Toward bluer big rivers

picture of blue river at sunriseCNN’s 2013 Hero of the Year, who works to clean up America’s major rivers one piece of trash at a time, will speak Feb. 24 at Ohio State. Chad Pregracke, founder of Living Lands & Waters, will headline February’s Breakfast Club program by the Environmental Professionals Network. Registration is free for the first 280 Ohio State students to sign up. (Photo: Missouri River, iStock.)

U.S. solar industry adding jobs 20 times faster than economy as a whole: Report

solar panels on red roofThinking about enrolling in ATI’s degree program in renewable energy? Especially solar and wind? Think about this: The U.S. solar industry is adding jobs 20 times faster than the national rate, says the latest National Solar Jobs Census, released Jan. 15 by the nonprofit Solar Foundation. Read stories about the census by CNBC, Fortune and Grist. ATI is CFAES’s two-year degree-granting unit in Wooster.

In case you missed it (in the holiday hubbub)

Farm and Dairy’s Chris Kick wrote a fantastic story on Dec. 24 on ATI’s new and growing degree program in renewable energy. “Everything we do here,” ATI’s Russ Yoder said in the story, “revolves around the creation of job opportunity.” ATI student Cory Brewer, who is majoring in the program and now also has a job locally in the field, is featured as one example. ATI is CFAES’s two-year degree-granting unit in Wooster. Yoder is a visiting assistant professor with the program.

By the way, that chicken ROCKS

OEFFA conference bannerYou’ve seen mentions here (and here and here, too, for example) of sessions slated for the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association’s annual conference. Now a new press release takes a wider look, including with a list of the 19 speakers from Ohio State. Get details on all the event’s speakers — some 100-plus in all — here (PDF).

Knee deep in clover: OEFFA conference preview

picture of cow in pastureWant amazing grazing? That leaves your farm in sound condition in terms of the green and the green — economics and the environment? Bob Hendershot, retired Natural Resources Conservation Service grazing management specialist, and Jeff McCutcheon, an educator with CFAES’s outreach arm, OSU Extension, will share what you should know in a series of detailed sessions. “Pasture for Profit I-IV,” Saturday, Feb. 14, and Sunday, Feb. 15, at the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association’s 36th annual conference. For more on the series, click here (PDF; p. 1 for times, p. 8 for session descriptions).


2 good reads on growing hops

Want to keep learning about hops? For starters, try CFAES’s Hops in Ohio: Beneficial Arthropods fact sheet (sustainable ways to manage pests) and Michigan State University Extension’s Sustainable Hop Production in the Great Lakes Region (PDF). (Also see our previous post.)