2023 Statewide Sheep Shearing School – A Few Spots Still Remain

Dr. Brady Campbell, Assistant Professor, OSU State Small Ruminant Extension Specialist

A few seats still remain – register today to secure your spot!

Event Registration Link

The Ohio State University departments of Animal Sciences and Extension are pleased to announce the dates of the 2023 Fall Statewide Ohio Sheep Shearing School to be held on September 22-23, 2023 from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm at the Dave Cable Farm in Hebron, Ohio (10491 Canal Rd., Hebron, OH 43025).

During this two day schooling event, attendees will be given the opportunity to learn how to properly shear a sheep using the Australian shearing method. Those in attendance will be taught by veteran shearers as they walk through each step and demonstrate how to properly position the sheep and shearing hand piece in the correct location. Attendees will also learn to appreciate fleece quality by ensuring that their work station is clear of debris and how to keep the animals fleece all in one piece. This shearing session is open to any and all sheep producers, regardless of your shearing experience. Even if you are an experienced shearer, you are bound to learn something new or to improve upon from the school! Who knows, maybe it could help you shear off a couple of seconds on each sheep that you shear. Continue reading 2023 Statewide Sheep Shearing School – A Few Spots Still Remain

2023 Statewide Sheep Shearing School Announced – Sept. 22-23

Dr. Brady Campbell, Assistant Professor, OSU State Small Ruminant Extension Specialist

Event Registration Link

The Ohio State University departments of Animal Sciences and Extension are pleased to announce the dates of the 2023 Fall Statewide Ohio Sheep Shearing School to be held on September 22-23, 2023 from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm at the Dave Cable Farm in Hebron, Ohio (10491 Canal Rd., Hebron, OH 43025).

During this two day schooling event, attendees will be given the opportunity to learn how to properly shear a sheep using the Australian shearing method. Those in attendance will be taught by veteran shearers as they walk through each step and demonstrate how to properly position the sheep and shearing hand piece in the correct location. Attendees will also learn to appreciate fleece quality by ensuring that their work station is clear of debris and how to keep the animals fleece all in one piece. This shearing session is open to any and all sheep producers, regardless of your shearing experience. Even if you are an experienced shearer, you are bound to learn something new or to improve upon from the school! Who knows, maybe it could help you shear off a couple of seconds on each sheep that you shear.

New this year, attendees will have the opportunity to try their hand at shearing using a variety of tools including electric hand pieces, drop shaft units, or an attendees personal equipment. We encourage everyone to bring their own shearing equipment as doing so will allow you to become more comfortable with the tools that you own. Additionally, questions about comb and cutter placement as well as maintenance will be discussed. Please note that class space is limited to the first 16 participants with registration due by Friday, September 15th. The cost to attend is $100 which includes a boxed lunch for each day. For those interested in Continue reading 2023 Statewide Sheep Shearing School Announced – Sept. 22-23

History of The Ohio State Fair

Tim Barnes, OSU Extension Educator ANR, Marion County

In honor of the opening day at the Ohio State Fair, we are featuring a piece that was originally highlighted in 2019 by one of our very own team members, Tim Barnes. Whether you attend the state fair or not, it’s importance in the Ohio sheep industry has made a long lasting impact for all shepherds alike. Enjoy!

I realize that there may not be broad-based interest in this article but the impact of this fair is tremendous for many people in the Ohio sheep industry.

A History of the Ohio State Fair
The first Ohio State Fair was held on the site of Camp Washington about two and a half miles from what was then the center of Cincinnati, on the Miami Canal. The listings of premiums and regulations for the first annual Fair shows the dates for this event to be the 11th, 12th and 13th of September 1850, however, it was postponed until the first week in October.

An Agricultural convention was held in Columbus, June 25 and 26, 1845 in which friends of Agriculture from all sections of the State participated. One of the results of this gathering was the organization of a Board of Agriculture whose object was to encourage, promote and aid an exhibition of farm products at county and district gatherings. This was largely due to the influence of M. B. Bateham, Michael L. Sullivant, and Samuel Medary of Columbus and Franklin County.

The Ohio legislature passed an act Continue reading History of The Ohio State Fair

West Central Ohio Hay Day 2023 – July 6, 2023

Grant Davis, OSU Extension Educator ANR, Champaign County

Please join Ohio State University Extension and Channel Equipment on July 6th for the West Central Ohio Hay Day, sponsored by the Champaign and Clark County Farm Bureau’s, and Americas Trusted Insurance Group. The event will take place on the Southeast corner of South St. Rt. 68 and W. Dallas Rd. Or, go to Channel Equipment at 338 W Dallas Rd, Urbana, OH 43078 and follow the signs.

