Wednesday, April 30, 2025

Your FCS Northwest Ohio Team:
Emma Horstman, Paulding County,
Jennifer Little, Hancock County,
Becky McGuire, Williams County,
Patrice Powers-Barker, Lucas County,
Melissa J. Rupp, Fulton County,
Katie Schlagheck, Ottawa and Sandusky Counties,
Susan Zies, Wood County,

Friday, April 19th, 2024, BGSU at Levis Commons, 1655 North Wilkinson Way, Perrysburg, OH 43551
2024 FCS Teacher In-Service Agenda
- 5 For 5! 5 Minutes to Better Health by University of Idaho Extension presented by Emma Horstman
- Healthy Families Build Strong Communities: The Intersection of Home and Community, Dr. Jackie Wilkins
- Learning the Lingo: Vital Conditions for Strong Communities, Emilee Drerup and Patrice Powers-Barker
- Scams: Consumer Beware, Susan Zies
- How To Avoid a Scam (FTC), Provides information on how to recognize, avoid, and reports scams to the FTC.
- Resources to help you avoid scams (cfpb), Provides specific information on common scams. Compiled by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
- Investor Alerts and Bulletins (SEC), SEC Investor Alerts posts recent investment frauds and scams.
- Common Scams and Frauds (, Find information on common scams and frauds that can happen to you.
- Report to help fight fraud (FTC), Step-by-step guidance on reporting fraud to the FTC.
- What To Do if You Were Scammed (FTC), Find out what to do if you paid someone you think is a scammer, gave them some personal information, or if they have access to your phone or computer. Purdue University.
- “Love Stinks” when a scammer is involved:
- 2023 infographic:
- Consumer Sentinel Network Data Book 2022
- Fighting Back! A Week Inside America’s Anti-Scam Call Center
- Scammers and AI
- Top Ten Tips for Financial Well-Being, Melissa Rupp
- Food & Diet Trends: from TikTok to Table, Jennifer Little
Resource Exhibits:
FCS Teacher Sharing Time:
- JustServe for many volunteer ideas and connections
- “trade off” of classes – FCS class visited auto tech and visited different stations to learn about basic car care. Next week will be the lesson for auto tech students on how to tie a tie.
- Child Development –
- first day discussions: childhood favorites, fun things … created poster to hang up (recommend making a template for the poster)
- One of their childhood favorites = classroom Holiday Parties. Now adding holiday parties as part of the current Child Development classes (seasonal games, food, etc)
- Interior Design
- Cardboard City with Housing Styles (each person/pair is assigned a style to create) (recommend scaling houses down from what we did this year)
- Art Decor Challenge (using scrapbook paper, yarn, ribbon, etc.)
- Weekly Challenges and Gamify Your Classroom – “come up with mini wall art” – group work and then had teachers vote on their projects
- Food Science – chili challenge, 8 kitchens, crockpots, March Madness bracket for teachers to rank samples
- Egg Hunt Review – (can be for any topic) hid eggs, find the eggs, the “answers” were in the eggs, need to match the answer
- Fish Bowl Games – terms on paper, in bowls. First round, describe word without saying it. Second round – act it out. Third round – one word clue.
- Information for Human Growth and Development – go through lifespan (handouts to group on infants), not as much focus on actual months but focus on the progression of milestones and what is needed to build on others. If you are interested and would like a copy later this summer, Michelle is willing to share (email
- Goal – made all recipes consistent, using lots of large print words and pictures, has gone really well with students, and has decreased the number of questions (
- To show simple and compound interest – plastic snow globes, filled with beads to show the example of simple interest to compound interest (snow globes available at dollar store in wintertime)
- Invitation to visit Maumee High School, newly renovated kitchens. If you have any questions, would like to visit, please feel free.
WELCOME! Not listed on the planning committee because she just started in the role of OSU Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences, Williams County is Becky McGuire.
Thursday, April 20th, 2023
2023 FCS Teacher In-service AGENDA
Resources: (listed in order of the day’s presentations)
- Tax Policy, the Social Safety Net, and Household Budgets by Dr. Lauren Jones, Associate Professor, Department of Human Sciences, OSU.
- Financial Literacy for Youth: An OSU Extension Approach by Candace Heer, Margaret Jenkins, and Melissa Rupp
- Laughter Yoga by Roseanne Scammahorn and Susan Zies
- Creating and Using a Break Box for Your Stress by Jewel Rollins, Central State University (CSU) Extension, Northwest Ohio
- Utilizing OSU Extension 4-H Resources by Casey Bishop
- Simplify Your Space– new curriculum OSU Extension, email Patrice or Melissa if you’re interested
- Please see agenda above for email contacts for OSU Extension, FCS Educators
Moderated Discussion on Financial Literacy – COMING SOON – list of “answers”
FCS Teacher Sharing Time – What’s working in your classroom?
Creative Ways to Teach Topics
- Find your match game – description on one card. The other had the “hello” my name is nametags
with the term. The kids without a description or name card are the “matchmakers” as a way to keep all of the students involved.
- Ugly sweater party – create a sweater for each element and add to their sketchbooks.
- Paint Days – paper out a section of one kitchen. Use tempera paints – work on shades, tones, hues. Instead of the whole class, call up about 4-6 at a time while they’re working on other projects.
- Boxed Game = Fun Empolyed: The Interview Game of Actual Jobs and Absurd Qualifications. Cards with unusual “skills” There’s a job card and then you draw skills cards (they are quirky descriptions). For school make sur
e you edit out any cards that won’t work in the classroom.
- Simple example of matching cards with financial terms –

