On St. Patrick’s Day, the carin’ for the green

The annual Ohio River Valley Woodland and Wildlife Workshop, aimed at landowners in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana but also for anyone else interested in conservation, is on March 17 near Cincinnati. CFAES is one of its sponsors. Read more about it. (Photo: Red trillium, Joshua Moore, iStock.)

Here are the swans that a-swim in Ohio

Depending on the time of year, your true love can find up to three swans a-swimming in, a-flying over or a-breeding in Ohio. The tundra. The trumpeter. The mute. One is an invasive species. One is the result of a successful reintroduction. Read more beneath the “7 th day” heading (scroll down). (Photo: Trumpeter swans, iStock.)

Way more than 6 geese a-laying

In parks, on farm ponds, on putting greens, Canada geese (pictured) “can sometimes become a problem,” Marne Titchenell, CFAES wildlife program specialist, says. “But they’re a constant reminder that we’re capable of helping a species in serious decline recover, and recover well.” Read their story under the “6th day” heading (scroll down).

And: Get tips for when geese become less than a gift. (Photo: iStock.)

Zoo crew at new center’s do; you too?

An African black-footed penguin, two-toed sloth, miniature horses and several companion dogs, to name-drop a few, have RSVPed to attend the Dec. 7 kickoff event for Ohio State’s new Center for Human-Animal Interactions Research and Education. Get details and a link so you can RSVP too (by Dec. 4).