Say ‘Go Bucks!’ with Buckeye syrup

You can now order Ohio State Maple Syrup online and have it delivered to your home. The syrup, while from maples, is totally Buckeye:

  • It comes from a sugar bush envisioned, started, and run by students in CFAES’ School of Environment and Natural Resources.
  • The nearly 20-acre sugar bush is located at the Ohio State Mansfield campus, about 70 miles north of Columbus. It’s part of the campus’s EcoLab.
  • The sales help benefit Ohio State students. The proceeds fund scholarships for students at the EcoLab.

Read a previous post and place an order.

She works to help bumbles bee well

Doing good for bumble bees takes finding out what’s bad for them.

Sarah Scott, a CFAES entomology doctoral student, is studying how the fuzzy, buzzy, black-and-yellow pollinators get exposed to heavy metals in their environment—and what it can mean to their survival.

Scott, at CFAES’ Waterman Agricultural and Natural Resources Laboratory, poses near hives housing bumble bees’ domesticated cousins. (Photo: Ken Chamberlain, CFAES.)

Continue reading She works to help bumbles bee well

An evening supporting our Lake Erie programs

You’re invited to spend An Evening with Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Laboratory, partner Ohio State programs dedicated to studying, teaching about, and improving Lake Erie and water quality, from 6:30–9:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 18, on Ohio State’s Columbus campus.

Continue reading An evening supporting our Lake Erie programs