The case of the disappearing bee

Elizabeth Long, assistant professor in CFAES’s Department of Entomology, presents “Death by Dust? The Case of the Disappearing Bee” at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 5, in the Wooster Science Café series. Long was a co-author of a 2017 Journal of Applied Ecology study that reported that neonicotinoid insectides, when used to protect corn seeds after planting, pose risks for honey bees.

Continue reading The case of the disappearing bee

A handy new guide to the bees in your garden

Image of bumble bee 2Ohio’s bees are more than honey bees. They’re bumble bees (like this one), carpenter bees, cuckoo bees and others, and you can identify more than a dozen of them — types you’re likely to see in your garden — using a new pocket card from CFAES. (Photo: David Cappaert,

Bees exposed to ‘wide, concerning range of pesticides’: Study

Honey bees living next to corn and soybean fields are “exposed to a surprisingly wide and concerning range of pesticides,” according to a May 31 Newsweek story about research involving CFAES insect scientist Elizabeth Long, who was at Purdue University at the time of the study. There’s a video interview, too, with the story.

Workshop: Get to know your woods and what lives there

Image of people exploring a woods 2Experts from three major universities (including Ohio State and specifically from CFAES) will teach about the trees, bees, birds, frogs, fungi and more on one’s land at the Ohio River Valley Woodland and Wildlife Workshop. It’s on April 2 in southeast Indiana’s Clifty Falls State Park. Continue reading Workshop: Get to know your woods and what lives there

Talk on bees’ health, genes, social life

Penn State scientist Christina Grozinger, distinguished entomology professor and director of the Center for Pollinator Research, presents “Bee Health: From Genes to Landscapes” from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 27, in 121 Fisher Auditorium at CFAES’s research arm, OARDC, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster. You also can watch by video in 244 Kottman Hall, 2021 Coffey Road, on Ohio State’s campus in Columbus. Grozinger, for example, has been quoted this month in “A Hardier Honeybee That Fights Back By Biting Back” on NPR and “Conflict Among Honey Bee Genes Supports Theory of Altruism” on