Cucumber Downy Mildew Confirmed in Medina County, OH

By: Sally Miller, OSU Extension

Downy mildew was confirmed today in a 3 acre cucumber field in Medina County, OH. Given the outbreaks reported in Michigan in June and an outbreak confirmed in Kent County,
Ontario this week, this was expected. Although recent weather has been hot and dry, there have been localized intermittent rainstorms that favor downy mildew spread, and nighttime temperatures are usually cool enough for infection.

Growers in northern Ohio should protect cucumbers and melons with fungicides. Recommendations can be found here.

Thanks to Frank Becker, OSU Extension Wayne County IPM Program Coordinator, for bringing us the sample.

Cucumber Downy Mildew Confirmed in Northeast Ohio

By: Sally Miller, OSU Extension

Following reports this week of downy mildew on cucurbits in Michigan, central Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Indiana, we have our first confirmed report of downy mildew on cucumbers in northern Wayne County. This is very late for this area – we usually see downy mildew on cucumbers in early July in northern OH. Many growers have been spraying preventatively due to the seriousness of downy mildew on cucumbers and other cucurbits. All of the reports this week from MI, WI and PA were from cucumber, although the report from southwestern Indiana was from watermelon.

Cucurbit growers who have not transitioned from applying only protectant fungicides such as chlorothalanil or mancozeb to downy mildew fungicides should now do so.  The environmental conditions – cooler temperatures, high humidity, overcast skies and rain showers- expected in much of Ohio during this part of the season are conducive to downy mildew. Continue reading Cucumber Downy Mildew Confirmed in Northeast Ohio

Beware of Thrips on Strawberries

By: Celeste Welty, OSU Extension Specialty Crop Entomologist

Although strawberries are not considered to be a vegetable crop, using VegNet is a good way to get information out to growers who have both vegetables and berry crops.

Strawberry fruit that have been injured by thrips are a dull or bronzed color, and are often small, hard, seedy, and fail to ripen. They can cause uneven maturity of fruit. When severe, their injury can make the strawberry crop completely unmarketable.

Figure 1. Typical appearance of a thrips. Continue reading Beware of Thrips on Strawberries

From Across the Field – In Bloom

Things have really begun to green up over the past couple of weeks and are now in full bloom. With some heat units and dry weather in the forecast it doesn’t look like planting will take long after a delayed start once again.

Many of our landscape and garden plants either have or are beginning to flower. From an aesthetic point of view, I really do enjoy blossoming fruit trees and shrubs. This has always been a “catch 22” as while I appreciate a variety of plants in a landscape, this represents a challenging time for myself and many others as with flowers come pollen and with pollen comes allergy season. I guess it’s time to break out the eye drops and nasal spray. Continue reading From Across the Field – In Bloom

From Across the Field – Starting to Feel a Bit Like Spring

Temperatures are beginning to warm and it is beginning to feel like spring outside. I have to keep reminding myself that February still remains ahead, with the potential for cooler weather and perhaps some additional snow.

For most people spring seems to be their favorite season, as thing green up and begin to grow. Having grown up in the southern part of the spring meant mud, and for that reason alone I always hope for a “short spring,” where the transition from frozen ground to dry ground is quick and rapid.

Even though spring is still weeks away there are some things that can be done in preparation for this year’s landscape and garden. If you saved seeds from the last growing season and wonder if they will germinate when planted this spring, you can discover the average rate of germination before the planting season begins. It’s easy to check vegetable and flower seed viability, and it can save you time later when the gardening season begins. Continue reading From Across the Field – Starting to Feel a Bit Like Spring

From Across the Field 11-23-2017

From Across the Field

First and for most I would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Hopefully you have a chance to gather with friends, celebrate what you are thankful for, and share in the bounties of agriculture this holiday weekend. As I look back at the calendar it has been six months since I began working here in Henry County, where has the time gone? Other than the obvious change in temperature it seems like I just started yesterday. In half a year I have learned a lot, met many people, and have worked with a great set of colleagues both here in the county office and across the OSU Extension organization. Continue reading From Across the Field 11-23-2017