As I complete my first full year here in Henry County we are entering my favorite time of the work year. While I do enjoy getting to teach and talk with folks during the winter meetings, they don’t hold a candle to being out in the field. Whether it’s conducting on-farm research, checking insect traps, or diagnosing plant disease it does one some good to get away from the office. Continue reading From Across the Field – It’s About to Get Busy
Month: April 2018
I-80 Planting Tour: Ohio (Henry County)
By: Betsy Jibben, AgDay Reporter
Cold temperatures and snow are keeping farmers out of the field in northwest Ohio. Some farmers have reported both rain and snow over the weekend.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released its weekly crop progress report showing no corn is planted in the state, which is a common threat across Interstate 80.
AgDay national reporter Betsy Jibben talks with Eric Klein, a farmer from Malinta, Ohio; Nate Like, a farmer from Hamler, Ohio; and Rex Williamson, an agent with Williamson Insurance Agency in Payne, Ohio.
Adjusting Corn Management Practices for a Late Start
By: Steve Culman and Peter Thomison, Ohio State University Extension
As prospects for a timely start to spring planting diminish, growers need to reassess their planting strategies and consider adjustments. Since delayed planting reduces the yield potential of corn, the foremost attention should be given to management practices that will expedite crop establishment. The following are some suggestions and guidelines to consider in dealing with a late planting season. Continue reading Adjusting Corn Management Practices for a Late Start
Animal Welfare Tops List of American Causes
By: Greg Henderson, previously published by Drovers online
Americans say they care more about animal welfare than children’s education and hunger. That’s according to the findings of the “Causes Americans Care About,” a new study that gathered responses from 1,000 adults, 41% of which chose animal welfare number one. Children’s education ranked second with 38% of respondents, followed by hunger, chosen by 33% of respondents. Continue reading Animal Welfare Tops List of American Causes
Time to Check for Winterkill Injury
Farm Journal Content Services, Previously Published on Farm Journal online
As we inch closer to spring, we are reminded that it’s time to check for winter damage to alfalfa, and it’s especially important to check on newly seeded stands. According to Jim Shroyer, Kansas State University Crop Production Specialist Emeritus, the two main concerns for alfalfa are winterkill and heaving. Continue reading Time to Check for Winterkill Injury
From Across the Field – Cold Weather Reading
The groundhog who saw his shadow and predicted six more weeks of winter ought to be fired. We are now in the third week of April and it feels more like January. As we monitor soil temperatures at the Hoytville OARDC Branch, we are currently around 44 degrees Fahrenheit, about five and half degrees lower than the average over the past 17 year. That being said I wouldn’t be in a hurry to rush out with the planter. I’ve heard from a lot of guys that they can be done planting in a week to 10 days. If that is the case getting an early May start doesn’t sound too bad. Continue reading From Across the Field – Cold Weather Reading
Low Milk Prices Sending Some Dairy Farmers Out of Business
Previously on Ohio Ag Net
Nervous about the dramatic drop in milk prices, Ohio’s dairy farmers are leaving the business at a higher than usual rate.
Every year, some farmers retire and give up their dairy licenses, but there’s been an uptick recently. In March 2018, there were 2,253 licensed dairy farms in Ohio — a drop of 59 farms in five months. Continue reading Low Milk Prices Sending Some Dairy Farmers Out of Business
ODA Proposes Changes to Ohio’s Noxious Weeds List
By Peggy Hall, Asst. Professor, Agricultural & Resource Law, Ohio State University
Wild carrot, Oxeye daisy, and wild mustard will no longer be prohibited noxious weeds in Ohio if the Ohio Department of Agriculture’s (ODA) revisions to the noxious weeds list become effective. ODA is proposing to remove the three plants after its five-year review of plant species considered “noxious” for purposes of Ohio law. The agency is also proposing adding these 12 species to the noxious weeds list: Continue reading ODA Proposes Changes to Ohio’s Noxious Weeds List
Top 5 Sustainable Soybean Production Practices
By: Max Glover, Guest Commentator for AgWeb
Top 5 Sustainable Soybean Production Practices
Yes, we love the ag technology at our fingertips today. But every now and then we need to go back to the basics. Max Glover, agronomy specialist with the University of Missouri Extension, hits on five sustainable management practices that are the foundation of creating a viable soybean yield.
#1 Improve Drainage and Water-Holding Capacity Continue reading Top 5 Sustainable Soybean Production Practices
When to Begin Alfalfa Weevil Scouting
By: Andy Michel, Kelley Tilmon, Ohio State University Extension
Previously on Ohio Ag Net
The larvae of alfalfa weevil can cause considerable damage, especially when alfalfa is just starting its growth in the spring. When temperatures are greater than 48oF, the adults become active and start to lay eggs. After hatch, the plump and green larvae (which resemble little worms) feed, with 3rd instar (mid-aged) larvae being the hungriest. The heaviest feeding can occur between 325 and 500 heat units. Right now, the heat units (base 48oF) for the Western Ag Research Station in South Charleston are 98, and for the South Station in Piketon is 175. Scouting for larvae should begin at around 250 heat units. Continue reading When to Begin Alfalfa Weevil Scouting