Poultry Quality Assurance at Dayton Fancy Feathers Spring Poultry Show


SAVE THE DATE  – Ohio 4-H Poultry Quality Assurance will be presented during the Dayton Fancy Feathers’ Spring Poultry Show in Greenville, OH on April 26, 2025.

For those exhibiting in the JUNIOR Show and/or Showmanship contest, this Quality Assurance training will be a great chance to get this important training checked-off your to-do list.


Backyard Poultry Online Course


Whether your flocks provides for your family or as a 4-H Project, this “cheep” online course is designed to provide you with the knowledge and resources necessary to take flight!

The Backyard Poultry Certification Course is self-paced and expected to take 2-3 hours. Modules include:

  • Getting Started
  • Brooding, Basic Husbandry, and Nutrition
  • Housing
  • Egg Production
  • Maximizing Health
  • Biosecurity

After completing this course, learners will be able to:

  • Identify rules and regulations relevant to raising backyard poultry
  • Source healthy birds to raise in their backyard
  • Apply concepts of basic husbandry, nutrition and housing of poultry
  • Explain how eggs are produced
  • Practice safe handling of birds and eggs
  • Recognize common health-related abnormalities
  • Describe the roles of veterinary care and biosecurity in poultry

To learn more check out – go.osu.edu/chicken or email Tim McDermott at mcdermott.15@osu.edu

Species Committee Meeting

Each Species Committee is invited and expected to send a representative to a meeting on November 4 at 6pm in the Buckeye Room at the Extension Office. Species Committee Chairs were sent an email invitation, including the agenda.

FMI Contact the Extension Office at (937) 372-9971 or email Megan Brittingham.3@osu.edu

Backyard Poultry Certification Course

Interest in keeping backyard poultry has been increasing steadily as more and more people want to provide for their family and personal food security. We have also seen an increase in youth keeping backyard chickens or turkeys for 4-H livestock projects.

Whatever your reason for raising poultry, this course is designed to provide you with the knowledge and resources you will need to get your backyard flock off to a great start.

This self-paced course is expected to take2-3 hours to complete and includes these 6 modules:
• Getting Started
• Brooding, Basic Husbandry & Nutrition
• Housing
• Egg Production
• Maximizing Health
• Biosecurity

Course cost = $25

After completing this course, learners will be able to:
• Identify rules and regulations relevant to raising backyard poultry.
• Source healthy birds to raise in their backyard
• Apply concepts of basic husbandry, nutrition, and housing of poultry.
• Explain how eggs are produced
• Practice safe handling of birds and eggs
• Recognize common health-related abnormalities of poultry
• Describe the roles of veterinary care and biosecurity in poultry health

There are NO refunds issued for this course. If you have questions about the course, contact Tim McDermott at mcdermott.15@osu.edu for assistance.

Poultry SPIN 4-H Club

We invite youth ages 8-18 to learn about all things poultry! Sessions will cover breeds, basic knowledge, housing, equipment, handing, showmanship, common health concerns, biosecurity, and nutrition. We will take a virtual field trip, learn about careers, and marketing in the poultry industry. The club will meet Mondays and Wednesdays starting on Monday, June 8th – Wednesday, July 1st at 1pm. The cost is free and location is from the comfort of your own home/computer. To register go to go.osu.edu/poultrySPINreg. Once registered, participants will receive a zoom link for the sessions. Space is limited, and there is no time to waste!

Attention all Fancy Exhibition and Breeding Poultry


Due to the fact there is no S. pullorum antigen available for testing, Ohio is waiving the S. pullorum testing requirement for the 2019 fair season.

The exception to this waiver is out-of-state poultry that do not have a VS form 9-3. The VS form 9-3 signifies that the poultry are from a NPIP flock that is free of S. pullorum. Ohio is currently S. pullorum free.

Attention Poultry Exhibitors

Are you looking for some resources to help you learn about your poultry project?  Skillathons will be here before we know it.

This website is a great resource for diseases and parasites. Click here.  

Ohio 4-H has great resources listed with pictures.  There is information on breeds, parts, nutrition, selection, showing, and more.  Please take some time to review this too. Click here

We sell the printed copies of this for $14.00 if you want a hard copy.  Please let us know.

Also, don’t forget our Poultry Clinic on April 24 at 6:00.  Quality Assurance will be offered at the clinic.  Don’t miss out!

Great Poultry Resource Available

Here is a great resource for youth taking poultry projects this year.  We will have copies available here for purchase if you would like to stop by and pick them up.  The cost is $12.  Let us know if you would like one!  Email or call the office at 937-392-9971, ext. 123 or 131

Click here: Basic Information about Chickens

Some information included in this great resource include selection, anatomy and physiology, production, behavior, management, breeds, nutrition, housing, health, and so much more!