Dr. John Yost, OSU Extension Educator ANR, Wayne County

(Image Source: Alberta Beef Producers)
A farm emergency can take many forms. It could be a barn fire on a large dairy farm, or it can be something less extreme such as a simple power outage. Emergencies aren’t foreseen and no two are exactly alike. No matter what size farm you have, it is important for you to develop a plan on how you, and your facility, would respond to potential disasters.
Developing an emergency management plan will require careful thought but doesn’t have to be overly complicated. I equate them to Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point plans (HACCP) that are utilized by our food processing industry. When developing a HACCP plan, you think of where a food safety problem can occur, implement control measures that will prevent it from happening, and list the process for correcting the problem when it does happen. In this case, you are dealing with potential issues that you will not be able to prevent, and instead create your action plan for when they do. Continue reading Farm Emergency Planning