CORN Newsletter


May 3 – May 9


Editor: Beth Scheckelhoff


Springtime is Spray Time — Here are Some Tips for Better Spraying

Author: Erdal Ozkan

Applying pesticides requires a high level of skill and knowledge. Increases in the size and complexity of sprayers over the years require even more attention to efficiency, efficacy, and safety.

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Wet Weather then a Planting Window

Author: Jim Noel

April was a challenging month. It was a cold month with most of Ohio -1F to -3F below normal for temperatures. We saw late freezes and snow events. Because of the cold, precipitation was generally around or slightly below normal in the 60-120% of normal range.

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Alfalfa Weevil: Ready, Set, Scout!

Authors: Aaron Wilson, Kelley Tilmon, Mark Sulc, Andy Michel

Finally we’ve accumulated enough heat units that significant parts of Ohio are now or very soon will be in prime time for alfalfa weevil.  Peak larval activity and feeding damage occur between 325 and 575 GDD.

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CFAES Ag Weather System 2022 Near-Surface Air and Soil Temperatures/Moisture (Update 5)

Authors: Aaron Wilson, Greg LaBarge, CPAg/CCA

After last weekend’s summer preview, temperatures were much cooler over Ohio for much of the past week. Central and northern Ohio locations saw air temperatures drop below freezing mid-week, before a return to normal conditions over the weekend.

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Lep Monitoring Network Update

Authors: Amy Raudenbush, Suranga Basnagala , Kyle Akred, Mark Badertscher, Lee Beers, CCA, Clifton Martin, CCA, James Morris, Eric Richer, CCA, Beth Scheckelhoff, Cindy Wallace, Curtis Young, CCA, Andy Michel, Kelley Tilmon

Eleven counties in Ohio will be monitoring for various agronomic Lepidopteran (moth/caterpillar) pests during the 2022 field season. These counties include Adams, Brown, Clark, Fulton, Hardin, Madison, Muskingum, Trumbull, Van Wert, Wayne and Wood.

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Making On-Farm Trials Easy

Authors: Taylor Dill, Elizabeth Hawkins

Planting season is upon us and is a little behind in comparison to last year. Many producers are planning on evaluating input costs and management practices on their farm this season to improve economic efficiency and stay profitable.

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It’s Time to Start Monitoring your Alfalfa Fields for %NDF

Authors: Angela Arnold, Richard Purdin, Dean Kreager, Osler Ortez, Les Ober, CCA, Mark Sulc, Beth Scheckelhoff

Ohio has seen on average a cooler spring than in previous years even though there were record and near-record highs last month. Fluctuations in temperature and varying rainfall make it extremely difficult to determine the exact date every year when to harvest alfalfa stands.

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About C.O.R.N. Newsletter

C.O.R.N. Newsletter is a summary of crop observations, related information, and appropriate recommendations for Ohio crop producers and industry. C.O.R.N. Newsletter is produced by the Ohio State University Extension Agronomy Team, state specialists at The Ohio State University and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). C.O.R.N. Newsletter questions are directed to Extension and OARDC state specialists and associates at Ohio State.




Angela Arnold
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Glen Arnold, CCA
Field Specialist, Manure Nutrient Management


Mark Badertscher
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Lee Beers, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Amanda Bennett
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Carrie Brown
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Bruce Clevenger, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Rachel Cochran, CCA
Water Quality Extension Associate, Defiance, Van Wert, Paulding Counties


Trevor Corboy
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Wayne Dellinger, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Dirk Dempsey


Taylor Dill
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Amanda Douridas
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Nick Eckel
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Mike Estadt
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Ken Ford
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Mike Gastier, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Jason Hartschuh, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Elizabeth Hawkins
Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems


Amber Herman


Stephanie Karhoff
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Dean Kreager
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Greg LaBarge, CPAg/CCA
Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems


Alan Leininger
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Ed Lentz, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Laura Lindsey
State Specialist, Soybean and Small Grains


David Marrison
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Clifton Martin, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


James Morris
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Gigi Neal
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Jim Noel
National Weather Service


Sarah Noggle
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Les Ober, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Osler Ortez
Corn & Emerging Crops State Specialist


Pierce Paul
State Specialist, Corn and Wheat Diseases


Eric Richer, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Matthew Schmerge
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Clint Schroeder
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Mark Sulc
State Specialist, Forage Production


Ted Wiseman
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Curtis Young, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Chris Zoller
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources

Ohio Beef Cattle Letter

Dear Ohio BEEF Cattle letter subscribers,

Six new articles have been posted in this week’s issue number 1291 of the Ohio BEEF Cattle letter:

This week it’s mostly about forages!

