Compassion Fatigue and Compassion Satisfaction

Virtual Handout on Compassion Fatigue and Compassion Satisfaction.

  • Define burnout, compassion fatigue, and compassion satisfaction
  • Review researched recommendations
  • Practice a few short exercises
  • Set a personal intention related to compassion satisfaction

Questions? Contact Patrice


References (including previous resources listed above):

Bergstrom, C. (2017) Three senses mindfulness activity for kids, teens, and grown ups. Blissful Kids.

Compassion Fatigue Awareness Project. (2021).

Coping with COVID: Lesson Plans to Promote Mental, Emotional and Social Health (MESH). (2020). Ohio State University. 4-H Healthy Living Design Team.

Coyne LW, Gould ER, Grimaldi M, Wilson KG, Baffuto G, Biglan A. (2020) First Things First: Parent Psychological Flexibility and Self-Compassion During COVID19

Golden, A. (2021). Supporting Yourself in Uncertain Times Webinar. Bright Horizons.

Kent, C. (2016). 10 ways to survive what you can’t control: As more stresses originate beyond our reach, being a physician is more challenging than ever. Review of Ophthalmology.

Kraynak, A. (2020). Compassion fatigue in the time of COVID. Network, 33(4), p4-5.

Kumar, A., Killingsworth, M., and Gilovich, T. (2014, August 21). Waiting for merlot: Anticipatory consumption of experiential and material purchases. Psychological Science.

Manage stress: Strengthen your support network. (2019) American Psychological Association.

Marrison, E. (2019). My future self. Live Healthy Live Well. Ohio State University.

Mayo Clinic Staff. (n.d.)  Job burnout: How to spot it and take action

Neupert, S. (2020). Knowledge is power: learning more about COVID-19 can reduce your pandemic stress. North Carolina State University.

Polk, M.G., Smith, E.L., Zhang, L.-R., & Neupert, S.D. (2020). Thinking ahead and staying in the present: Implications for reactivity to daily stressors. Personality and Individual Differences.

Powers-Barker, P., Carter, S., Worthington, T. (2019). Mindful Wellness. Ohio State University.

Powers-Barker, P. (2021). What’s wrong with positivity. Live Healthy Live Well Blog. Ohio State University.

The Importance of Having a Support System. (2020). Mental Health First Aid, News, Self-Care.

Tips for Disaster Responders: Understanding Compassion Fatigue. (2014). Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). HHS Publication No. SMA-14-4869.

The November 5, 2021 Zoom session for OSU Extension colleagues also shared the following:


For Our Teachers – Mindfulness and Self-Care

In recognition of teachers as professionals, educators, and caregivers, a session at the OATFCS – Ohio Association Teachers of Family Consumer Sciences conference focused on Mindfulness and Self-Care. This page has links to resources that were shared during the webinar.

Recommended articles for teachers:

Mindful Mindset mini-lessons – this page was designed in partnership with a High School FCS teacher during remote learning. The links on this page were shared with staff as well as high school students with a sample of short online mindfulness practices as well as a link to Live Smart Ohio blog post on what to look for in a mindfulness app.

Mindful Practices depending on how much time you have, from 30 seconds to ten minutes.

Article Apps for building mindfulness for youth

Check out Greater Good in Education – Science-Based Practices for Kinder, Happier Schools

Mindful Wellness is the Ohio State University Extension curriculum and series of lessons designed for adults. OSU Extension Educators teach in-person as well as remotely. If you are interested in offering Mindful Wellness to adults in your community (for example, worksite wellness), please use the following link to contact one our state representatives:

If you would like to contact the two presenters from the August 2, 2021 webinar, emails below:

  • Patrice Powers-Barker, Ohio State University Extension, Lucas County Family and Consumer Sciences,
  • Melinda Hill, Ohio State University Extension, Wayne County Family and Consumer Sciences,

If you or someone you know is experiencing Compassion Fatigue, Burn Out or any other struggles, please share information with others to seek help.

Ohio Care Line 1-800-720-9616

List of References for the webinar