Reminder: 2020 Buckeye Shepherd’s Symposium Virtual Event

Brady Campbell, Program Coordinator, OSU Sheep Team

On behalf of The Ohio State University Department of Animal Sciences, Ohio Sheep Improvement Association, and Ohio Sheep and Wool Program we are pleased to announce the schedule for the 2020 Buckeye Shepherd’s Symposium virtual event! Although this year’s event will be condensed and we will miss gathering in person, its significance in networking and sharing knowledge to shepherds across the nation will not miss a beat. I hope you have your calendar ready as this years event will take place on Friday, December 4, 2020 from 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm via Zoom.

Those interested in attending this free event (yes, you read that correctly – no fee necessary) must register online by visiting Once you have clicked this link, you will be sent to a new web browser that contains the Zoom webinar registration form. From here, all that is needed for attendance is your name and email address. Once completed, you will receive an email with access information for the day of the event. Creating a Zoom account is not a requirement to participate. Event registration may occur at any point, even mid-session on December 4th. All are welcome to join! If you are an OSIA member, please register with the name that matches with OSIA records. If you aren’t able to make the event, no worries! Presentation recordings will be available for viewing on the OSU Sheep Team webpage in 2021.

Now that you know how to register, you may be thinking, “What will there be to see?”

We have a session packed with nutrition management information focusing on feeding your flock year-round.

To begin our Symposium, we will have a long-time favorite of the sheep industry. Dr. Francis Fluharty – current Department Head of Animal and Dairy Sciences at the University of Georgia, will address how to manage your feeding program. He will cover topics including feed processing, digestive upset, and observing animal behavior. Dr. Fluharty will also cover the importance of providing a consistent mineral and vitamin program on a yearly basis. With breeding season complete and lambing season knocking on our doors, now is not the time to forget about those minerals as this topic is a timely priority!

New to his position, Garth Ruff – OSU Extension Beef Cattle Field Specialist, will be presenting on the topic of feeding wet forages. Don’t let his title shy you away, Garth has a background in both forage and sheep production as he and his family have experience in feeding wet forages to their sheep throughout the winter months. Garth will review the how’s and why’s of harvesting and preserving wet forages and how to safely feed to small ruminants.

Additional speakers that you may recognize in this year’s events include Tim Barnes (OSU Extension), Christine Gelley (OSU Extension), and Brady Campbell (OSU Sheep Team Program Coordinator), as they highlight some of the most current happenings at the university.

Immediately following the webinar, the floor will be opened for the 2020 OSIA Annual meeting. All in attendance for the symposium are welcomed to join. However, only dues paying members will have their votes counted on election items. Again, please register with the name that matches your OSIA membership. You may also choose to attend the annual meeting exclusively by registering at the same site as the symposium (

After the conclusion of the annual meeting we encourage you all to join us again at 7:30 pm for our virtual Shepherd’s Social Hour, directed by our very own Christine Gelley. In similar fashion as the prior Young Shepherds Assembly gatherings, this opportunity will allow shepherds to meet in an informal space to continue networking and sharing ideas on how to make our industry better for ourselves and the next generation. All are welcome to join regardless of age or experience level! The Zoom link and password for this meeting room will be distributed during the symposium webinar.

We hope to ‘see’ you all at this year’s event!

For those in need of help registering for this event, please contact either Brady Campbell or Christine Gelley using the contact information listed below.

* The webinar can be accessed either via computer or by dialing in on a cell phone or landline telephone.


Braden J. Campbell, M.S.
Program Coordinator | OSU Sheep Team
College of Food, Agriculture and Environmental Science | Department of Animal Sciences
112 Gerlaugh Hall, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster, OH 44691
(740) 434-3252 Mobile


Christine Gelley, M.S.
Extension Educator, Agriculture & Natural Resources
Noble County Extension
46049 Marietta Rd., Suite 2, Caldwell, OH 43724
740-732-5681 Office / 567-215-5677 Mobile / 740-732-5434 Fax