Shooting Sports Spring Instructor Workshop

The Spring Shooting Sports Workshop at Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp is now open. We are seeking new and current instructors to join us for a weekend full of learning, connection building, fun and much more to prepare them with updated teaching practices and policies to take to their county program! Passing along the information to your Shooting Sports Volunteers is greatly appreciated. Attached is a flyer you can send out or share. The registration link is below.

The workshop is April 4-6 and the registration deadline is March 3. You can find information about this workshop on the state 4-H Shooting sports page (see link below). Junior Leaders are welcome to attend this workshop.

4-H Volunteer Training February 24th

Ohio 4-H Volunteers have an outstanding reputation for their commitment to the development of our youth. To maintain this outstanding reputation, Ohio 4-H volunteers shall continue enhancing their skills to ensure all 4-H participants have a positive and educational experience by annually attending additional youth development training opportunities. 

This training is an expectation for all county 4-H programs to maintain high-quality volunteers and provide returning volunteer education. Each training lasts about two hours and includes:

  • Youth Development
  • Youth Activities & Programs Policy
  • Cloverbuds
  • County Program Updates

4-H Volunteer Training: Starts This Week!

Please add volunteer training dates to the calendar that was sent out.

As a reminder, all 4-H volunteers must participate in training annually.  The following are in-person training as of today that will take place at the OSU Extension Office.  All of these trainings will count for the requirement.  We will cover 4-H updates, OSU policy 1.50, and Laura Halladay will present Trauma 101.

  • Thursday, January 13, 10:00 AM
  • Wednesday, January 26, 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday, February 22, 6:00 PM- New volunteer orientation will be part of this
  • Wednesday, February 23, 10:00 AM- Cloverbud volunteer will be part of this

We will have a virtual option.  It should be up by the end of January.  Thanks for your patience.

All volunteers will need to participate in either one of the in-person trainings or the virtual training, and update their enrollment in 4-H Online by April 1, 2022 to remain an active volunteer.

All volunteers will receive a thank you gift at the training.  If you complete the online training, we will have it for pick up here.

2022 4-H Volunteer Training Dates

Please add volunteer training dates to the calendar that was sent out.

As a reminder, all 4-H volunteers must participate in training annually.  The following are in-person training that will take place at the OSU Extension Office.  All of these trainings will count for the requirement.  We will cover 4-H updates, OSU policy 1.50, and Laura Halladay will present Trauma 101.

  • Thursday, January 13, 10:00 AM
  • Wednesday, January 26, 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday, February 22, 6:00 PM- New volunteer orientation will be part of this
  • Wednesday, February 23, 10:00 AM- Cloverbud volunteer will be part of this

We will have a virtual option.  It should be up by the end of January.  Thanks for your patience.

All volunteers will need to participate in either one of the in-person trainings or the virtual training, and update their enrollment in 4-H Online by April 1, 2022 to remain an active volunteer.

All volunteers will receive a thank you gift at the training.  If you complete the online training, we will have it for pick up here.

4-H Club Meeting Toolkit

4-H Advisors! Start your 4-H year with seven ready-to-go club meeting agendas detailing a family kick-off, team building, officer elections, public speaking and more. Learn how to adapt in-person activities to a virtual setting and strategies for including Cloverbuds. Find it at

The Ohio 4-H Grab & Go Club Meeting Toolkit provides 4-H volunteers and teen leaders with seven (7) club meeting agendas to help plan for the 4-H year. Each agenda is two pages. The first page provides an overview of the topic, a sample agenda and resources to put ideas into action. The second page provides in-depth explanations and specific strategies.

Agenda Title Pages
#1: Family Meeting Kick-Off 2-3
#2: Icebreakers/Team Building 4-5
#3: Election of Officers 6-7
#4: Public Speaking Activities 8-9
#5: Educational Programs 10-11
#6: Planning Club Fundraisers 12-13
#7: End of Year Review 14-15

Go Virtual

Each agenda highlights how to adapt in-person 4-H activities to a virtual setting. Clubs may discover creative solutions that remain part of their club tradition for years to come.

Include Cloverbuds

Each agenda highlights strategies for including Cloverbuds in developmentally appropriate, non-competitive club activities.

4-H Enrollment Open: Attention ALL Youth and Volunteers

The Greene County Extension Office is excited to announce that we are accepting 4-H enrollments to the 4-H Online enrollment system. Please log on to to enroll in 4-H.

All families will need to review their members’ information and re-enroll for 2020 via 4-HOnline.

Please make sure you delete any projects that you from last year that you are not taking this year.

For steps to re-enroll, please click here or visit here for helpful videos.


  1.  Please complete your enrollment and update any information as needed.
  2. Complete the online training or attend an in-person training.  When training is completed, we will approve you.  Trainings must be completed by March 14 for the 2020 year.

If your family is looking to enroll in 4-H for the very first time, please read below:

New Members/Families:

  1. Choose a club which meets in your area, a club your child’s friends are in, or contact the Extension Office for more information.  Contact the club advisor. Youth may join 4-H at any time; however, to participate in the Greene County Fair, they must be enrolled by March 1.
  2. Complete an online enrollment form at and select “I need to setup a profile.” OR contact the Extension Office for additional enrollment information.

Please let us know if you have any questions.  Feel free to stop by during business hours to complete this if that is easier for you.