and the specific conditions under which they develop. So, a good way to determine whether you do have a major ear rot problem this year is to quantify the disease in your field and get suspect samples tested for mycotoxins. And the best way to tell the difference among the ear rots is to know the types of symptoms they produce. To read more about corn ear rots, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2016-32/corn-ear-rots-identification-quantification-and-testing.







AgricultuHER “Finding Your Voice” – Amanda Douridas, Amanda Bennett

OSU Extension Champaign and Miami Counties are excited to announce the AgricultuHER “Finding Your Voice” event to be held on November 3. This event is designed to bring women of agriculture together to discuss how to share our way of life and career with the general public. As more of our community becomes further removed from the farm, it is important to be able to explain what we do and why we do it.  If you would like to find out more information about this unique Women in Agriculture program, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2016-32/agricultuher-%E2%80%9Cfinding-your-voice%E2%80%9D.







Ohio State PLOTS is here! Download it today! – John Fulton, Kaylee Port

After months of anticipation, Ohio State PLOTS is available for download for both Apple and Android devices. This app provides an all-in-one tool that can be used to enhance farm management decisions. With Ohio State PLOTS, users can create on-farm trials that compare hybrids, fertilizer rates, stand counts, and more.  Available to producers, OSU Extension educators, agronomist and consultants, this intuitive application provides meaningful interpretations of individual trials. To find out how this app can be used and download information, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2016-31/ohio-state-plots-here-download-it-today.




Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office



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