The Beta Chapter of Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity is offering two $1,000 Better Men Scholarships to outstanding freshman males entering the Ohio State University, Columbus campus next year. Our aim is to recognize and reward men who excel in leadership, extracurricular activity, and scholastic achievement, and share a common interest in agriculture. If one or more of your students share these common interests in agriculture, including one or more of the following sectors: professional agriculture, being from a family farm, having participated in 4-H or FFA, or being merely interested in the vast food and fiber industries, we encourage them to apply for the “Better Men Scholarships.”
To qualify, applicants must be attending the Ohio State University, Columbus in the fall of 2018 and complete and return the enclosed application, along with a copy of their official high school transcript by April 9, 2018 (Postmark date) to:
Kurt Middleton
Better Men Scholarship Chairman
1979 Iuka Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43201
Questions concerning the Better Men Scholarship should be directed to Better Men Scholarship Chairman Kurt Middleton at (937) 604-5772 or email middleton.169@osu.edu.
Students applying for the better Men Scholarship are in no way obligated to join Alpha Gamma Rho to be eligible for the scholarships. Thank you for your time and consideration.