OSU Sheep Research

The Ohio State University Sheep Research 

Ag-note : BehaviorForages and Pastures  :  Health  :  Management  :  Meat Quality  :  Nutrition  :  ParasitesProducer Survey



Ag-note: Toxic Plants and Small Ruminants – Wild Cherry

Ag-note: Use of Guard Llamas in an Integrated Predator Control System

Ag-note: Small Ruminant Welfare: Early Life Stages

Ag-note: Domestic Dog Predation

Ag-note: Parasite Focus – Haemonchus Contortus

Ag-note: Tools to Alter Breeding Management in Small Ruminants

Ag-note: Vaccinating with CDT

Ag-note: Niche Marketing – An Agriculture Alternative

Ag-note: Comparison of Grazing Systems

Ag-note: Benefits of Rotational Grazing

Ag-note: Why Ewe Should Control Feed Intake

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Forages and Pastures

Winter Grazing: Annual Forages Improve Lamb Growth and Health Parameters

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Ewe Winter Feeding Systems, the Long Term Effects on Lamb Performance

How can Delayed Weaning Benefit your Operation?

What Flooring and Bedding Materials are You Using in Your Feedlot?

Winter Feeding Systems, Which is the Best for You?

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Meat Quality

Management Practices that can Affect the Flavor Intensity of Lamb

How Does Harvest Weight and Diet Affect Carcass Characteristics?

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Can a Fungus, Aspergillus oryzae, Improve the Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Finished Lambs?

Supplementation of Pasture-Raised Lambs Increases Animal Performance and Health

Feeding Long-fed Lambs: The Effect of Energy Source and Level, and Sex on Growth, Performance, and Carcass Characteristics of Lambs

Feeding Lambs: The Effect of Energy Source and Level, and Sex on Growth, Performance, and Carcass Characteristics of Lambs

The Effects of Dietary Acidity and Sulfur on Feedlot Lamb Performance Fed Dried Distillers Grains with Solubles

Effects of Dietary Fat in Lamb Feeding Diets

Can Restricting Feed Intake Benefit your Lamb Feeding Program?

Feeding Strategies to Increase Lamb Performance, Carcass Characteristics, and Consumer Acceptability

Energy Intake and Protein Concentration Effects Lamb Performance and Visceral Organ Mass

The Effects of Finishing Diet and Weight on Lamb Performance, Carcass Characteristics, and Flavor

How do Finishing Diet Combinations Affect Lamb Performance and Tissue Growth?

What Benefits are Gained by Processing Grain Fed to Sheep?

The Future of Finishing Lambs

What Finishing Diet Should I Feed my Lambs?

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De-worming Lactating Ewes May Contribute to the Development of Parasitic Resistance

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Producer Survey

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