Principles and elements of design – students find a room design (magazine page) they add the terms and definition to the page

Hanging Towels – Practice straight stitch and sew on button. Note: it works better with thin towels (the thicker fabric hand towels have been hard on the needles).

Pillowcases – pillow cases, make two = one to donate, one to keep. Let them bring in their own fabric or buy out of funds. One yard of fabric – because they’re doing two, they buy one solid color and one complimentary fabric.
If you follow their links to Ohio and Toledo area, there is a contact name and email. It also gives three drop of sites, two east of us in Milan and Sandusky and the third site in Northwest Ohio is Way Public Library in Perrysburg Ohio.
If they have extra time (or asked to come in afterschool to make holiday gifts) make a wristlet (10×3”) – or a lanyard (longer). The hardware isn’t that expensive.
Professional Skills
Ohio Means Jobs Readiness Seal this ODE page lists the requirements, links to pds, and frequently asked questions. A few tips from FCS teachers (today’s example was from Transition and Careers class)
- FCS teacher has it available for students a plastic three ring file sleeve with paper copies of instructions and sample and planning copy. Also makes color cardstock copies of the validation form (verses a black and white copy on paper). Any copy is acceptable for their validation and mentor signatures but we want to highlight the value of this opportunity.
- For class activity, have students rank themselves at where they are at right now. Reassure them that it’s fine if they rank themselves low – these are areas they will want to work on through high school.
- Watch the movie The Intern and have students identify the professional skills
- Students might say they don’t know who to ask as mentors for signatures – remind them of who they already see and work with. What groups and organizations are they part of? Do they attend a place of worship? Suggest they meet with their Dean – many have only ha
d to meet with their Dean for examples like tardiness. If they’ve improved their attendance, meet with the Dean for a good reason.
- Discussion question for students – even if you aren’t required to have this seal for graduation, why wouldn’t you do this? If you are applying for a job, how can you use this for your advantage?
- Add it to their portfolio
Connecting With Students
- Celebrate students’ birthdays – if it’s not during the school year, celebrate half birthday. Sing happy birthday as a class (if they’re comfortable with it), give them a chocolate candy bar with printed birthday label and birthday certificate.

- MRT (Mrs R. Trivia) at the beginning of class (gets them moving and engaged for topics that might not seem as interesting to them). At the beginning of finance class I give them a multiple choice question about myself (for example, “what’s my favorite cereal?”). The four multiple choice answers are in the four kitchens so they stand by their answer. The winners get stickers.
- March themes – we’re a big basketball school so I use March Madness as a theme for any of our topics. Whoever ends up with the winning “teams” (options) gets a prize like: winners get to pick the next two recipes for cooking.
- Show off their work! I use the student fridge to post their good work. I had some fun magnets on that fridge but they’ve chosen to add to it – they’ve asked if it’s ok to bring in magnets from their vacation.
- Resource person for your classroom – April Holbrook of Ohio Pork Council
Thank you FCS Teachers! #FCSsuccess
Thursday, April, 7th 2022: Welcome Back!
2022 FCS Teacher In-service agenda

Resources: (listed in order of agenda) – More to be added throughout the day
Secret History for FCS Teachers Powerpoint – Patrice Powers-Barker, OSU Extension, Lucas County and Melissa J. Rupp, OSU Extension, Fulton County
Digital Detox slides notes and references from Digital Detoxing in a Social World – Susan Zies, OSU Extension, Wood County:
Nature and Wellness slides notes – Laura Stanton, OSU Extension, Warren County
What’s new in the Kitchen? Air Fryers – Katie Schlagheck, OSU Extension, Ottawa and Sandusky Counties
Careers in Food and Nutrition slides notes – Jennifer Little, OSU Extension, Hancock County
Personal Finance Programs and Resources – check out Melissa’s Picks Financial Education
FCS Teacher Sharing Time – What’s working in your classroom?
Our FCS teachers share the best practices, tips, questions, and stories!
Love it when students allow FCS teachers to bring items for “show and tell”. Example of plarn (plastic yarn created from plastic grocery store bags) and crochet bag.

