Lambing and Kidding Preparation Series: Birthing Kit Essentials and When to Use Them
Livestock Management: Sheep Breeding, Genetics, and Reproductive Management Made Easy
Off-Season and Accelerated Lamb Production
Melanie Barkley, Senior Extension Educator: Livestock, Penn State Extension
Dr. Jayson K. Harper, Director, Penn State Fruit Research and Extension Center
Lynn Kime, Former Senior Extension Associate, Penn State University
David Hartman, Former Extension Educator: Livestock, Penn State University
(Previously published with Penn State Extension: January 4, 2023)
Sheep are ideally suited to small-scale and part-time farming operations in Pennsylvania due to their adaptability and nutritional versatility. Sheep can be fed a diet high in concentrates (similar to swine) or solely a forage diet. Furthermore, marketing opportunities are plentiful in the northeastern United States. Lambs can be marketed at any age and often vary in weight from 40 to 160 pounds, depending on the time of year and market demand. This publication will focus on accelerated production practices to take advantage of both off-season and holiday markets.
There are about 3,800 sheep producers in Pennsylvania with around 80,000 ewes, rams, and replacement
Ram Breeding Soundness
Breeding Season Considerations for Sheep and Goats
David Brown, Livestock Field Specialist, University of Missouri Extension
(Previously published online with the University of Missouri Extension: October, 2023)
As fall season approaches, daylight begins to get shorter, and sheep/goats are ready for breeding. The breeding season should be an exciting time for producers because the number of lambs and kids raised and weaned successfully determines the profitability of the operation. Understanding the reproductive system of the animals helps to maximize the breeding season and use resources wisely. This is particularly true for beginning producers who are experiencing their first breeding season. The season of the year is the main determinant for sheep and goat reproduction, with the majority being seasonal breeders that cycle in the fall (their natural mating season) and lamb in the spring. However, some breeds will cycle in the spring and have lambs/kids in the fall.
Peak fertility is from late September through November. Ewes have an average cycle length of 17 days, with most being between 14 and 20 days, while does have an estrus cycle of 18 to 22 days, and they display estrus for 24 to 48 hours. The gestation period ranges between 144 and 152 days. Management practices for producers to ensure profitability during the breeding season are highlighted below. Continue reading Breeding Season Considerations for Sheep and Goats
The Basics of Vaccinating Sheep and Goats
Rachel L. Gibbs, Graduate Student, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Animal Science
Dustin T. Yates, Associate Professor, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Animal Science
(Previously published online with Nebraska Extension: G2339 · Index: Animal Agriculture, Sheep: January, 2022)
Developing a vaccination program that improves animals’ immunity for common diseases will increase the health, productivity, and value of sheep flocks and goat herds.
Like all livestock, sheep and goats are susceptible to a number of different infectious diseases. Although the risk of an outbreak for any specific disease depends on the time of year, age and location of the herd/flock, and nature of the production system, it is fair to assume that livestock are at constant risk from one or more diseases throughout their lifespan. Thus, developing and implementing a sound vaccination program that best fits their situation and with input from their local veterinarian allows producers to better manage herd/flock health by helping to prevent large outbreaks of infectious diseases that are often expensive and difficult to control. This NebGuide provides producers with fundamental information summarized from extensive research efforts about sheep and goat vaccines, as well as the diseases they help prevent. There is broad variability in production schemes throughout Nebraska, and this article is meant to serve as a reference for developing vaccination programs that are best suited for specific schemes. For more information regarding how vaccines work and the type of immunity they provide, please refer to Understanding Vaccines (G1445) at In addition, local veterinarians can provide guidance for choosing vaccines that are best suited for specific production systems.
When developing a vaccination program, it is essential to consider the questions “which vaccine(s)?,” “which animals?,” and “when?” The answers to these questions are often related to the stage of production. As illustrated in Figure 1, traditional programs typically include vaccinations at three main time points: (1) prior to breeding; (2) prior to or at the time of lambing/kidding; and (3) at weaning (in offspring). Young animals and first-time breeders may require additional doses of certain vaccines for maximum protection. When this is the case, such information will be explicit on the vaccine label.
Spring Lamb Management Tips
David Brown, Livestock Field Specialist, University of Missouri Extension
(Previously published online with the University of Missouri Extension: April, 2024)
Lambing can take place at different times of the year and there is no “one-size-fits-all” production system. Spring lambing has been found to be a more profitable production system when compared to fall and winter lambing because it takes full advantage of the spring and summer flush of grass. The abundance of spring forage lowers feed cost associated with processed feeds, saving the producers dollars that would have gone into feed purchases. Conception rates are much higher in spring lambing system because breeding coincides with their natural mating and lambing seasons. It is also less labor intensive and requires little equipment.
Spring-lambing takes place from March to May. Weaned lambs remain Continue reading Spring Lamb Management Tips
Early Lamb and Kid Care
Top Tips for Healthy Lambs
Sarah McNaughton, Editor, Dakota Farmer
(Previously published online with Dakota Farmer: January 19, 2024)
Montana State Extension shares management practices for lambing and kidding.
With lambing and kidding season arriving to ranches, now is the time to evaluate management and facilities for a successful spring crop. Brent Roeder, sheep and wool Extension specialist at Montana State University, shared health management tips for lambs and kids during a recent producer-focused webinar.
Sheep and goats are management-responsive, with nutritional, environmental, or predatory stressors opening the door to disease.
“A lot of livestock management with Continue reading Top Tips for Healthy Lambs
Goat and Sheep Birthing and Animal Health – Dystocia (Difficult Birth)
Four Steps to Prepare for Small Ruminant Kidding and Lambing
Michael Metzger, Michigan State University Extension Educator
(Previously published on MSU Extension, Sheep & Goat: December 13, 2023)
With kidding and lambing season right around the corner, owners should prepare their animals to get the best outcome.
Kidding and lambing season is here again and there are steps that owners should take to make sure their herd or flock is prepared. By taking the time to prepare, owners will mitigate issues that could arise, and they will be set-up for the best possible outcome. With proper care and planning, problems can be kept to a minimum as animals give birth.
Step one: Implement a vaccination program for your herd or flock
Four to six weeks before the animals are due to deliver, they should receive a booster with Clostridium perfringens type C and D and tetanus (CDT) vaccine and selenium and vitamin E (BoSe) if not providing selenium through feed or mineral mix. Continue reading Four Steps to Prepare for Small Ruminant Kidding and Lambing