Register now for Ohio hemp conference

The 2021 Ohio Land Grant Virtual Hemp Conference, “Looking Back to Plan for the Future,” takes place this Friday and Saturday, March 5–6, and if you’d like to be part of it, the deadline to register is by the end of the day tomorrow, Wednesday, March 3. Registration is free.

Co-hosting the event are OSU Extension, which is CFAES’ outreach arm, and Central State University in Wilberforce.

Find out more and register.

For Buckeye fans, this is totally sweet

(Updated, Dec. 9: The one-quart and one-gallon jugs are now sold out. In addition, until further notice, in-person pick-up is no longer an option due to Franklin County’s pandemic status.)

(Updated, Oct. 13: You can now order online for delivery to your home.)

Buckeye fans now can pour official Ohio State Maple Syrup on their pancakes. It comes from the university’s Mansfield campus, where students and faculty with CFAES’ School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) planned and are running a nearly 20-acre sugarbush. A sugarbush is a maple tree forest used to produce maple syrup.

Continue reading For Buckeye fans, this is totally sweet

Hemp team takes the floor

Next in Agriculture and Natural Resources Madness: A Tournament of Education, CFAES’ free, virtual, shutdown-overcoming educational series, are “Insect Control for Hemp” and “Growing Hemp for Fiber and Seed,” set for today, Thursday, April 9, at noon and 3 p.m., respectively.

Tune in here (noon) and here (3 p.m.). (Photo: Getty Images.)

Learn about hemp in Wooster, then Dayton

Hemp note: Hemp researcher Craig Schluttenhofer of Wilberforce, Ohio’s Central State University, who speaks at CFAES’ upcoming Growing Hemp in Ohio: Separating Fact from Fiction workshop, set for Friday, Jan. 24, in Wooster, will give a workshop called “Hemp! Understanding a Revived Crop” from 2–3:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 14, at the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association annual conference in Dayton. Multiple CFAES experts are slated to speak at the Wooster and Dayton events.

10 things and 2 days to learn about hemp

CFAES’ OSU Extension outreach arm has published a list of the top 10 things to know about growing hemp in Ohio. Check it out.

Hempily, Happily, the list is out in time for CFAES’ Growing Hemp in Ohio: Separating Fact from Fiction workshop, which is Friday, Jan. 24, in Wooster. There’s still time to register to attend.

Also, coming soon is another hemp-focused CFAES workshop, Hemp Production and Marketing Opportunities, set for Monday, Feb. 17, in Columbus. Find out more.

Everyone hail to the pumpkin song

Who does research to support the farmers who grew the pumpkins you’re seeing tonight? CFAES’ South Centers, that’s who.

More than just a pretty face, pumpkins are worth more than $10 million a year to Ohio farmers, the U.S. Department of Agriculture says. (Photo: Getty Images.)

Secrets of Ohio’s mystery fruit revealed

New on our CFAES Stories site: Details on CFAES efforts to help Ohioans grow more of a little-known native fruit. Fun fact: Ohio brewers are using it lately to good effect in craft beers. Read the story. (Photo: CFAES’ Matt Davies with the fruit tree in question, John Rice, CFAES.)

How they got started farming flowers

Hear how young farmers got started in their business, and a colorful business at that, on the Sunday, Aug. 18, Cut Flower Farm Tour, part of the Sustainable Farm Tour and Workshop Series. Find details, including how to register.

CFAES, one of the series co-presenters, is the specific presenter of this tour. (Photo: Rudbeckia flowers, Getty Images.)