Textile class is over lunch (the long period) – the students prepped plyarn (yarn made out of plastic grocery bags). Some students already have experience with crochet. This is a good topic as an introduction to the FCCLA repurpose and design.
Take Charge Today, Financial Education for a Better Future, The University of Arizona
Created a substitute teacher grid with eight writing prompts for Human Growth and Development. The students can work on the assignments in class. They can receive the 25 points by writing their answer to the question, one page in length.
As one way to do an assessment for Principles of Foods, using these worksheets to introduce labels – the nutrition label as well as the ingredient list. This is a good activity to let them do a taste test (a small sample) and learn the lessons before they move into projects in the lab.

A Year in Real Life – an online lesson with a packet that corresponds with a year’s worth of income and expenses. The students have a hard copy of a calendar to track where bills land in the month. The online lesson uses spin wheels to help determine different statuses for different life situations (savings, credit, apr for credit card, credit card, number of children, how the baby is born and hospital costs, different types of vacation, etc). For more information on the program, email
What can we do with our FCS students to benefit families in Ukraine? We had a short discussion with some possible ideas. Although there is no single answer, we have some ideas:
- Make cookies for a bake sale.
- Donate proceeds to the World Central Kitchen
- Investigate charity organizations, compare the percentage of donations that go directly to people in need
- Use the FCCLA Planning Process with students
- May 2022: short promotion of the AWJH brownie bake sale
Other FCS Educators in Northwest Ohio:
Casey Bishop, OSU Extension, Paulding County
Central State University is an 1890 Land-Grant Institution. One difference is the location(s) that are served. For example, Jewel Rollins, works in the Northwest Region of Ohio, not just one county. Follow their Facebook page or use the direct contact information below.
- Jewel Rollins, Northwest Region Family & Consumer Science Educator, Central State University Extension, Email: Phone: 419-913-7111
- Hannah Albers, Northwest Region 4-H Educator, Central State University Extension Email: Phone: 937-710-5381

2020 and 2021: We missed seeing Northwest Ohio FCS teachers these springtimes due to COVID-19. We celebrate the work they offer all school year and we want to send an extra “thank you” during National Teacher Appreciation Week.

Thursday April 4th, 2019 – the following resources are added in order of the day’s agenda:
Keynote: The Ice Cream Sundae – A Perfect Model for Food Science in the FCS Classroom, presented by Pam Snyder
CIFT Food Industry Credentials, presented by Rebecca Singer, President and CEO, Center for Innovative Food Technology (CIFT)
Tour of the NOCK Facility and its mission, Paula Ray, Site Manager
Thank you Danielle Arbinger for sharing about your business, Guac Shop, website (and find them on facebook and instagram guacshop419)
Success Story: Thank you Chris and Lin Lane for sharing about your business, Country Lane BBQ, LLC, facebook

Lunchtime Information: David Little, CVE Curriculum Consultant
Mindful Moments (resource from Yoga 4 Classrooms – you can purchase their deck of cards and request a free download of six cards)
Lightening Round of Resources from OSU Extension, FCS Educators
FCS Teacher Share Time
(sorry, not all linked but here are some of the resources shared by teachers)
Book on Truck Food Cookbook, make foam food trucks to decorate the room. Ties in with lessons on recipes, cost of business, etc.
NGPF next generation personal finance (podcasts for your own professional development) (FinLit fanatics FB page for teachers using this curriculum)
Copy of weekly calendar, standard – kids can view it, it helps with subs and helps stay organized and “magic binder” with all information in one binder
Use Google – students use resources including running their own webpage for Childhood Development
Question of the day on whiteboard, up all day to see what other students wrote, 2-3 days a week, sometimes review questions, sometimes questions for fun
Lambsville, financial management class activity, Ms. Lamb is the mayor. Put it all into the packet this year.
Interior Design – made an edible color wheel – vanilla wafers, can work as team to use food colors
Documentary – The True Cost, on Netflicks, one hour 32 min, prepare students to see graphic things (how our clothes are made in third world countries). Message for our youth: you cannot disregard the clothes in your closet. If you don’t wear it, please share/donate with others who can use it.
Fill Your Bucket by Carol McCloud (books for babies, toddlers and youth). In class they decorate small buckets for this “children”
Compost Stew, (HS students like the kids’ book) for food supply unit, movie Ingredients, movie
Fetal Development, focus on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome since it’s preventable.
January is Board Appreciation Month, FCS class made the meal of 2 soups and then served to the board (including the superintendent and other administrators). They loved the meal and all of them stayed to clean up. Have made connections with them throughout the year (sometimes food, sometimes other information for them)
3 out of 5 Board Members following on FB
University of Findlay – Adulting 101
2023 draft Clutter free living lesson:
Additional PowerPoint presentations (no handouts included here)