Species Committee Meeting

Each Species Committee is invited and expected to send a representative to a meeting on November 4 at 6pm in the Buckeye Room at the Extension Office. Species Committee Chairs were sent an email invitation, including the agenda.

FMI Contact the Extension Office at (937) 372-9971 or email Megan Brittingham.3@osu.edu

Stall Cards: Do Not Move

It is the responsibility of the Greene County Ag Society, OSU Extension, Senior and Junior Fair Boards to make sure all animals have appropriate pen assignments for the week of the fair. Each animal and exhibitor have been assigned a designated pen/stall by the Junior Fair committees. It is the committees responsibility to oversee each species barn. They have created pen/stall maps with exhibitors and animals identified on each stall tag.

DO NOT move stall tags. Pens/stalls have been assigned and must be kept in compliance with the barn map. Committees will be checking the barns and managing for arrival on Friday and Saturday. If you have moved your stall card, you will be moved back according to their maps.

This is for the safety, security and welfare of the animal and exhibitor as they are caring for, exhibiting and selling their animals.

Drug Use Notification Form Must be Completed and Turned in!

The Drug Use Notification Form (DUNF example) must be completed by all market and lactating livestock that are exhibited at the Greene County Fair. See list below.

  • Ohio Revised Code 901-19-06
    • DUNFs are required of the following species:
      • Market: Steer, Hog, Lamb, Dairy Steer, Goat, Poultry (by pen), Veal Calf

      • Lactating: Dairy Cattle, Dairy Goats

      • Greene County has all rabbit and feeder calf exhibitors too!
    • No person shall submit an incomplete, illegible or unsigned DUNF
    • If the DUNF is incomplete, the exhibitor shall correct / complete the form prior to :
      • Receiving any prizes or awards for that exhibit; or
      • Participating in the show or sale for the the DUNF was completed.
    • Youth will receive these forms when they arrive to fair.
    • Please ensure they are filled out completely and are readable!
    • Make sure all boxes are checked.
    • Signatures need to be on this form too!

Drug Use Notification Forms (DUNF) Must be Completed and Turned in!

The Drug Use Notification Form (DUNF example) must be completed by all market and lactating livestock that are exhibited at the Greene County Fair. See list below.

  • Ohio Revised Code 901-19-06
    • DUNFs are required of the following species:
      • Market: Steer, Hog, Lamb, Dairy Steer, Goat, Poultry (by pen), Veal Calf

      • Lactating: Dairy Cattle, Dairy Goats

      • Greene County has all rabbit and feeder calf exhibitors too!
    • No person shall submit an incomplete, illegible or unsigned DUNF
    • If the DUNF is incomplete, the exhibitor shall correct / complete the form prior to :
      • Receiving any prizes or awards for that exhibit; or
      • Participating in the show or sale for the the DUNF was completed.
    • Youth will receive these forms when they arrive to fair.
    • Please ensure they are filled out completely and are readable!
    • Make sure all boxes are checked.
    • Signatures need to be on this form too!

Ohioans Reminded to Take Simple Steps to Stay Healthy at Fairs

As fair season begins (Paulding County Fair – June 11-16, and Pickaway County Fair – June 16-23) below is a news release from the Ohio Department of Agriculture with information on how to stay healthy at the fairs.



REYNOLDSBURG (June 6, 2018) As millions of Ohioans prepare to visit any of Ohio’s 94 county and independent fairs, leaders at the Ohio Departments of Agriculture (ODA) and Health (ODH) want to encourage guests to practice good hygiene when visiting livestock exhibits this summer.

“Ohio’s fairs are wonderful events that promote our state’s next generation of leaders and highlight the strength of food and agriculture as Ohio’s largest industry,” said ODA Director David T. Daniels. “We want to ensure that guests and animals at our fairs stay healthy and it’s so important that patrons follow posted signs and make healthy decisions when visiting the fair.”

Visitors should always wash their hands with soap and water before and after petting or touching any animal. Never eat, drink or put anything in your mouth in animal areas. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to leave strollers outside the animal exhibits and carry small children. Older adults, pregnant women, young children and people with weakened immune systems should consider avoiding animal areas.

“Simply washing your hands can help ensure your visit to a fair is fun and safe,” said ODH Director Lance Himes. “While not common, some illnesses can be directly transmitted between animals and humans, and fairgoers need to keep that in mind this summer.”

ODA works with fairboards to increase access to hand sanitizers and hand-washing stations and provides educational signage for posting at barns. Frequent hand-washing can lower the risk of getting sick from influenza, salmonella, e. Coli and other illnesses. Ohio’s fair veterinarians are trained to closely monitor fair livestock and poultry for clinical signs of illness.

Exhibitors who believe their animal may be sick should immediately contact their barn manager and fair veterinarian. Fair guests who experience illness should contact a medical professional, and their local health district.

4-H Display Orders


To help ensure youth have the correct displays needed for prefair and for fair, we are going to collect orders.  Feel free to order through your club on the club order form or individuals can click here.  Orders are due May 1.  Items will be ready for pick up May 15.

Click here to place your order!  

Exhibitors Should Remember to Practice 4-H Pledge this Time of Year


By: Dr. Tony Forshey, DVM
Chief, Division of Animal Health
State Veterinarian 

If you ask most 4-H exhibitors, I bet they can recite the 4-H Pledge without hesitation. It’s a great motto for young people to use in their daily lives. There’s one part that’s very important to public health leaders like myself, “and my health to better living…”

Healthy people and animals are my concern at the Ohio Department of Agriculture. Our Division of Animal Health works to safeguard the health of all animals in Ohio and the people with whom they come in contact. Animals can carry diseases like influenza, cryptosporidium and salmonella that can be transmitted to humans, but can also be easily prevented with proper biosecurity steps like proper hand washing. This time of year, this message is especially critical to 4-H exhibitors preparing for this summer’s county and independent fairs. The next few weeks and months are when boys and girls across Ohio will choose the animals they take as 4-H projects. For many, this includes a visit to a farm to pick out their animal and then transporting it back to their home. This is an important time for 4-Hers to remember their pledge and practice simple, yet important, biosecurity measures.

Any and every time someone touches an animal, they should wash their hands. Exhibitors shouldn’t wear barn shoes or clothes in their house. If a trip to check out a steer, or buy a pig includes a visit to another farm, wash clothes and shoes or wear disposable boots and coveralls. 4-H exhibitors should always have a relationship with a veterinarian and if their new project shows any signs of illness, contact that vet right away.

Ohio’s county and independent fairs and the 4-H projects showcased there are a magnificent part of our state’s agricultural heritage and future. The young people who dedicate months to raise an animal are the future of Ohio’s largest industry, food and agriculture. I want all exhibitors to be able to practice what they say in the 4-H Pledge (and my health to better living) and urge 4-Hers young and old to remember biosecurity as they find their animals and start their journey this fair season.