March 24, 2015

Good afternoon,

Mother Nature played a trick on us again.  We were happy to see the warm temperatures for a short time and then we were reminded that it is still March.  We did finish up our fertilizer training and pesticide recertification this past week.  Our three hour Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training that we had in Ada on March 5 had 98 participants get certified while our two hour Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training that we had in Mt. Victory March 19 had another 98 applicators get certified for the new this fertilizer certification requirement.  There will be additional trainings in the future so that all applicators who need to get certified can do so by September 30, 2017.


Earlier in the day on March 19, we had 62 private pesticide applicators go through recertification.  If there is anyone else out there who needs to get their pesticide recertification, please call the Hardin County Extension office at 419-674-2297 as soon as possible so that I can take care of you before the deadline of March 31.  That is also true for anyone who attended last Thursday’s pesticide recertification meeting in Mt. Victory for Core, Grain & Cereal Crops (Cat 1), Forage Crops & Livestock (Cat 2), and Fumigation (Cat 6), but still need additional areas such as Fruit & Vegetable Crops (Cat 3), Nursery & Forest Crops (Cat 4), or Greenhouse Crops (Cat 5).  There are only a couple of other programs still going on around the state.


Upcoming events include the Hardin County Beef Banquet on Saturday, March 28, starting at 6:00 pm in the Community Building at the fairgrounds.  There will be a ‘Making Hay’ program in Shelby County on April 2 at 7:00 pm.  See the attached flyer for more details about this program, which is free to the public.  The Hardin County Master Gardeners are hosting a phenology program, which is the science of when things happen, such as plant blooms and insect hatchings in the garden.  This program will be April 18, starting at 9:00 am at Harco Industries in Kenton.  There is a $10 registration fee which needs to be sent in by April 11.  See the attached news article and flyer for more information about this event which also includes a talk about ‘Planting for Pollinators’ and a demonstration of ‘How to Plant a Bare Root Rose.’

Hay Flyer

Phenology Flyer

Garden Phenology News Release

I have also attached an informative article about cover crops, written by Putnam County Extension Educator Jim Hoorman.  It explains the benefits of growing cover crops as part of your cropping program.  Speaking of Putnam County, they are hosting a New Pesticide Applicator Class on April 7, from 10:00 am-12:00 pm on April 7.  There will be someone from the Ohio Department of Agriculture giving the tests the same day when the participants finish the class.  If you know someone interested in this approach to getting a new pesticide license, send them to for more information.  In addition, there are some other articles included below that you might find interesting while waiting for the weather to warm up again.  (Maybe that will happen as soon as tomorrow…)

Benefits of Cover Crops








Wheat is starting to green up…  –  Laura Lindsey, Pierce Paul, Ed Lentz

Spring is coming (thank goodness!), and the winter wheat crop is starting to green-up.  Similar to what we’ve seen in the past few years, wheat planted shortly after the fly-free date looks better than the wheat that was planted late. Our current recommendations.  Fields should not be evaluated until completely green from warmer temperatures for at least 10 to 14 days. Stand evaluations will be more accurate when made during weather periods that promote growth.  Yield potential is reduced if tiller numbers fall below 25 per square foot after green up.  Go to to continue reading this article.






Planter Check-up for March  –  John Fulton

Even though the snow is falling here this evening, it is time to check the planter. Here is a list of suggestions for planter setup and maintenance. Check meters on a test stand in order to visually inspect parts and evaluate performance. Inspect all mechanical drive components and look for any excessive wear including down pressure springs, parallel linkages and bushings. Check seed tubes for any wear in particular the bottom section that can wear or become damaged. Replace if damaged or has excessive wear. Check size, wear and spacing for opening discs; always replace disc openers in pairs. Inspect gauge wheels and ensure opening discs are making proper contacting with the discs.   Adjust the shims for each gauge wheel arm to ensure the correct contact with the disc. Inspect closing wheels or discs and ensure bearings are in good shape and that the down force spring is properly set. Replace wheels if worn excessively. For vacuum planters, check all lines for damaged tubes. Check hydraulic motor for leaks and make sure fan is clean.  Go to to continue reading this article.






Cover Crop Strategies Field Day on Tuesday, April 7th  –  Debbie Brown

There is a Cover Crop Strategies Field Day on Tuesday, April 7th. This is a follow-up to a field day held last fall when the cover crops were green and growing. This spring the focus is on what’s been happening “below” the soil surface!! Some of the specific points to be discussed will include managing cover crops in the spring, preparing to plant the next crop, and year-round tips for effective cover crop use. Go to to continue reading this article.






Hardin County Farm Bureau Scholarship Information – Hardin County Farm Bureau

The Hardin County Farm Bureau is pleased to announce that the 2015-2016 scholarship applications are available for both the Jane Ralston and Walter Oates scholarships. If you or someone you know would like to apply, please click on the files below to print and complete the applications. You can also call or email the county office at 419-523-5874 or to receive a copy as well.  The application deadline is April 1, 2015. For application and details, go to






Grazing Bites – Victor Shelton, NRCS State Agronomist/Grazing Specialist

It certainly doesn’t look like it at the moment, but spring is just about here. It seems like it has been quite a while since I’ve seen grass; not just green grass, but any grass. I imagine the cows laying around, chewing cud with their eyes shut in quiet slumber and daydreaming about some new green fresh forage. I was asked recently when you should take soil fertility samples on pastures. The real answer to that question is usually six months prior to asking. If we know we are going to be reseeding some pasture in the spring, then we should be collecting the soil samples the previous September or October. I prefer to collect them in early September. If you want to see trends, it is best to pull those samples at the same time frame each time.  To continue reading this and other beef cattle articles, go to





Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office



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