Cheviot Sheep Starter Flock Award

The Ohio Cheviot Breeders Association (OCBA) is seeking applicants for the Jim Cluff Memorial Starter Flock Award.

The OCBA started the contest in 1994 to award a Cheviot starter flock to an Ohio youth up to 17 years of age. The purpose of the award is to introduce the youth to the enjoyment of raising and owning a purebred Cheviot sheep, as well as encouraging the growth of new Cheviot breeders in Ohio.

The contest winner will receive the following: a one-year membership in the OCBA, one bred ewe the first year, one ram the second year and in the third year the youth will donate a lamb to continue the award.

The application deadline is September 30th. For an application and contest rules please contact the Ohio Cheviot Breeders Association Starter Flock Committee Chairperson, Tabitha Weisend, at 740-459-9751 or

Buckeye Shepherd’s Symposium

The Buckeye Shepherd’s Symposium takes place at the Shisler Conference Center in Wooster, including the youth program, on Dec. 13 and 14. A celebration of the Ohio Sheep Improvement Association’s 70th Anniversary also will take place. A youth discount is being offered (youth ages 12 and under are free, youth ages 13 – 22 are $25.00), these prices reflect the 2 day registration

Friday speakers at the event will include Sandi Brock, Commercial sheep producer and face of “Sheepishly Me- Adventures in Sheep Farming” on social media and YouTube, of Shepherd Creek Farms in Ontario, Canada; Cameron Lauwers — a first generation sheep producer and fourth generation farmer from Capac, Michigan who runs 600 ewes in a mostly housed accelerated lambing system; and Dr. Luciana da Costa, DVM of the OSU Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicines, who will be sharing her expertise on mammary health and mastitis. On Saturday additional speakers including John Foltz, Ohio State Animal Sciences chair and Lee Fitzsimmons, from Wayne Savings Community Bank.

Online registration link for BSS


Ohio Dorset Sale

43rd Annual Ohio Dorset Sale

Plans for the 43rd annual Ohio Dorset Sale have been set for March 15 and 16 at the Preble County Fairgrounds in Eaton, Ohio. Billed as “the first, the biggest, the best” Dorset sale, it will feature both Horned and Polled Dorsets. Dorsets from South Dakota to Connecticut have been entered.

Established in 1977, the Ohio Dorset Sale has been a barometer used to gauge how the registered sheep industry is doing in the New Year. Entered in the sale are 100 head of Polled Dorsets and 30 head of Horned Dorsets.

“The nation’s finest Dorset genetics from ten different states have been consigned to this year’s sale,” said sale manager Greg Deakin, Cuba, Ill. “The sale’s history is rich, dating back to 1977. More national breed champion rams and ewes have sold through the Ohio Dorset Sale than any other sale.”

Both Horned and Polled Dorset rams and ewes will be offered consisting of classes for yearlings, fall and winter lambs. Serving as judge is Alex Wolf from Upper Sandusky, Ohio, and sale auctioneers are Gary Saylor and Danny Westlake, both from Ohio. The Ohio Dorset Association is sponsoring the sale and consignment viewing may be seen at

Sale questions may be directed to sale manager Greg Deakin, 309-785-5058.


Win Two Corriedale Ewes to Start Your Own Flock!

Here is a great opportunity to grow or start your own flock of Corriedale Ewes!

The Ohio Corriedale Club will award two Corriedale ewes to a 4-H or FFA member that is interested in starting a flock of Corriedale sheep.

Applications must be returned by March 25th, to: Jodie Duffy, Ohio Corriedale Club, 4279 Eaton Road, Hamilton, Ohio 45013. Contact 513/518-4701 or with questions.




 The Ohio Cheviot Breeders Association (OCBA) is seeking applicants for the Jim Cluff Memorial Starter Flock Award. The OCBA started the contest in 1994 to award a Cheviot starter flock to an Ohio youth up to 17 years of age. The purpose of the award is to introduce the youth to the enjoyment of raising and owning a purebred Cheviot sheep, as well as encouraging the growth of new Cheviot breeders in Ohio. The contest winner will receive the following: a one-year membership in the OCBA, one bred ewe the first year, one ram the second year and in the third year the youth will donate a lamb to continue the award.

