OSU Extension: Small Ruminant Newborn Care Survey

Jacci Smith, OSU Extension Educator ANR/4-H, Delaware County

Your small ruminant newborn care management is valuable, tell us about your management practices.

Please take this quick survey to let us know your newborn care management practices and timing.

This expected 10-minute survey is for an Ohio State University research study. https://go.osu.edu/smrumnbc

2025 OSU Extension Small Farm Conference to be Held – at The Ohio State University Wooster Shisler Center Wooster, Ohio

Carri Jagger, OSU Extension Educator ANR, Morrow County

Ohio State Extension announced plans to host a Small Farm Conference in Wooster, OH on March 8, 2025. The theme for this year’s Small Farm Conference is “Sowing Seeds for Success.”

Conference session topics are geared to beginning and small farm owners as well as to farms looking to diversify their operation. There will be five different conference tracks including: Horticulture and Crop Production, Business Management, Livestock, Natural Resources and Diversifying Your Enterprise.

Some conference topic highlights include: Growing in a Hoophouse, Integrated Disease Management Strategies for Apple and Peaches, High Tunnel Tour, Using Cover Crops for Soil Regeneration, Creating Habitat for Beneficial Insects on the Farm, Growing Microgreens, Money to Grow: Grants 101, Growing Your Farm With Agritourism, Navigating Licenses/Certificates for your Small Farm Market, How Can Value – Added Help Your Farm, Vaccination Programs for a Small Farm, Grassfed Beef Tour. Continue reading 2025 OSU Extension Small Farm Conference to be Held – at The Ohio State University Wooster Shisler Center Wooster, Ohio

Small Ruminant Webinars – Genetic Testing: When, What, and Why

Austin Brown, Extension Program Specialist, Small Ruminant Production and Management
(Previously published online with PennState Extension: February 4, 2025)

(Image Source: PSU Extension)

Learn about genetic testing for sheep and goats, including DNA collection, choosing the right tests, and when to test, all to meet your breeding and flock or herd health goals.

Come join the discussion on February 18th at 7:00 PM ET, as Penn State Extension continues its Small Ruminant Winter Webinar Series with an informative session titled “Genetic Testing: When, What, and Why”. This webinar will provide sheep and goat producers with critical insights into genetic testing tools, helping them make informed breeding and management decisions to improve flock and herd productivity.

Genetic testing plays an essential role in livestock selection, enabling producers to identify desirable traits, manage disease resistance, and enhance overall genetic gains. This session will cover key topics, including: Continue reading Small Ruminant Webinars – Genetic Testing: When, What, and Why

Nutrition Throughout Pregnancy for Sheep Flocks

Melanie Barkley, Senior Extension Educator: Livestock, Penn State Extension
(Previously published with Penn State Extension: July 7, 2022)

Feeding the sheep flock is a critical aspect of sheep production and management. Good nutrition influences the overall health status of the entire flock, as well as the growth performance of lambs. This is particularly important throughout the breeding season and pregnancy. Sheep need to eat a balanced diet in order to be healthy and productive.

Proper nutrition starts with the six classes of nutrients. These six classes of nutrients include water, carbohydrates, lipids (fats), protein, vitamins, and minerals. The proper balance of these nutrients can be achieved with a wide range of feed ingredients. A well-balanced diet during pregnancy will help ensure embryo survival and can also lead to healthy and vigorous lambs at birth.

Water is by far the most essential “nutrient” in a sheep diet. Fresh, clean water should always be available. Stale or dirty water will lead to decreased water intake, which ultimately will decrease feed intake. Decreased feed intake will Continue reading Nutrition Throughout Pregnancy for Sheep Flocks

Goat Production: Care and Management of Newborn Kids

Dr. Uma Karki, Associate Professor and State Extension Livestock Specialist, Tuskegee University
(Previously published online with: Tuskegee University, Cooperative Extension Program, College of Agriculture, Environment and Nutrition Sciences, September, 2014)

High survival and performance of newborn kids significantly increase the success of goat industry. The objective of good care and management of newborn kids is to minimize their death and enhance performance. In most situations, does take care of their newborn kids and minimum attention may be required from owners. Does with good mothering ability, ability to raise kids with no or minimum problem, and experience clean their kids by licking immediately after kids are born. Moreover, does nourish their kids by producing and letting kids suckle colostrum and milk. Additionally, does keep their kids nearby and protect them from other aggressive animals in the herd. Does bleat from time to time to communicate and get kids’ attention. Similarly, kids in a good health condition stand up, seek for teats, and suckle in about half an hour or so after they are born. All these actions of does and kids play a very important role to develop maternal bond – attachment between does and their newborn kids. Early development of maternal bond is crucial for the survival and growth of newborn kids.

Importance of Colostrum and Milk for Kids
Well-fed does provide enough Continue reading Goat Production: Care and Management of Newborn Kids