The day will begin at 10 a.m. with talks from Extension personnel on various aspects of growing, making, storing, and feeding quality hay. Insurance representatives will also be speaking on some new offerings available to hay and forage producers.

Lunch will be provided by Fresh Harvest food truck and will be free for those registered by July 1 thanks to the support of our sponsors.

The afternoon will be filled with equipment demonstrations from Krone and H&S company representatives. There will also be door prizes provided by generous donations from area vendors for those that register by July 1st. To register go to https://go.osu.edu/hayday2023, or contact Grant Davis at davis.1902@osu.edu or call 937-772-6022.

Southeastern Ohio Hay Day returns on July 14, 2023

Christine Gelley, OSU Extension Educator ANR, Noble County

Looking forward, if the big tasks on your to-do list include shopping for new farm equipment, buying fertilizer, taking hay samples, planning a new pasture seeding, designing a weed management program, figuring out the best way to make haylage, and/or setting aside pastures to stockpile grass for this fall, mark your calendars to take a day off from your farm tasks and come to the Eastern Agricultural Research Station in Caldwell, Ohio on Friday, July 14. OSU Extension and a team of sponsors will be offering a day full of inspiration and socialization for anyone in the pasture management and haymaking businesses with the return of Southeastern Ohio Hay Day.

Registration will open and the tradeshow will begin at 9:00 a.m. at 16870 Bond Ridge Road, Caldwell, OH 43724. Southeastern Ohio Hay Day will highlight the latest in hay making equipment with displays and hay making demonstrations from several manufacturers and dealers across the region. There will be ample opportunities for attendees to visit with dealer representatives and their peers during the event. Multiple educational talks will be conducted throughout the day by OSU Extension professionals. The event is free and open to all. More details about Hay Day can be found online at: https://go.osu.edu/seohhayday23

While RSVPs are appreciated for the event, they are not required. If you just need a break from the farm and some inspiration for the tasks ahead, come join us without reservation! We look forward to having you.

AUTHOR’s NOTE: Exhibitor space is still available. Contact Christine Gelley at gelley.2@osu.edu if you are interested in attending in this capacity.

U.S. Sheep Experiment Station’s Important Role for Entire Industry

This weeks update will be kept short as we are out in Dubois, Idaho visiting the U.S. Sheep Experiment Station. Each year, sheep and small ruminant specialist’s from across the nation meet to discuss current research projects and investigate opportunities for collaboration. Enjoy this short clip as it describes the importance of this facility and the data that it provides to U.S. shepherds.

Wool Cooperative Closing Its Doors After Over a Century of Service

Matt Reese, Ohio’s Country Journal editor
(Previously published in Ohio’s Country Journal: April 20, 2023)

(Image Source: Ohio’s Country Journal)

In 1918 a small group of wool producers had a vision of cooperatively marketing their product to command better market prices for individual farms. The idea grew into Mid-States Wool Growers Cooperative with, at one point, 10,000 farmer owners marketing 6 million pounds of wool from 23 states.

In May, though, after more than a century of service to the nation’s sheep producers, Mid-States Wool Growers in Fairfield County — the last location of the cooperative — will be closing its doors.

“We’re going to quit taking in wool the first of May and then we’ve got to get the rest of it out of here throughout the summer — get it bailed and then get it sold,” said David Rowe, general manager of Mid-States Wool Growers. “We’re going into the Continue reading Wool Cooperative Closing Its Doors After Over a Century of Service

Small Ruminant Workshop: FAMACHA and Integrated Parasite Management

Erika Lyon, OSU Extension Educator ANR, Jefferson and Harrison Counties

Small Ruminant Workshop: FAMACHA and Integrated Parasite Management

Bargar Farm and The Ohio State University Extension will be hosting a small ruminant FAMACHA and integrated parasite management workshop on Friday, June 2nd, 2023. Participants will get hands on experience with parasite diagnostics and learn about parasite management in sheep and goats. FAMACHA certification will be offered from 9am-noon and participants will spend the afternoon from 1-3pm conducting parasite egg counts. The workshop will be located at Bargar Farm, 36505, Deersville Road, Cadiz, OH.

Cost of the workshop is $20 per person and includes lunch. Call OSU Extension at 740-264-2212 to register. Send checks to: OSU Extension, Jefferson County, 500 Market St, Suite 512, Steubenville, OH 43952 or pay by credit card at go.osu.edu/jeffersonextensionpayment.

CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information, visit cfaesdiversity.osu.edu. If you require accommodations to attend this event, call 740-264-2212.

Sheep Show Judges Wool Breeds Workshop

Tim Barnes, OSU Extension Educator ANR, Marion County

2023 Sheep Show Judges Wool Breeds Workshop

The Wool Judge Workshop III will be held Saturday, April 8, 2023 from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm at the Wayne County Fairgrounds located in Wooster, Ohio (199 Vanover St, Wooster, OH 44691).

This educational workshop is designed to aid sheep show judges to evaluate fleece quality in the breeds of sheep that value fleece quality n their breed scorecard.

The following topics will be presented at the workshop:

  • The wool fiber: Understanding wool and its unique characteristics
  • The show ring: Terminology, procedures, and evaluation criteria
  • Hands on fleece judging: Fine wool, colored wool, and medium wool
  • Hands on evaluation of yearling ewe classes: Long and fine wools

Although there is no fee associated for attending this event, it is requested that registration to hold your seat be completed by Monday, April 3, 2023 by emailing Tim Barnes Tim Barnes, OSU Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, Marion County at barnes.821@osu.edu or by calling at (740) 914-3030. Lunch will be available onsite for purchase.

We look forward to seeing you at this years event!

Lambing and Kidding Basics Discussion – February 18, 2023

Tim Barnes, OSU Extension Educator ANR, Marion County

Lambing and Kidding Basics

Dr. Michelle “Mitch” Michalak, Dr. Brady Campbell, and Jacci Smith are the headline speakers for a Lambing and Kidding program presented by the Marion County Sheep Improvement Association, and OSU Extension Marion County. The event will be held at the farm of Tim Swisher (Swisher Club Lambs) 9163 Irvin-Shoots, LaRue, Ohio starting at 10:00 am on Saturday, February 18. A lamb sandwich lunch will be provided by the Marion County Sheep Improvement Association. Dr. Mitch Michalak, Maria Stein Animal Clinic, will explain the “Obstetrics & Care of Newborns” plus discuss general flock/herd health. Dr. Brady Campbell, OSU State Small Ruminant Extension Specialist, will present “Nutrition: Gestation, Nursing, Early Growth, & Maintenance”. Jacci Smith, Delaware County Extension Educator, will highlight “Birthing Problem Simulator & New Technology for Your Farm” and Tim Barnes, Marion County Extension Educator, will explain a successful system to “ Artificial Rearing for Young Offspring”. This will be a great opportunity to ask questions and learn about caring for the newborns in your flock/herd. Pre-registration is requested by calling OSU Extension, Marion County at 740-914-3020 by February 15.

For more details on this event, be sure to click here to view the program flyer.

2023 OSU Extension Mid-Ohio Small Farm Conference – Sowing Seeds for Success

Carri Jagger, OSU Extension Educator ANR, Morrow County

OSU Extension to host Mid-Ohio Small Farm Conference – March 11th, 2023- in Mansfield, Ohio

Ohio State Extension announced plans to host a Small Farm Conference in Mansfield Ohio on March 11, 2023.  The theme for this year’s Mid-Ohio Small Farm Conference is “Sowing Seeds for Success.”

Conference session topics are geared to beginning and small farm owners as well as to farms looking to diversify their operation.  There will be five different conference tracks including: Farm Office, Horticulture and Produce Production, Livestock, Agritourism/ Marketing, Natural Resources.

Some conference topic highlights include: How to purchase our family farm, food animal processing, bee keeping, sweet corn, blueberry and pumpkin production, small ruminant nutrition, agritourism laws, fruit tree pruning and cut flower diseases. Continue reading 2023 OSU Extension Mid-Ohio Small Farm Conference – Sowing Seeds for Success

All About Grazing – Pasture Improvements by Osmosis

Christine Gelley, OSU Extension Educator ANR, Noble County

(Don’t miss the 2023 OFGC conference on Feb. 17th. Click the ‘continue reading’ tab below for more details and registration information.)

The New Year evokes a spirit of willingness to change for the better. Resolutions to make healthier, cleaner, more economical, more environmentally friendly, and/or more spiritually fulfilling decisions are prevalent right now. Something about flipping the calendar gives us hope that now is a good time for change. Regardless of what day on the calendar it is, if you want to change something for the better, today is the perfect day to start.

Personally, I am a fan of the kind of resolutions that create less work for myself rather than those that create more. My day and my mind are already divided between too many things, to add another or three makes me exhausted just thinking about it. What I need is change by osmosis.

Osmosis, what does that word really mean?

It means Continue reading All About Grazing – Pasture Improvements by Osmosis