On April 21, 2020, Ohio State University Extension Professionals will partner with the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) to present a webinar on Using the Logic Model and the Planning Wheel to Strengthen Communication, Planning, and Assessment of Family Life Education Programs. To learn more about the webinar and to register, please visit NCFR’s page.
This webpage will share the links to resources noted in the webinar presentation. Presenter bios and emails at the end of this page.
Logic Model
- Logic Model – Program Plan – Template by Jim Bates
- Logic Models, University of Wisconsin – Madison, Program Development and Evaluation, Division of Extension, (includes templates)
Family Life Education Framework
- Using the FLE Framework for Program Development & Evaluation, September 2013, by David J. Bredehoft, Ph.D., CFLE (currently free) through NCFR
- Family Life Education Framework Poster and PowerPoint – Third Edition for purchase from NCFR
- Family Life Education (FLE) Methodology, The Planning Wheel Infographic
- Family Life Education (FLE) Framework: Across the Lifespan Infographic
- Brief history on the infographics go.osu.edu/fcsfle
- The U.S. Land-Grant University System: An Overview August 29, 2019, includes a map of Land-Grant Institutions on page 8
- Cooperative Extension History, USDA, National Institute of Food and Agriculture
- Land-Grant University Website Directory USDA, National Institute of Food and Agriculture
- Ohio State University Extension
- Ohio State University Extension, Family and Consumer Sciences
Additional Resources
- Elise Gravel, All Kinds of Families, http://elisegravel.com/en/blog/diverse-families/
- Real Money. Real World, OSU Extension https://realmoneyrealworld.osu.edu/
Bredehoft, D.J., & Walcheski, M.J., Eds. (2011). Family Life Education Framework Poster and PowerPoint – 3rd. Ed. Minneapolis, MN: National Council on Family Relations.
Bredehoft, D.J., & Walcheski, M.J. (2009). Family life education: Integrating theory and practice. Minneapolis, MN: National Council on Family Relations.
Clarke, J. I, (1984). Who, Me Lead a Group? Seattle, WA: Parenting Press, Inc.
Gravel, E. (nd). Diverse Families. Retrieved April 14, 2020 from http://elisegravel.com/en/blog/diverse-families/
Keller, A., & Bauerle, J. A. (2009). Using a logic model to relate the strategic to the tactical in program planning and evaluation: An illustration based on social norms interventions. American Journal of Health Promotion, 24, 89-92.
Myers-Walls, J. A., Ballard, S. M., Darling, C. A. and Myers-Bowman, K. S. (2011). Reconceptualizing the Domain and Boundaries of Family Life Education. Family Relations, 60, 357–372.
National Council on Family Relations – What is Family Life Education. https://www.ncfr.org/cfle-certification/what-family-life-education
University of Wisconsin – Extension, Program Development and Development, Logic Model. https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/programdevelopment/logic-models/
Presenter Bios
Patrice Powers-Barker, CFLE, is an Ohio State University Extension Educator in Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) in Lucas County, Toledo, Ohio. She holds a master’s degree in Family Life Education from Spring Arbor University and a bachelor’s degree from Hiram College. She works with families on topics including wellness, food safety, household budgeting, mindfulness, local foods, and universal design. Beyond using her Certified Family Life Educator credential to directly reach families in her community, she is also interested in encouraging other professionals to recognize the value of their work with families. She has worked with teams to make useful and meaningful connections between the FCS profession and resources from NCFR, and she serves on the Ohio Council for Family Relations Board of Directors. Powers-barker.1@osu.edu
Katie Schlagheck, CFLE, started in June 2014 as the FCS educator in a split position with Sandusky County and Ottawa County for the Ohio State University. She also serves on the Ohio Council for Family Relations Board of Directors. She holds a master’s degree in human development and family studies from Central Michigan University and a bachelor’s degree in human development from Washington State University. In her professional role, she is always on the lookout for new partnerships and collaborations in order to strengthen programming in the community. schlagheck.11@osu.edu
Jim Bates, Ph.D., is a tenured associate professor and extension Field Specialist of Family Wellness in the FCS program area of Ohio State University Extension. He holds an adjunct appointment in the Department of Human Sciences in the Human Development and Family Sciences program area. He holds a doctoral degree in child and family studies from Syracuse University, a master’s degree in developmental studies from Purdue University, and a bachelor’s degree in marriage, family, and human development from Brigham Young University. He has taught courses in family relations; family life program design, implementation, and evaluation; parenting; intergenerational relationships; and research methods and applied statistics. He has formed partnerships with community outreach organizations to evaluate programs and has consulted on a multi-state, multi-year projects. His program themes as a Specialist in Family Wellness with Ohio State University Extension are intergenerational family relationships; family resiliency; and Family Life Education program design, implementation, evaluation, and analysis. bates.402@osu.edu