Here are the swans that a-swim in Ohio

Depending on the time of year, your true love can find up to three swans a-swimming in, a-flying over or a-breeding in Ohio. The tundra. The trumpeter. The mute. One is an invasive species. One is the result of a successful reintroduction. Read more beneath the “7 th day” heading (scroll down). (Photo: Trumpeter swans, iStock.)

Ohio Maple Days on tap Jan. 18-20

2018’s Ohio Maple Days will be on Jan. 18 in Morrow County, on Jan. 19 in Wayne and Holmes counties, and on Jan. 20 in Geauga County.

The annual program, the same at each location, will feature educational sessions on maple production. It’s timed to help producers prepare for the coming season, which in Ohio may run from January through mid-March, depending on the weather. Both hobby and commercial producers are welcome.

The event’s sponsor is CFAES’s Ohio Maple Program.

Continue reading Ohio Maple Days on tap Jan. 18-20

How to grow barley for beer in Ohio

“We’re looking forward to beer made from Ohio-grown barley,” says CFAES scientist Eric Stockinger, a co-author of CFAES’s Management of Ohio Winter Malting Barley, a new guide for growers. “It’s taken us a lot to get to this point.”

Winter malting barley is new to Ohio.

Download the guide.

O! See 18 Christmas trees all grown up

Visit Secrest Arboretum and see 18 examples of big, tall, still-growing Christmas trees. Read more, get their GPS locations and see photos of all 18. (There’s a slideshow, too, of their needles close up.) The arboretum is on CFAES’s Wooster campus. (Photo: Eastern white pine, Ken Chamberlain, CFAES.)

Way more than 6 geese a-laying

In parks, on farm ponds, on putting greens, Canada geese (pictured) “can sometimes become a problem,” Marne Titchenell, CFAES wildlife program specialist, says. “But they’re a constant reminder that we’re capable of helping a species in serious decline recover, and recover well.” Read their story under the “6th day” heading (scroll down).

And: Get tips for when geese become less than a gift. (Photo: iStock.)