
2024 CFAES Farm Bill Summit

Ever wondered how the Farm Bill affects our food and agricultural landscape? The Farm Bill, a substantial legislative package passed by the federal government every few years, impacts how funds are allocated for various crucial aspects of agriculture, nutrition, conservation efforts, natural resource protection, and support systems across the nation. To delve deeper into this vital legislation and its implications, we invite you to join us at our upcoming event, the 2024 CFAES Farm Bill Summit, on February 23 from 1 – 3:30 p.m. at the Fawcett Center. Engage in discussions led by CFAES and industry experts, unravel the complexities, and understand how this bill shapes the future of farming and related industries. This summit offers a unique opportunity to gain insights, network with others in the industry, and comprehend the far-reaching impact of the Farm Bill on our agricultural ecosystem. Learn More and Register: 

Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training Course Announcement

The Ohio Department of Agriculture and The Ohio State University Extension Office Butler County are announcing a Produce Safety Alliance (FSMA) Grower Training on 3/26/2024 starting at 9AM at the Butler County OSU Extension Office conference room, 1802 Princeton Road, Hamilton, OH 45011. There is no cost for Ohio produce growers.

The PSA Grower Training Course is one way to satisfy the FSMA Produce Safety Rule requirement outlined in § 112.22(c) which states ‘At least one supervisor or responsible party for your farm must have successfully completed food safety training at least equivalent to that received under standardized curriculum recognized as adequate by the Food and Drug Administration.’

The course will cover basic produce safety; worker health, hygiene, and training; soil amendments; wildlife, domesticated animals, and land use; agricultural water (both production and postharvest); postharvest handling and sanitation; and developing a farm food safety plan. As a participant you can expected to gain a basic understanding of: microorganisms relevant to produce safety and where they may be found on the farm; how to identify microbial risks, practices that reduce risks; how to begin implementing produce safety practices on the farm; parts of a farm food safety plan and how to begin writing one; and requirements in the FSMA Produce Safety Rule and how to meet them. There will be time for questions and discussion, so participants should come prepared to share their experiences and produce safety questions.

To receive a completion certificate, a participant must be present for the entire training course and submit the appropriate paperwork to their trainer at the end of the course.

To register for a course, contact Matt Fout at (614)600-4272.

OSU Precision Livestock Farming education series


Technology is changing the way we manage plants and animals. When someone says Precision Agriculture, we often think about crop production but there are many opportunities for technology to enhance our abilities to care for livestock. This winter OSU Extension is offering a glimpse at some of these technologies through hour-long weekly webinars. Each week we will have an expert join us to discuss a precision livestock topic for the species of livestock they work with, or forage production. These technologies are allowing us to improve animal husbandry and management efficiency.

You can register to attend all of the topics or just the one of interest to you.  Reach out to Jason Hartschuh at with questions.


Workshop: Farm Accounting Workshop with Quicken®

Does a new year inspire a re-evaluation of how the farm keeps financial records? Maybe Quicken has been thought about but you think it won’t work for a home and a farm business or you would like to see how it works before making the commitment of purchasing.

Quicken is a simple cash accounting system! Come to a workshop to learn how to set up accounts, categorize income and expenses, run tax reports, explore recording farm production data, track income/expenses across tax years, and cash flows by enterprise.

Hands-on workshop uses an OSU Computer Lab with Quicken Classic Deluxe software installed. Participants receive a workshop manual/home reference with each registration. Registration is $60.00 per farm business (2 people per computer). Register and pay at the hosting OSU Extension Office or register online here.

More information can be found at:

General Livestock Judging Webinars

Join our monthly Livestock Judging Webinars with OSU coaches, Matthew Chaney (Main) and Seth Ebert (ATI), as they break down getting starting. Each webinar will focus on a different aspect of Livestock Judging. They will be sharing resources and tools available to youth judging in Ohio, their parents, as well as coaches.

DATE: Monthly TBD

TIME: 7:00–8:00 p.m.


January 24 – Let’s Start a Team

February – Beef 101

March – Swine 101

April – Sheep 101

May – Goats 101

June – EPDs & Scenarios

July – Reasons, Part 1

July – Reasons, Part 2

Flyer for series2024 GLJ Webinar Series

Jan Monthly GLJ Webinar Flyers 2024