Virtual Dining with Diabetes

Virtual Dining with Diabetes

Do you or someone you love have diabetes? With 30 million diabetics in America, you are not alone! You will learn how to incorporate good, healthy cooking techniques and other practices to help control your blood sugar through our cooking school and nutrition education program designed for people with diabetes and their family members or caregivers.

To registration click the link or use the QR Code below:

Annie’s Project Series – LAST CALL!

Women are Decision Makers – Annie’s Project Prepares Them Well

Farm women are generating a cultural tide in American agriculture that moves management, assets, and opportunities to a new wave of farmers nationwide. At Annie’s Project courses, women in agriculture become empowered to be successful through education, networks, and resources.

Annie’s Project is a six-week course that is a discussion-based workshop bringing women together to learn from experts in production, financial management, human resources, marketing, and the legal field. There’s plenty of time for questions, sharing, reacting, and connecting with presenters and fellow participants. It’s a relaxed, fun, and dynamic way to learn, grow, and meet other farmwomen. Whether new or experienced, understanding the five areas of agricultural risk, analyzing agricultural spreadsheets, and other necessary skills are vital. Learning them in a friendly environment where questions and discussion are welcomed allows the learning process to flourish.

Annie’s Project courses have reached over 15,000 farm and ranch women in 33 states. The next one in your area begins on February 29th at The Clermont County Fairgrounds.

The course costs $95 per person, including a workbook and support materials for all sessions. A light meal will be served before each class at 5:30 p.m. Course size is limited, so please register soon.

Linda, an Annie’s Project alumna says, “I took the class to gain a better understanding about agribusiness and how financial decisions impact our farm operation. I have a better understanding of balance sheets and the futures market…this class has improved communication with my spouse on concerns he works with on a daily basis.”

For more information, contact Gigi Neal at (513) 732-7070 or email

To register, contact Meghan at (513) 732-7070 or in person at 1000 Locust Street, Building #324, Owensville, Ohio 45160.

AP Clermont 24


Celebrate National FCS Day

February 14, 2024, is the day we celebrate National Family & Consumer Sciences Educator Day, a celebration that showcases the value and importance of family and consumer sciences education and its educators. The Live Healthy Live Well team at the Ohio State University Extension wants to enlist your help in spreading the word about the positive impact of Family and Consumer Sciences profession -The People-Centered Sciences.

What can you do –

Why Should We Celebrate NOW –

Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) is a diverse and vital field that plays a crucial role in preparing students for real-world challenges across a variety of workplace settings. FCS utilizes research, experiential education, and technology to teach students the essential knowledge and skills to:

  • lead better lives,
  • be work and career-ready,
  • build strong families,
  • make meaningful contributions to our communities.

Think about the saying “You can’t build a strong house on a weak foundation”

Let’s build a strong foundation for Family Living by Proclaiming, Exploring and Honoring FCS programming and educators.


Written by: Margaret Jenkins, Assistant Professor, Family and Consumer Sciences, OSU Extension Clermont County,

Reviewed by: Beth Stefura, Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences, OSU Extension Mahoning County,


1. American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences

2. Advance CTE

3.  Say Yes to FCS video

Landowner Conservation Series

Free event for all. The hands-on event is on the 1st Wednesday of each month from 6-7:30 pm. Check the schedule for topics and locations.

A partnership between OSU Extension Clermont County, Clermont Soil and Water Conservation District, and the Clermont Parks District. 

Donate to the Clermont County 4-H Food Drive

Clermont County 4-H is accepting donations of canned fruit, vegetables, and soup to help stock the shelves of the Clermont County Job and Family Services Food Pantry.  Donations can be dropped off at the Extension Office Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. -4:30 p.m., and will be accepted through December 13.  Please make sure that your donations are not expired. The food drive is a great way for your club, business or organization to support families in our community.

Real Money. Real World.: Students at Bethel-Tate High School Link Education with Future Lifestyle Choices

With the help of many teachers who staffed 14 business booths, eighth graders from Bethel-Tate High School participated in a Real Money. Real World. simulation. Students were assigned a career, a monthly salary and a specific number of children. Each student visited the various booths making spending choices based on their family situation hoping they would have enough money to make ends meet at the end of the

The program includes four classroom lessons to prepare students to assume the role of a 27-year-old adult who is the primary income provider for a family. They received an occupation, monthly salary, and the number of children they are raising. Students learned to subtract savings, taxes, and other deductions from their monthly income. The amount of money left over is what they spent during the simulation activity. Students spent their money at booths staffed by teachers on items typically found in a monthly budget including housing, utilities, groceries, insurance, child care, and transportation. Throughout the activity, students kept track of their finances and attempted to complete the simulation with a positive balance.

The program is a product of The Ohio State University and was organized for the school by OSU Extension, Clermont County in collaboration with Principal, George Sturgeon.

One of the biggest surprises to participants was the cost of child care. One youth, who came into the simulation with only an $1,800 monthly salary and two children, was discouraged to discover at the child care booth that day care for his two children would be over $880. Volunteers at the Financial Assistance booth assisted him in getting a second part-time job after he discovered that “giving his children back” was not an option.

“I had three kids, so I had to give up my sports car to have enough money,” noted one student of his experience in the simulation.

During the post-simulation lesson, students reflected on their experience and what they learned by completing a self-assessment. The students thoroughly enjoyed their experience but were shocked at how hard it was to meet a monthly budget. Many had newfound respect for their parents and what they deal with on a daily basis. At the end of the experience, student comments included, “Kids are expensive,” “I need to stay in school and graduate in order to get a better job later,” “Life is a whole lot harder than I thought,” and “I need to get the important stuff out of the way first.”

As reported in a Real Money. Real World. follow-up study, students reported significant changes in their financial behavior after the program. Over 80% of participants reported changes in the extent to which they now repay money owed on time, set aside money for the future, and compare prices. Over three-fourths of students indicated they now think more carefully about spending money.

Students participating in the Upward Bound program at UC Clermont will be participating in the program in early December.

If you would like more information about the Real Money. Real World. program, please contact Kelly Royalty, 4-H/FCS Educator, at the

Have your voice heard across the nation!

Four Days Left to Impact Millions of Learners!

Don’t miss your chance to respond to and share The National Career Clusters® Framework National Implementation Survey!

With your input, we can achieve our vision for the future of the Framework to be a common language to bridge education and work, empowering each learner to explore, decide and prepare for dynamic and evolving careers.

Take 10 minutes to respond and share the link with your colleagues and Career Technical Education partners!


The National Career Clusters® Framework National Implementation Survey closes December 1 – don’t miss the opportunity to provide input on the Framework use for today & the future. Findings and future actions will be shared in 2024. Respond today:

Sign Up “Gather Your Gratitude” Email Wellness Challenge

Did you know that gratitude can lessen anxiety, relieve stress, improve sleep, boost immunity, and even support heart health? Join OSU Extension for a 6-week email wellness challenge Gather Your Gratitude. From October 30 – December 11, participants will receive weekly emails and have access to a Wellness Wednesday webinar series on gratitude. 

CLICK HERE to join the Challenge