The application deadline is September 30th. For an application and contest rules please contact Bob Hunter at (614)483-3202 or at

Ohio Cheviot Breeders Starter Flock Award

The Ohio Cheviot Breeders Association (OCBA) is seeking applicants for the Jim Cluff Memorial Starter Flock Award.

The OCBA started the contest in 1994 to award a Cheviot starter flock to an Ohio youth up to 17 years of age. The purpose of the award is to introduce the youth to the enjoyment of raising and owning a purebred Cheviot sheep, as well as encouraging the growth of new Cheviot breeders in Ohio.

The contest winner will receive the following: a one-year membership in the OCBA, one bred ewe the first year, one ram the second year and in the third year the youth will donate a lamb to continue the award.

The application deadline is September 30th. For an application and contest rules please contact Bob Hunter at (614)483-3202 or at

Ohio Statewide Sheep Shearing School

The Ohio Statewide Sheep Shearing School will be held Friday and Saturday, September 14-15, 2018 from 9 AM to 4 PM at the Dave Cable Farm (10491 Canal Rd. Hebron, OH 43025). Students will be taught the proper techniques for productive sheep shearing through first-hand experience. Class space is limited and registration is due by Tuesday, September 4. The cost to attend is $50 per student for both days combined and includes a boxed lunch. Call Roger High at 614-246-8299 to register. Registration Form

Sheep Newsletter

See the latest edition of the OSU Sheep Team newsletter below. Subscribe at:

With Sheep, The Cheapest Mineral Isn’t

Dr. Francis Fluharty, Research Professor, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University Regardless of the animals stage of production or time of year, Dr. Read more…

by Braden Campbell on April 24, 2018

The Benefits and Challenges of Producing Alternative Forages

Mike Rankin, Hay and Forage Grower managing editor (previously published in Hay & Forage Grower: February 15, 2018) Sold on sericea hay (and other stuff) Read more…

by Braden Campbell on April 24, 2018

Making Sense of Sheep

Garth Ruff, OSU Extension Educator ANR, Henry County Rookie Shepherding 101 Last summer when my younger brother moved out of our parents’ house and on Read more…

by Braden Campbell on April 24, 2018

Youth Interested in Applying for the 2018 Youth Conservationist Program

Are you interested in conserving heritage breeds of sheep?  Youth must be between 9 and 18 years old.  Submit an application postmarked by April 1, 2018, that includes:

*An essay which introduces you and your experience with animals. Your essay should explain your interest in sheep and answer the question: “Why I would like to help preserve a heritage breed of sheep.” If for any reason the animal will not be kept at your own home, please explain in detail where it will reside and what exactly your responsibilities will be.

*The applicant should indicate if they wish to be considered for a particular breed or for any of the breeds available.

*Each applicant must include a letter of recommendation from their 4‐H advisor, FFA advisor, veterinarian, teacher or clergy.

*The total application/essay should be no more than 2 pages in length.

*The application must include address, phone and if available, email address. Interested young people should contact Elaine for an updated list of breeds available, then submit their letter of application/essay to: Elaine Ashcraft, 46118 CR 58 Coshocton, OH 43812


Requirements if selected:
*Must be present to receive the ewe at the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival on Sunday, May 6, 2018.

*Must exhibit the ewe at least twice in 2018 at: 1) a county fair or local sheep show and 2) the State Fair in the state where the recipient lives.

*Must breed the ewe to a registered ram (of her breed) in the fall of 2018, should consult the donor breeder for their recommendations.

*Must either use the ewe’s fleece to personally make a wool item or sell the fleece to a spinner, felter or weaver.

*Must submit an article, the following Feb/Mar to their local newspaper covering their year and including information concerning the next year’s YCP program.

*Must submit a scrapbook to the Donor Breeder by April 30, 2018 and provide a scrapbook to be used at the Maryland Festival which is then given back to the youth.

Any questions please contact Elaine Ashcraft 46118 CR 58 Coshocton, Ohio 43812, By phone at (740) 622‐1573 or by email at (please note the underscore between “tankewe” and “cr58”)  Donors select the recipients from the essays submitted by the youth.