Austin Brown, Extension Program Specialist, Small Ruminant Production and Management
(Previously published online with PennState Extension: February 4, 2025)

(Image Source: PSU Extension)
Learn about genetic testing for sheep and goats, including DNA collection, choosing the right tests, and when to test, all to meet your breeding and flock or herd health goals.
Come join the discussion on February 18th at 7:00 PM ET, as Penn State Extension continues its Small Ruminant Winter Webinar Series with an informative session titled “Genetic Testing: When, What, and Why”. This webinar will provide sheep and goat producers with critical insights into genetic testing tools, helping them make informed breeding and management decisions to improve flock and herd productivity.
Genetic testing plays an essential role in livestock selection, enabling producers to identify desirable traits, manage disease resistance, and enhance overall genetic gains. This session will cover key topics, including: Continue reading Small Ruminant Webinars – Genetic Testing: When, What, and Why →