2021 FAMACHA© and Fecal Egg Count Workshop Opportunities

Dr. Brady Campbell, Program Coordinator, OSU Sheep Team
Christine Gelley, OSU Extension Educator ANR, Noble County

Small ruminant growth and health losses associated with parasitic infection continues to be of great concern in many intensively grazed management systems such as those in the Eastern United States. Diagnostic techniques used to monitor parasitic infection on-farm include the FAMACHA© eye scoring system and Fecal Egg Counts. implementing these tools within your operation will not only allow for producers to detect the early onset of parasitism within their flocks and herds, but can also be used as a guide to determine which animals need to be treated. These workshops will provide training for producers to conduct FAMACHA© eye scores and fecal egg counts from the comfort of their home.

Two separate sessions will be held in Caldwell, Ohio for those interested in learning how to better monitor their flocks and herds through selective anthelmintic treatment. Continue reading 2021 FAMACHA© and Fecal Egg Count Workshop Opportunities

It’s Time for Summer Annuals to Shine

Amber Friedrichsen, Hay and Forage Grower summer editorial intern
(Previously published in Hay & Forage Grower: June 29, 2021)

With the first day of summer in the rearview mirror, temperatures are only expected to accelerate. Forage production, on the other hand, will likely slow down. This is when summer annuals can take the wheel and keep forage production on track for the remainder of the season.

Sorghum-sudangrass and pearl millet are among the most popular summer annuals. Proper management of these grasses begins with planting in the spring. When soil temperatures reach 65°F, seeds can either be broadcast or drilled 2 inches deep.

Although these forages can be cut for hay, Charlotte Meeks with University of Georgia Extension states the best way to harvest summer annuals is to Continue reading It’s Time for Summer Annuals to Shine

The Meat of the Matter: Selling Retail Cuts Off-Farm

Haley Zynda, OSU Extension Educator ANR, Wayne County

There is a continuing trend among animal product consumers – they want sustainably and humanely raised meat, milk, and eggs. Generation Z is the driving force behind consumers wanting to know exactly where their food comes from and the values behind the farming operation. With this trend, many cattle, hog, and sheep producers are selling animals to customers and sending the purchased animals off for custom processing. Other producers may be choosing to sell retail cuts in a roadside shop or farmers markets. If selling lamb directly off the farm is something your operation is currently doing or has discussed as a future enterprise, turning a profit on sales should be somewhere in the back of your mind.

Pennsylvania State University Extension has published a Continue reading The Meat of the Matter: Selling Retail Cuts Off-Farm

Learn the Myths about Ticks to Keep Yourself Safe

Dr. Tim McDermott, OSU Extension Educator ANR, Franklin County

I remember one day back when I was in private practice when a client brought in their dog for their examination and vaccinations and when he set his pup up on the examination table I noticed that the dog’s entire top half of his fur was slicked back. When I asked about this the client stated that he noticed ticks on the dog, so he covered him with motor oil to drown them out. I have also had clients tell me they put cigarettes out on ticks to burn them off or use kerosene to drown them off. Hopefully, they never use both of those “treatments” at the same time!

Veterinarians have a long history of dealing with Continue reading Learn the Myths about Ticks to Keep Yourself Safe

When is the Right Time to Re-seed your Hayfield?

Anthony S. Lerch, District Technician/Educator, Stark Soil and Water Conservation District
(Previously published in Farm and Dairy: June 10, 2021)

Have you noticed that your hay yields are lower than years before? Are you not getting the number of bales that you have in years past? Or maybe your hay stand does not look as strong compared to previous years?

It may be time to re-seed or overseed your hay fields. When is it the right time to re-seed your hayfield? Is it in the spring? A fall seeding maybe? There is always frost seeding in the late winter. The truth is, it all depends on your soil conditions and how you choose to manage your fields.

There is no one size fits all answer to overseeding your fields. During the early spring, it is crucial to get your soil pH and Continue reading When is the Right Time to Re-seed your Hayfield?

Registration is Open for the OFGC 2021 Summer Forage Field Days

Christine Gelley, OSU Extension Educator ANR, Noble County

The Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council cordially invites you to join forage and livestock enthusiasts from across the state for their 2021 Summer Forage Field Days. Anyone with an interest in pasture management, hay production, or livestock systems is welcome to attend one or all of the field days planned as drive-it-yourself day tours in Central Ohio.

The series will begin June 25, 2021 in Crawford County. Finishing sheep, goats, and cattle on forage will be the topic of this field day and will include Continue reading Registration is Open for the OFGC 2021 Summer Forage Field Days