Good afternoon,
We harvested the Alger Nitrogen Timing plot Friday. This plot’s purpose was to test the best time to apply late season nitrogen to corn to get the best yield response. Although this is only a one year study so far, the V6 and V8 growth stages had the highest yield response. In this trial, 20 gallons of 28% UAN was applied to different strips of corn at V6, V8, V10, and VT, with one strip not receiving a late season nitrogen application. This was replicated three times across the plot. Timing of rainfall also played a role in the most efficient use of the nitrogen compared to when it was applied by the Y-drops attachment on the sprayer. I would like to thank Paul Ralston for his cooperation with this trial. After I get everything summarized and written up, an on-farm research report will appear with the others at
The weather has really cooperated with this year’s harvest up to this point. I have summarized the September rainfall in the attached rainfall report. During the month of September, Extension volunteer rainfall reporters received an average of 3.12 inches of rain. The most rain for this month, 5.40 inches, fell in Hale Township, as measured by Travis Ramsey. The least rain reported during the month, 1.76 inches, was reported in Marion Township by Mark Lowery. During the same month last year, an average of 1.57 inches of rain fell. The rainfall recorded in September over the past ten years averaged 3.41 inches. For more details about Hardin County rainfall in September, see the attached summary.
Have you considered contributing to the United Way of Hardin County this year? I have attached a copy of their brochure if you would like to help out. Make sure you list Agriculture as the division if you contribute so they know which industry is providing the support for this local campaign. This year the United Way is celebrating 50 years of ‘Turning Compassion into Action.’ If you are involved with Direct Marketing, you won’t want to miss the October 20 OSU Extension webinar on ‘Cooperatively Marketing Your Products.’ See the attached brochure about this and the final two Food and Agriculture webinars being offered this fall.
There is an ‘AgricultuHER’ program scheduled for women who desire to be ag advocates. This program is about finding your voice and telling the story of agriculture to the public. The event will be held November 3 in Troy. See the attached flyer for more information. Upcoming local events include Ag Hall of Fame Committee meeting Wednesday (10/19) starting at 6:30 pm at the Extension office, Soil and Water Conservation District meeting (10/20) starting at 7:30 am at the SWCD office, Dairy Service Unit Cheese Sale Order Pick-up Friday (10/21) 12:00-7:00 pm and Saturday (10/22) 9:00 am-12:00 pm at Wagner Dairy Farm, and the Hardin County Sheep Management Tour Saturday (10/22) through Sunday (10/23) in Logan, Darke, and Miami Counties. I have included some agronomy related articles below that you may be interested in reading.
Moldy Corn, Kernel Sprouting and Upright Ears – Peter Thomison, Pierce Paul, Sam Custer
Moldy ear and kernel sprouting problems have been reported in parts of Ohio especially west central and NW Ohio. The moldy ears have been attributed primarily to Diplodia ear rot. As has been the case in past years, the moldy ears and kernel sprouting are often associated with upright ears. Ears that remain erect after physiological maturity (black layer development) are more likely to promote molds and kernel sprouting because they trap water (especially at the base of the ear and slow kernel drying.) These ears may also be affected by opportunistic organisms taking advantage of the moist, nutritious environment at the base of the ear. To read more about moldy ears and kernel sprouting, go to
Brown Pods, Green Stems – Laura Lindsey, Kelley Tilmon, Andy Michel
Last week, we received a few comments about soybeans having mature pods, but the stems remaining green. Similar observations were made in 2012…another dry year. Green stems on soybean may be a result of a source/sink problem. With the hot and dry conditions this year, pod set was likely reduced. With a limited number of pods (sink), there are fewer places for the plant’s photosynthates (source) to go. From previously conducted work by Dr. Jim Beuerlein, when soybean pods were removed from a plant node when they first formed and started to expand, the leaf at that node stayed green after the rest of the plant matured. If all the small pods were removed from a branch on a plant, that branch did not mature. To learn more about this soybean condition, go to
Weeds, Weeds, and More Weeds (Auglaize County) – Jeff Stachler
Every fall County Extension Educators drive through their county evaluating weed control in soybean fields to see how weed populations are changing over time. This is my second year of doing this survey, but John Smith had done it before me. This year I drove 95 miles of the county compared to 78 miles last year. I started at the Darke and Mercer County lines on Rt 364 going north mostly on Tri-Township to Maier-Barber and Barber-Werner Roads, then I traveled east on Barber-Werner and Buckland-Holden Roads to Worrel road in the northeast and then straight down to New Hampshire and then down to Santa Fe line Road and Gutman then west to New Knoxville and north on Moulton-New Knoxville Road to Buckland-Holden Road. I observed 362 soybean fields along this route. To find out which weeds are a problem in Auglaize County this year, go to
Injury Prevention – Safety During Fall Harvest – Kent McGuire
This harvest season, safety should be a priority within the farm operation. Consider that it is a time that involves long hours and the need for multiple pieces of farm equipment working simultaneously to complete a crop harvest. The continuous activity, diminished daylight and stresses that can be associated with harvest can often lead to agricultural related injuries. Common injuries during fall harvest include slips, trips and falls; blunt trauma incidents; sprains / strains; and injuries due to fatigue. Read about some simple ways to reduce the risk of an injury during harvest, by going to
Soil Health and Cover Crop Field Day – Jeff Stachler
Mark your calendars for an excellent soil health and cover crop field day on October 24, 2016 from 10:00 AM to noon. Dr. Steve Cullman will be speaking about soil health. The latest method to seeding cover crops will be demonstrated and discussed. Cover crops were seeded when the corn was in the five to six collar stage, much earlier than previous seeding methods. The field day is sponsored by The Ohio State University Extension and will be free to the public. The field day will be held at the Wapakoneta FFA farm located at 15301 Redskin Trail road, Wapakoneta, Ohio. The field day will be held outdoors, so dress accordingly, although an alternate location has been secured in case of inclement weather. Register before 10-21-16 by calling 419-739-6580.
Mark A. Badertscher
Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator
OSU Extension Hardin County
1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326
419-674-2297 Office