Good afternoon,
In the month of July, Extension rainfall reporters recorded an average of 4.66 inches of rain in Hardin County. Last year, the average rainfall for July was 2.85 inches. Even though July’s precipitation totals were 1.81 inches more than last year, it was a change from June’s heavier rains. However these heavy rains throughout the end of May, most of June, and middle of July have been a challenge for most crop producers in Hardin County. The difficult year has affected the wheat, hay, soybean, and corn crops. For more information about the July rainfall, see the attached news article. I have also attached an informative article about the difficult crop year that was written by Hancock County Extension Educator Ed Lentz.
I have continued to scout soybean fields around the county as a part of our statewide soybean yield limiting factor research project. As beans enter the R6 growth stage and begin to fill out pods with seeds, you will need to keep an eye out for stink bugs which may feed on pods. So far, I haven’t seen these insects in the field but they may soon be out there. There is beginning to be more evidence of Sudden Death Syndrome in some spots and White Mold may appear in some fields. Overall, the amount of disease that I have seen has been very limited in soybeans. The four Western Bean Cutworm traps that I have around the county were empty this past Friday when I checked them. That is good news, but on the way home in the evening one night this week, I did remove European Corn Borer moths from my windshield.
There is going to be a Livestock Mortality Composting Certification Training being held September 9 in Greenville. Composting livestock and poultry mortality in agricultural operations is a legal option for disposal in Ohio. This required training session will certify operators to compost livestock mortality of approved species and apply the compost to fields. It is hoped this will expand operator’s options for disposal and enable them to improve the efficiency and profitability of farm enterprises. See the attached flyer for more information and registration details.
The Statewide Sheep Shearing School will be held Friday and Saturday, September 18-19 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Dave Cable Farm, 10491 Canal Road., Hebron, OH 43025. There is no class size limit and the cost is $40 per student which must be returned with registration form by Friday, September 11. See the attached registration form for more information if you would like to enroll in this year’s sheep shearing school.
2015 Sheep Shearing School Registration Form
Upcoming local events include a Soil and Water Conservation District Board meeting on Thursday, August 20, starting at 1:00 pm at the fairgrounds shelter house, followed by a customer appreciation meal at 5:00 pm and annual meeting at 6:30 pm. The Cattle Producers are holding their Annual Beef Picnic on Saturday, August 22 starting at 6:00 pm in the Community Building at the fairgrounds. There will be an OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteers meeting Monday, August 24 starting at 7:00 pm at Harco Industries. I have included some agronomy related articles below that you may be interested in reading.
Estimating Soybean Yield – Laura Lindsey
To estimate yield, four soybean yield components need to be considered: plants per acre, pods per plant, seeds per pod, and seeds per pound (seed size). A printable worksheet to estimate soybean yield can be found at It is difficult to accurately predict soybean yield because of plant variability and fall weather conditions can influence seed size. Estimates become more accurate as the growing season progresses. To find out the process of estimating soybean yield, go to
FSR Agronomy College – Harold Watters
The FSR Agronomy College is September 15th. We will make use of the site and facilities of the Farm Science Review’s Molly Caren Agricultural Center. We will see some things that FSR attendees won’t see. Registration is at 8:30 with the program running from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Enjoy lunch and discussion with industry and university agronomists. We encourage company Agronomists, CCAs and Custom Applicators to attend. Go to to find out more about this hands-on educational opportunity.
Tri-state Yield Monitor Workshop – John Fulton, Harold Watters
A Yield Monitor Data Workshop is scheduled for Tuesday August 25th and Wednesday the 26th in Auburn, Indiana. Steve Miller (MSU) has been coordinating this event. This two-day program features John Fulton, Ohio State University Precision Ag specialist and Bob Nielson, Purdue Agronomy corn specialist. This workshop provides a quick overview of precision agriculture then focuses on the basics of yield monitors and what is necessary to effectively use the extensive amount of data generated. Email Steve Miller ( or Lyndon Kelley ( or Call 269-467-5522 with questions. Topics to be covered include: Current State of Precision Agriculture, Making Yield Data work for you, Precision Ag Technology for On‐Farm Research, Yield Monitors—basics of calibration and processing data—data cleaning, Hands on working with real data, and Demos. Cost is $50.00 per person, includes lunch Tuesday and Wednesdays and refreshment breaks. Location is the 4-H Exhibit Hall at the DeKalb County Fairgrounds, 708 S Union St, Auburn, IN 46706.
Modified Relay Intercropping Field Day – Jason Hartschuh
On August 26th from 10:00 to 11:45 there will be a field day at OSU Extension Unger Farm, 1303 Bucyrus-Nevada Road, Bucyrus, Ohio 44820. We will be reviewing the research that was done in Modified Relay intercropping last year. We will continue with a plot tour looking at our current research projects including seeding rate, and planting date trials. The field day will finish up by looking at our Intercropping equipment and a discussion on weed control. For more information or to register for the field day contact OSU Extension Crawford County at 419-562-8731 or
Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training Field Day – Amanda Bennett
A three-hour fertilizer application certification program for any applicator that does not have a pesticide license will be offered on August 27, 2015 from 8:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Dulls Homestead, Inc. at 10404 National Rd, Brookville, Ohio 45309. The morning will include topics on phosphorus and nitrogen recommendations, soil sampling, assessing nitrogen usage of corn in the field and looking at timing and placement of manure applications for maximized economic return. Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) and Ohio Certified Livestock Manager (CLM) credits will be available. Pre-registration is preferred and you can register by calling the Miami County OSU Extension office at 937-440-3945 or the Montgomery County OSU Extension office at 937-224-9654 x109 or emailing or For more information, go to
Mark A. Badertscher
Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator
OSU Extension Hardin County
1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326
419-674-2297 Office