From Across the Field – Starting to Feel a Bit Like Spring

Temperatures are beginning to warm and it is beginning to feel like spring outside. I have to keep reminding myself that February still remains ahead, with the potential for cooler weather and perhaps some additional snow.

For most people spring seems to be their favorite season, as thing green up and begin to grow. Having grown up in the southern part of the spring meant mud, and for that reason alone I always hope for a “short spring,” where the transition from frozen ground to dry ground is quick and rapid.

Even though spring is still weeks away there are some things that can be done in preparation for this year’s landscape and garden. If you saved seeds from the last growing season and wonder if they will germinate when planted this spring, you can discover the average rate of germination before the planting season begins. It’s easy to check vegetable and flower seed viability, and it can save you time later when the gardening season begins. Continue reading From Across the Field – Starting to Feel a Bit Like Spring

Drainage Water Management (Controlled Drainage) Update

By: Norman Fausey and Larry C. Brown

In 2015 we estimated more than 200 Drainage Water Management (DWM) structures had been installed in Ohio. At this time we estimate as many as 500 have been installed or are to be installed this spring. Many of these are have been installed in Northwest Ohio, in the Lake Erie Basin. A substantial number of structures have been installed to reduce liquid manure discharges from the application of liquid manure on subsurface drained cropland all across Ohio.

The primary purpose of DWM is the reduction of soluble nutrients discharged from subsurface (tile) drainage systems to ditches and streams. Soluble nutrients move with the water, so to reduce nutrient discharges, it is necessary to reduce the discharge of water from the subsurface drainage system. Extensive research from Ohio and across the Midwest indicates that DWM can substantially reduce the discharge of drainage water during the non-growing season compared to free drainage at drain depth. DWM structures allow the drainage system outlet elevation to be raised or lowered rather than being unmanaged. Continue reading Drainage Water Management (Controlled Drainage) Update

“Plant As Much Corn As You Want, Don’t Expect to Make Money”

By: Ashley Davenport, Farm Journal Broadcast Multimedia Editor

In 1983 for the first time, planted soybean acres surpassed corn acres by 3.5 million acres. Some market analysts thought 2017 would be another year this would happen, but it didn’t.

There have been some rumblings that because of current corn prices, 2018 could be the year where King Corn has its crown knocked off and replaced with another crop: soybeans.

Continue reading “Plant As Much Corn As You Want, Don’t Expect to Make Money”

Completing the Farm Balance Sheet

By: Eric Richer, OSUE Fulton County & Diane Shoemaker, OSUE Field Specialist, Dairy Production Economics

It is never too late to complete your farm’s balance sheet. The balance sheet is a “snap shot” in time of your farm’s financial position, including what assets you own and how they are financed. The balance sheet is also known as the net worth statement. When completed accurately and in a timely manner, the balance sheet and corresponding ratios are a very valuable tool to evaluate farm financial health. The balance sheet objectively measures farm business growth, liquidity, solvency, and risk-bearing capacity.

Categorizing Balance Sheet Items

The assets and liabilities on the balance sheet (including the financing of the assets) are used to determine the equity, or net worth, of the farm owner. The owner’s equity is used by lenders and insurers to determine a farm business’ value.  Calculation of  owner’s equity, or net worth is simple. Simply subtract the total liabilities from the total assets:

Assets – Liabilities = Owner’s Equity Continue reading Completing the Farm Balance Sheet

USDA Updates Emerald Ash Borer Map, January 2018

By: Amy Stone, From Buckeye Yard and Garden Line

While emerald ash borer (EAB) may be considered “old-news” in the buckeye state, many may want to keep a watchful eye on its progression beyond Ohio. Each month, USDA APHIS produces an updated EAB Detection Map. Occasionally, we like to post these updated maps on BYGL for those that are interested in monitoring the spread of the pest in North America.

Continue reading USDA Updates Emerald Ash Borer Map, January 2018

From Across the Field – That Time of Year

Meeting season is here and based on what I have heard from folks regarding programming needs in the county, I think we have a good line up of programs this winter, and I hope to see you at one or more of them. From our flagship program, Northwest Ohio Crops Day to Pesticide Applicator Training we have been hard at work planning and preparing here in the office.

Speaking of Northwest Ohio Crops Day, time is running out to RSVP for the event on February 9th at the Bavarian Haus. Be sure to register by February 1st for the discounted rate, registration includes a light breakfast, lunch, and information packet. We have a great group of vendors, exhibitors, exhibitors and speakers lined up for the day, so be sure to come on down to Deshler and learn what you need to know going into the 2018 crop year. Continue reading From Across the Field – That Time of Year

Dicamba Training Opportunities

By: Matt Reese, Ohio’s Country Journal/Ohio Ag Net

For those planning on planting dicamba tolerant crops next year, there is plenty of change coming in 2018 compared to last year.

The label requirements for spraying will be much different and training is being required for applicators.

“The new labels for Engenia, XtendiMax, and FeXapan have many new precautions that applicators need to be aware of,” said Mark Loux, Ohio State University Extension herbicide specialist. “An additional requirement is that anyone applying these products must attend an annual dicamba or group 4 herbicide-specific training.” Continue reading Dicamba Training Opportunities

Sidedressing Manure Into Corn Continues to Have Promising Results

Glen Arnold, OSU Extension Field Specialist Manure Nutrient Management

Ohio State University Extension has conducted manure research on growing crops for several years in an effort to make better use of the available nutrients. Incorporating manure into growing corn can boost crop yields, reduce nutrient losses, and give livestock producers or commercial manure applicators another window of time to apply manure to farm fields. Continue reading Sidedressing Manure Into Corn Continues to Have Promising Results

How USDA Services Will Be Affected by Government Shutdown

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue outlined U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) services available in the event of a government shutdown.

“USDA is committed to safeguarding life and property through the critical services we provide – and should the government shut down, we will continue to do just that,” said Secretary Perdue. “I am proud of each USDA employee for everything they do to benefit the farmers, ranchers, foresters, and producers who depend on our services. It is their mission each day to fulfill our USDA motto, ‘Do right and feed everyone.’”

While you may click HERE to view USDA’s lapse in funding plans, background information on USDA services available in the event of a government shutdown are below: Continue reading How USDA Services Will Be Affected by Government Shutdown

Up and Coming Pork Export Markets

JoAnn Alumbaugh, Editor, PORK Network

Dermot Hayes, Distinguished Professor at Iowa State University shared his views on U.S. exports in the January-February issue of Farm Journal’s PORK. He has followed, influenced and visited growing export markets during his 31 years at Iowa State University. In this final excerpt, he discusses expanding markets, and shares his most rewarding moments of working with the U.S. pork industry.

In terms of emerging markets, Hayes says “we’re only tapping the potential in Central America. Continue reading Up and Coming Pork Export Markets