Virtual Wits Workout Facebook Group

Register today for a virtual Wits Workout Facebook private Facebook group!

Wits Workout is an engaging, interactive, and educational brain health program. Beginning March 3rd,  each week, you will receive an email with a brain puzzle to complete on your own; the answers will be posted in the private Facebook group, along with tips and ideas to stretch your brain and improve your memory. The Facebook group will also provide the opportunity to interact with others each week.

Sign up today for this free virtual program, which begins on March 3, 2024, with a new puzzle and topic each week for six weeks.
Register here:; after you complete the registration, you will be prompted to join the private Facebook Group.


Backyard Garden to Fork: Ohio Apples Webinar

Basket of apples

Join Horticulture Program Assist Kim Hupman and Family and Consumer Sciences Educator Laura Halladay to discuss Ohio apples. Learn the first steps to starting a backyard orchard and information on selecting, storing, and serving Ohio apples.

The program is free; however, registration is required to receive the link. After registration, you will receive the Zoom link approximately 24 hours before the program.

To Register:

Contact information: Laura Halladay or Kim Hupman