Each year, Collegiate 4-H at The Ohio State University organizes a weekend workshop called Carving New Ideas (CNI). It is held at 4-H Camp Ohio November 22-24 and is open to all teen 4-H members across the state. It’s a fun weekend for teens to get to interact with college students who serve as the organizers, camp counselors, and session facilitators. (Franklin County staff and volunteers provide the administrative details, risk management, nursing services, and food preparation for the weekend.)
The Greene County 4-H Department will sponsor four youth that would like to attend. Please reach out to Brenda at sandman-stover.1@osu.eu or Megan at brittingham.3@osu.edu for any questions.
Registration link can be found at go.osu.edu/CNI.
Save the Date: Lettuce Cook
Save the Date for Lettuce Cook 2024. The youth cooking and gardening program is designed for youth ages 6-12. Save June 11, 12, and 13 for this exciting three-day program. Registration information will be released in the coming months.
Lettuce Cook: Snack Attack
Lettuce Cook is a three-day youth cooking and gardening program for ages 6-12. Youth will learn basic cooking skills, kitchen safety, and more about growing from garden to fork. This year’s theme is based on the 4-H project book “Snack Attack.”
Dates: June 6, 7, and 8
Time: 9 AM – 12 PM
Ages: 6-12
Cost: $20 per youth
Registration: go.osu.edu/lettucecook
Lettuce Cook: Let’s Start Cooking Program
Calling all youth ages 7-12! Are you interested in learning how to cook? Join the OSU Extension office this June for a three day cooking program! Lettuce Cook is designed for youth ages 7-12, who are interested in learning to cook Youth will learn cooking skills, the basics of kitchen safety along with discovering more about the process of food from garden to fork.
Dates: June 7, 8, 9
Time: 9 AM – 12 PM
Cost: $15
Registration: go.osu.edu/lettucecook22