Great Opportunity for 4-H Training for Adults and Youth


Mark your calendars for a Multi-County 4-H Training on Thursday, February 28.  Great way for 4-H Volunteers to get their mandatory Policy 1.50 Training (two sessions offered) and youth to get their Quality Assurance Training.

Register today

Topics include:

  • Policy 1.50 – Two sessions offered.  Come early for the 6:30 class.
  • Livestock Updates and Quality Assurance – from Lizz Share, State Extension Specialist, 4-H/Youth Development Livestock and Food Animal Programs
  • Cloverbud Volunteer Resources
  • Poultry
  • Cake Decorating & Creative Arts
  • Teen Trips & Opportunities
  • Growing Great Qualities in Kids
  • How to Complete Your 4-H Project

Don’t miss this exciting opportunity for youth and adult volunteers!

Stay Warm and Complete 4-H Enrollment for Youth and Online Training for Volunteers!

No need to go outside today.  Stay inside and complete your 2019 4-H enrollment.

For youth:

A few reminders when completing enrollment:

  1.  All projects listed when you click submit are what you would be enrolled in for 2019.  If you are not taking a project that you took last year, that project needs deleted.
  2. If you are changing clubs, please delete that club prior to submitting.
  3. If you need to order books, you must contact our office.  We place orders every Friday.

Visit the website for some tips on completing enrollment.  You will receive an email confirmation when you are confirmed.

We are getting close to our 200th confirmed enrollment!  The winner will receive a 4-H goodie bag.

For volunteers:

As a reminder, all volunteers must attend a training each year or complete online training.

Stay inside and do the online training today.  Here are all of the directions. Visit this website for the directions.  

Please be mindful that you will receive an email confirmation when you are confirmed for this year.

We are getting very close to our 100th confirmed enrollment for volunteers.  The winner will receive a 4-H goodie bag!

Attention All 4-H Volunteers

Let’s complete the 4-H Online Enrollment for 2019!  As a reminder, all volunteers need to update their information by visiting

We are currently at 38 volunteers who have completed their enrollment for 2019.  In order to be approved, volunteers need to be cleared with current background check and have completed a training (in-person or online).  The deadline to update this in March 1.

The 100th approved volunteer will win a 4-H goodie bag and a Subway gift card.

Multi-County 4-H Training

For the second year, we will be offering a volunteer training with a youth component!

Training will take place February 28 at 7:00 p.m. at the Warren County Career Center.  Please register at 

Quality Assurance will be offered!  Don’t miss out.  An additional teen session would be for teen trips and state opportunities.

In addition, all volunteers still needing the required 1.50 training, this is the place to go.  This will meet the annual requirement.

Additional breakout sessions include Cloverbud Volunteer training, Cake Decorating/Creative Arts updates, Growing Great Qualities in Kids, and Woodworking.

Don’t miss out!

Awesome Opportunity for Volunteers and Club Officers!

Don’t forget:

Mark your calendars for a multi-county volunteer and 4-H club officer training on February 22.  Kirk Bloir and Lucinda Miller from the state office will present at volunteer break out sessions and Collegiate 4-H will conduct officer training for youth.

Topics include:

  • Policy 1.50 – with Kirk Bloir
  • Ohio State Fair Updates for: Cats, Caged Animals, Dogs, Rabbits (Rabbit Quiz Bowl) and Poultry (Poultry Judging & Avian Bowl) – with Lucinda Miller
  • Ohio State Fair Updates for: Food & Nutrition and Clothing
  • Community Service Ideas
  • How to Run an Effective Club Meeting
  • Club Officer Training – with Collegiate 4-H

Don’t miss this exciting opportunity for youth and adult volunteers!

It is free but we need you to register at

Club Advisor 4-H Online Training

Just a reminder that we have another 4-H volunteer training at 5:00 followed by 4-H Online Club Advisor training at 6, tomorrow, Wednesday, January 10 at the Extension Office.


If you have a laptop, you might want to bring it.  This might help so you can follow along.  We can help get everyone connected to the internet.


See you there!