Articles this week include:

  • Hay in May!
  • Harvest Timing Affects Winter Annual Forage Yield and Quality
  • Do we treat our forages with the same respect as our corn field?
  • What can I afford to pay to rent hay ground?
  • The Core Vaccines every Ohio beef cow should be receiving
  • Cattle on Feed Record, Again

Grazing Workshop by Greene Soil and Water Conservation

Join Greene Soil and Water Conservation District to see prescribed grazing practices in action. Topics to be discussed include: Soil Health and seeding rates, NRCS programs and grazing from the equine perspective, EQIP and the small herd and Black Headed Vultures and their impact on cattle. Educational resources, snacks and soft drinks will be provided. This program is free but registration is required.


Wednesday, May 18th 5:00 – 7:00pm


Thad Haines’ Farm

2980 E. Spring Valley – Paintersville Road, Xenia 45385


By Tuesday, May 17th

(937) 416-3768

2022 GSWCD Grazing Workshop

Cropland Values Survey and SW Corn Growers

Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents Survey 2021-22

Complete the survey online at:

If you’re able to assist with this effort, we ask you to please complete the online survey by April 30th, 2022.

All survey data will be anonymous and distributed only in a summary format.

Summary conclusions from the latest survey of agriculture professionals, the “Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rental Rates 2020-21”, are available online at:



  • Southwest Ohio Corn Growers and Fayette Agronomy Field Day, August 16th, 2022.

CORN Newsletter


April 19 – 25, 2022


Editor: Amanda Bennett


Weather Update: Warm Up Already!

Author: Aaron Wilson


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Plant Forage Stands as Soon as Feasible

Authors: Mark Sulc, Jason Hartschuh, CCA

Early spring provides one of the two preferred times to seed perennial cool-season forages, the other being late summer.

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Dealing With Winter Injured Forage Stands

Author: Mark Sulc

I’ve been hearing reports from around the state of forage stands that look poor, especially where flooded soil conditions developed over the past few months.

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Ohio Farmers Invited to Participate in Multi-State On-Farm Research Survey

Author: Osler Ortez, PhD


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About C.O.R.N. Newsletter

C.O.R.N. Newsletter is a summary of crop observations, related information, and appropriate recommendations for Ohio crop producers and industry. C.O.R.N. Newsletter is produced by the Ohio State University Extension Agronomy Team, state specialists at The Ohio State University and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). C.O.R.N. Newsletter questions are directed to Extension and OARDC state specialists and associates at Ohio State.




Glen Arnold, CCA
Field Specialist, Manure Nutrient Management


John Barker
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Carrie Brown
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Bruce Clevenger, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Rachel Cochran
Water Quality Extension Associate


Trevor Corboy
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Wayne Dellinger, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Dirk Dempsey


Taylor Dill
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Amanda Douridas
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Nick Eckel
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Mike Estadt
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Ken Ford
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Allen Geyer
Research Associate, Corn Production


Jamie Hampton
Extension Educator, ANR


Jason Hartschuh, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Elizabeth Hawkins
Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems


Andrew Holden
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Stephanie Karhoff
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Dean Kreager
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Laura Lindsey
State Specialist, Soybean and Small Grains


Horacio Lopez-Nicora
Assistant Professor – Plant Pathology


Mark Loux
State Specialist, Weed Science


David Marrison
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Sarah Noggle
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Les Ober, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Osler Ortez, PhD


Richard Purdin
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Eric Richer, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Matthew Schmerge
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Clint Schroeder
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Mark Sulc
State Specialist, Forage Production


Kelley Tilmon
State Specialist, Field Crop Entomology


Barry Ward
Program Leader


Aaron Wilson
Byrd Polar & Climate Research Center


Ted Wiseman
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Curtis Young, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Chris Zoller
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


The information presented here, along with any trade names used, is supplied with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement is made by Ohio State University Extension is implied. Although every attempt is made to produce information that is complete, timely, and accurate, the pesticide user bears responsibility of consulting the pesticide label and adhering to those directions.

CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information, visit For an accessible format of this publication, visit

Kids Baking Championship

Food Network is looking for the most talented young backers for the next season of Kids Baking Championship.

We are looking for kids between the ages of 8-13 who want to put their baking skills to the ultimate test.

The Kids Baking Championship is an exciting show where young bakers compete in fun baking battles to become the next Kids Baking Champion.

Apply now at 



CORN Newsletter


April 12 – 18, 2022


Editor: Amanda Bennett


Weather Update: A Warmer but Wetter Week Ahead

Author: Aaron Wilson

Although the region has seen a few warm days, winter has certainly not given up entirely. This past weekend, Ohio dealt with snow showers and even a little graupel. What is graupel? The word originates from the German word “graúpe” or “barley”.

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Set-Up Soybeans for Success in 2022

Author: Laura Lindsey

For soybean, pre-planting decisions are extremely important to set-up the crop for success. Soybean Extension Specialists from across the U.S.

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CFAES Ag Weather System 2022 Near-Surface Air and Soil Temperatures/Moisture (Update 2)

Authors: Aaron Wilson, Greg LaBarge, CPAg/CCA
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Wheat Yield Contest-Early Entry Deadline April 15th

Authors: Eric Richer, CCA, Laura Lindsey, Mike Estadt

The National Wheat Yield Contest was created in 2015 by the National Wheat Foundation to promote new ideas and experimentation for wheat production, enable knowledge transfer between growers and identify top wheat producers in each state.  Since its short inception, Ohio has had good

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Why Should You Calibrate Your Sprayer Even If it has a Rate Controller?

Author: Erdal Ozkan

Whenever I give a presentation about the need to calibrate a sprayer and how to do it, there is always someone asking me this same question: “I have a rate controller in the cab that regulates the flow rate of the sprayer regardless of the changes in sprayer gr

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About C.O.R.N. Newsletter

C.O.R.N. Newsletter is a summary of crop observations, related information, and appropriate recommendations for Ohio crop producers and industry. C.O.R.N. Newsletter is produced by the Ohio State University Extension Agronomy Team, state specialists at The Ohio State University and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). C.O.R.N. Newsletter questions are directed to Extension and OARDC state specialists and associates at Ohio State.




Glen Arnold, CCA
Field Specialist, Manure Nutrient Management


John Barker
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Lee Beers, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Carrie Brown
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Rachel Cochran
Water Quality Extension Associate


Trevor Corboy
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Wayne Dellinger, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Dirk Dempsey


Taylor Dill
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Amanda Douridas
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Nick Eckel
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Jamie Hampton
Extension Educator, ANR


Elizabeth Hawkins
Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems


Andrew Holden
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Stephanie Karhoff
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Dean Kreager
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Greg LaBarge, CPAg/CCA
Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems


Laura Lindsey
State Specialist, Soybean and Small Grains


Mark Loux
State Specialist, Weed Science


David Marrison
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Gigi Neal
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Sarah Noggle
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Tony Nye
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Les Ober, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Osler Ortez, PhD


Pierce Paul
State Specialist, Corn and Wheat Diseases


Richard Purdin
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Eric Richer, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Matthew Schmerge
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Clint Schroeder
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Mark Sulc
State Specialist, Forage Production


Barry Ward
Program Leader


Aaron Wilson
Byrd Polar & Climate Research Center


Ted Wiseman
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Chris Zoller
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


The information presented here, along with any trade names used, is supplied with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement is made by Ohio State University Extension is implied. Although every attempt is made to produce information that is complete, timely, and accurate, the pesticide user bears responsibility of consulting the pesticide label and adhering to those directions.

CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information, visit For an accessible format of this publication, visit

Raised Beds: A Complete Guide – 4/26/22

Raised Beds: A Complete Guide

Gardening is a challenging and rewarding activity. Raised bed gardening can help overcome some of the challenges of traditional in-ground gardening. We will discuss how to construct, fill, and best practices for raised bed gardening.

Speakers and authors of the Raised Beds: A Complete Guide:

Trevor Corboy, ANR Educator

Kim Hupman, Horticulture Program Assistant

Jim Jasinski, OSU Extension, Professor, IPM Program Coordinator


Date: Tuesday, April 26th

Time: 1:00 – 4:00 pm

Cost: $15.00 includes a copy of the Raised Bed Publication and a 6 pack of veggie/herb/flower mix


Registration closes Monday, April 25th at 8:00 am