Virtual Wits Workout Facebook Group

Register today for a virtual Wits Workout Facebook private Facebook group!

Wits Workout is an engaging, interactive, and educational brain health program. Beginning March 3rd,  each week, you will receive an email with a brain puzzle to complete on your own; the answers will be posted in the private Facebook group, along with tips and ideas to stretch your brain and improve your memory. The Facebook group will also provide the opportunity to interact with others each week.

Sign up today for this free virtual program, which begins on March 3, 2024, with a new puzzle and topic each week for six weeks.
Register here:; after you complete the registration, you will be prompted to join the private Facebook Group.


Backyard Garden to Fork: Ohio Apples Webinar

Basket of apples

Join Horticulture Program Assist Kim Hupman and Family and Consumer Sciences Educator Laura Halladay to discuss Ohio apples. Learn the first steps to starting a backyard orchard and information on selecting, storing, and serving Ohio apples.

The program is free; however, registration is required to receive the link. After registration, you will receive the Zoom link approximately 24 hours before the program.

To Register:

Contact information: Laura Halladay or Kim Hupman

Gardening with Limits

Gardening with Limits is a partner program with Greene County Parks and Trails and Ohio State University Extension.
Laura Akgerman from Ohio State University AgrAbility will be presenting:
Gardening as we age – Ideas for adapting is an educational workshop from AgrAbility, which includes information on good body mechanics, ergonomic garden tools, safe lifting, sun safety, Universal Design, and ideas for adapting your current work habits, tools, and structures so you can continue gardening productively and safely as your abilities with walk way

Date and Time: Tuesday, 5/16/2024 at 1 PM
Location: James Ranch Park (177 Fairground Rd. Xenia, OH 45385)
Cost: Free

Lettuce Cook: Snack Attack

Lettuce Cook is a three-day youth cooking and gardening program for ages 6-12. Youth will learn basic cooking skills, kitchen safety, and more about growing from garden to fork. This year’s theme is based on the 4-H project book “Snack Attack.”

Dates: June 6, 7, and 8
Time: 9 AM – 12 PM
Ages: 6-12
Cost: $20 per youth


Health and Mindfulness in the Garden


On Monday June 27th at 8:30 AM, join Certified Athletic Trainer Siobhan Fagan at Wartinger Park in Beavercreek for the last Health in the Garden event. Geared toward gardeners, she will lead us through a series of stretching and strengthening activities to assist us in getting and staying healthy while we garden.

On Tuesday June 28th at 8:30 AM, FCS Educator Laura Halladay will be at James Ranch Park in Xenia for the second Mindfulness in the Garden session. Mindfulness helps reduce stress, improve mood and memory, and plays a role in managing and reducing risk of managing chronic disease.

Lettuce Cook: Let’s Start Cooking Program

Calling all youth ages 7-12! Are you interested in learning how to cook? Join the OSU Extension office this June for a three day cooking program! Lettuce Cook is designed for youth ages 7-12, who are interested in learning to cook Youth will learn cooking skills, the basics of kitchen safety along with discovering more about the process of food from garden to fork.

Dates: June 7, 8, 9
9 AM – 12 PM
Cost: $15


Now Offering Food Safety Training

Do you work in food service? Are you interested in elevating your resume? Do you want to increase your food safety knowledge?

OSU Extension Greene County is now offering food safety training including the National Restaurant Associations ServSafe certification.

ServSafe Manager’s Certification (previously level 2) – a two-day, 15-hour course cumulating in a national exam that verifies a manager or person-in-charge has food safety knowledge to protect the public from foodborne illness, individuals with this certification also meet Ohio Department of Health Food Protection qualifications. This course is being offered in-person in 2022 and an online option through Training Achievement Program (TAP) Series, with proctored exam.

Person-In-Charge Certification (previously level 1) – A five-hour course, where individuals will receive a certificate of completion verifying the individual’s food safety knowledge, this course meets the guidelines for Ohio Department of Health’s Level One certification in Food Protection.

Occasionally Quantity Cook Training – This class is recommended for those who occasionally serve food to the public such as bake sales, church potlucks, school concession stands, etc. Students will learn the basic principles of food safety, food handing, personal hygiene, preventing cross contamination, time and temperature abuse, and proper cleaning and sanitizing.

For more information or to schedule a class please contact Family and Consumer Sciences Educator Laura Halladay via email: or phone 937-372-9971 or visit

Play Your Way Through the Holidays – Email Wellness Challenge


Does the holiday season stress you out instead of making you smile? Do you feel like you don’t have time to spend doing the important things? Join Ohio State University Extension for the “Play Your Way Through the Holidays” 6-week email wellness challenge to learn more about these and other wellness topics.

The email challenge connects participants with tips, research, and resources to help you navigate life so you can spend time doing things that are truly important to you. Sign up by going  and answer a few short questions to get registered. During the week of November 8th all registered participants will receive a pre-challenge message. Participants will then receive twice-weekly emails from November 15 to December 20, 2021. Participants will have access to optional resources available including the Ohio State University Extension Live Healthy Live Well Blog and Facebook pages, a free 4-part wellness webinar series, and a fun Bingo card. Pre-and post-challenge online surveys will be used to track participant progress and comments

Join this award-winning group as they offer another chance to connect with adults who are interested in wellness via email. “Play Your Way Through the Holidays” will challenge you to make play a part of your holiday season through traditions, gratitude, food, communication, activity, and laughter. This program is offered free and is sponsored by Ohio State University Extension.

For additional information contact Laura Halladay, Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences, at

Stop Stressing and Start Living

Life is full of hassles, deadlines, frustrations, and demands. Learn how to recognize the signs and symptoms of stress, and discover strategies to manage stress. Join FCS Educator Laura Halladay at the Yellow Springs Community Library on Wednesday, October 13 at 5:30 PM, registration is not required.