2021 Take the Leap Year Program

Take the Leap Year is a teen-led, five-month, free program available to Ohio 4-H Teens ages 13-18.  The goal is to help teens from Ohio gain leadership skills, career development skills, and learn how to establish and maintain goals. They will learn these skills through programming, journaling, and working with their peers.

Registration is now open at go.osu.edu/taketheleap and due January 24, 2021.

More information about the program:

Meetings will be held virtually on the third Wednesday of each month from February-May. There will be two meetings in June, with one on the second Wednesday of the month and on the fourth Wednesday. These workshops will be held in the evening. Each session will have different themes taught by teen leaders. Prior to beginning in February, registered participants will receive a package in the mail with supplies for the program.


Plans with the corresponding month:

  • February: This meeting will be an introduction to the program. Throughout the program, we are challenging teens to pick one word to apply to all aspects of their life. This word can help them reach their goals.
  • March: Working with teens to develop a 5-year plan to help them determine what they would like to accomplish in the near future.
  • April: Teens will learn professionalism skills that will benefit them in their later careers. They will learn about resume building, elevator pitches, business cards, and much more!
  • May: Participants will learn about state opportunities within the Ohio 4-H program.
  • June (2nd Wednesday): Q& A with 4-H alumni and the opportunity to learn about several career paths.
  • June (4th Wednesday): Closing Ceremony



Attend the Virtual National Youth Summit on Healthy Living

National 4-H Summit for Healthy Living: This year the National 4-H Summit for Healthy Living is going virtual!

Target audience: high-school age youth and adult participants

 Dates: February 12-15, 2021

Times: Friday 6-9pm; Saturday 1-4pm; Sunday 1-4pm; Monday 12-3pm

Cost: An Ohio 4-H Foundation grant will cover your $75 registration cost, with the following expectations:

  • Commit to attending the summit
  • After the summit, work with your 4-H Educator to identify a health need in your community and create and complete an action plan to address this need.
  • We will also plan to have times when Ohio participants can meet virtually after the Summit for additional educational sessions and sharing.

If you are interested in attending email Brandy at uhlenbrock.9@osu.edu by noon THIS Thursday, January 28.

Other information

Participants will receive a follow-up email to select one track; they will remain in this track throughout the summit (that is, select workshops from that track). There are choices of workshops within the track.


  • Food Insecurity
  • Health Equity
  • Physical Fitness
  • Substance Abuse
  • Nutrition
  • Mental Health
  • Adult Track for professional development




Healthy Eating Doesn’t Have to be Hard!

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be hard, especially when we take it one step at a time.  Try this fresh salad that is packed with crunch and flavor to help you reach your goals!  For more recipes check out www.celebrateyourplate.org

Turn Your Resolutions Into Real Solutions

With the new year, we have a fresh start to a healthier version of ourselves!  We can turn our resolutions into real solutions.  Start with small changes, take one day at a time, be active your way, team up and celebrate successes!  Let us know what your real solutions are by emailing Becky at fiscus.22@osu.edu

You can find more information at www.myplate.gov


A Tasty Twist on the Traditional Burger

Beans are one of nature’s most perfect foods and are a great source of protein, fiber, and vitamins and minerals.  For a tasty twist on the traditional burger, try this Lentil Burger recipe.  It is packed full of flavor!

For more recipes check out www.celebrateyourplate.org


Vary Your Protein Routine

Meat, chicken, turkey, and eggs are the protein foods most commonly eaten by Americans, according to the USDA’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Fish, beans, soy products and nuts are also a great source of protein.  Check out these tips to vary your protein routine.  You can find more information at www.choosemyplate.gov

Pickled Beets and Eggs

The deep red hue of pickled beets and eggs is beautiful.  For a colorful and tasty recipe, try Pickled Beets and Eggs.  Let us know what you think!  Email Becky at fiscus.22@osu.edu with your thoughts about the recipe.

For more recipes, be sure to check out www.celebrateyourplate.org


Be Food Safe

A critical part of healthy eating is keeping food safe to eat.  Here are some tips to help us reduce the risk of foodborne illness.  For more tips, check out www.choosemyplate.gov

Junior Fair Board Now Accepting Applications!

It’s that time of year again! Below are the links for the 2021 Clermont County Junior Fair Board Application Forms (Member Application and Personal Reference for first-time applicants).
Forms are due on Friday, October 16, 2020. Online forms are the preferred version.
ALL applicants should attend the October meeting on Wednesday, October 21, at 7pm.  All returning members must fill out an application for the upcoming year.

Zucchini Pumpkin Bread

Fall is right around the corner and this recipe is perfect for those cool days!  Give it a try and let us know what you think.  For more recipes, be sure to check out www.celebrateyourplate.org